9 research outputs found

    Electrospun ECM macromolecules as biomimetic scaffold for regenerative medicine: challenges for preserving conformation and bioactivity

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    The extracellular matrix (ECM), the physiological scaffold for cells in vivo, provides structural support to cells and guaranties tissue integrity. At the same time, however, it represents an extremely complex and finely tuned signaling environment that contributes in regulating tissue homeostasis and repair. ECM can bind, release and activate signaling molecules and also modulate cell reaction to soluble factors. Cell-ECM interactions, as a result, are recognized to be critical for physiological wound healing, and consequently in guiding regeneration. Due to its complexity, mimicking ECM chemistry and architecture appears a straightforward strategy to exploit the benefits of a biologically recognizable and cell-instructive environment. As ECM consists primarily of sub-micrometric fibers, electrospinning, a simple and versatile technique, has attracted the majority efforts aimed at reprocessing of biologically occurring molecules. However, the ability to trigger specific cellular behavior is likely to depend on both the chemical and conformational properties of biological molecules. As a consequence, when ECM macromolecules are electrospun, investigating the effect of processing on their structure, and the extent to which their potential in directing cellular behavior is preserved, appears crucial. In this perspective, this review explores the electrospinning of ECM molecules specifically focusing on the effect of processing on polymer structure and on in vitro or in vivo experiments designed to confirm the maintenance of their instructive role

    Cross-Linking Strategies for Electrospun Gelatin Scaffolds

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    Electrospinning is an exceptional technology to fabricate sub-micrometric fiber scaffolds for regenerative medicine applications and to mimic the morphology and the chemistry of the natural extracellular matrix (ECM). Although most synthetic and natural polymers can be electrospun, gelatin frequently represents a material of choice due to the presence of cell-interactive motifs, its wide availability, low cost, easy processability, and biodegradability. However, cross-linking is required to stabilize the structure of the electrospun matrices and avoid gelatin dissolution at body temperature. Different physical and chemical cross-linking protocols have been described to improve electrospun gelatin stability and to preserve the morphological fibrous arrangement of the electrospun gelatin scaffolds. Here, we review the main current strategies. For each method, the cross-linking mechanism and its efficiency, the influence of electrospinning parameters, and the resulting fiber morphology are considered. The main drawbacks as well as the open challenges are also discussed

    3D Encapsulation Made Easy: A Coaxial-Flow Circuit for the Fabrication of Hydrogel Microfibers Patches

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    To fully exploit the potential of hydrogel micro-fibers in the design of regenerative medicinal materials, we designed a simple, easy to replicate system for cell embedding in degradable fibrous scaffolds, and validated its effectiveness using alginate-based materials. For scaffold fabrication, cells are suspended in a hydrogel-precursor and injected in a closed-loop circuit, where a pump circulates the ionic cross-linking solution. The flow of the cross-linking solution stretches and solidifies a continuous micro-scaled, cell-loaded hydrogel fiber that whips, bends, and spontaneously assembles in a self-standing, spaghetti-like patch. After investigation and tuning of process- and solution-related parameters, homogeneous microfibers with controlled diameters and consistent scaffolds were obtained from different alginate concentrations and blends with biologically favorable macromolecules (i.e., gelatin or hyaluronic acid). Despite its simplicity, this coaxial-flow encapsulation system allows for the rapid and effortless fabrication of thick, well-defined scaffolds, with viable cells being homogeneously distributed within the fibers. The reduced fiber diameter and the inherent macro-porous structure that is created from the random winding of fibers can sustain mass transport, and support encapsulated cell survival. As different materials and formulations can be processed to easily create homogeneously cell-populated structures, this system appears as a valuable platform, not only for regenerative medicine, but also, more in general, for 3D cell culturing in vitro

    Characterization of the Microflow Through 3D Synthetic Niche Microenvironments Hosted in a Millifluidic Bioreactor

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    Background: Development of new medicines is a lengthy process with high risk of failure since drug efficacy measured in vitro is difficult to confirm in vivo. Intended to add a new tool aiding drug discovery, the MOAB-NICHOID device was developed: a miniaturized optically accessible bioreactor (MOAB) housing the 3D engineered scaffold NICHOID. The aim of our study was to characterize the microflow through the 3D nichoid microenvironment hosted in the MOAB-NICHOID device. Methods: We used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to compute the flow field inside a very fine grid resembling the scaffold microenvironment. Results: The microflow inside the multi-array of nichoid blocks is fed and locally influenced by the mainstream flow developed in the perfusion chamber of the device. Here we have revealed a low velocity, complex flow field with secondary, backward, or local recirculation micro-flows induced by the intricate architecture of the nichoid scaffold. Conclusion: Knowledge of the microenvironment inside the 3D nichoids allows planning of cell experiments, to regulate the transport of cells towards the scaffold substrate during seeding or the spatial delivery of nutrients and oxygen which affects cell growth and viability

    Cross-Linking Optimization for Electrospun Gelatin: Challenge of Preserving Fiber Topography

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    Opportunely arranged micro/nano-scaled fibers represent an extremely attractive architecture for tissue engineering, as they offer an intrinsically porous structure, a high available surface, and an ideal microtopography for guiding cell migration. When fibers are made with naturally occurring polymers, matrices that closely mimic the architecture of the native extra-cellular matrix and offer specific chemical cues can be obtained. Along this track, electrospinning of collagen or gelatin is a typical and effective combination to easily prepare fibrous scaffolds with excellent properties in terms of biocompatibility and biomimicry, but an appropriate cross-linking strategy is required. Many common protocols involve the use of swelling solvents and can result in significant impairment of fibrous morphology and porosity. As a consequence, the efforts for processing gelatin into a fiber network can be vain, as a film-like morphology will be eventually presented to cells. However, this appears to be a frequently overlooked aspect. Here, the effect on fiber morphology of common cross-linking protocols was analyzed, and different strategies to improve the final morphology were evaluated (including alternative solvents, cross-linker concentration, mechanical constraint, and evaporation conditions). Finally, an optimized, fiber-preserving protocol based on carbodiimide (EDC) chemistry was defined

    Influence of Culture Substrates on Morphology and Function of Pulmonary Alveolar Cells In Vitro

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    Cell’s microenvironment has been shown to exert influence on cell behavior. In particular, matrix-cell interactions strongly impact cell morphology and function. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of different culture substrate materials on phenotype and functional properties of lung epithelial adenocarcinoma (A549) cells. A549 cells were seeded onto two different biocompatible, commercially available substrates: a polyester coverslip (Thermanox™ Coverslips), that was used as cell culture plate control, and a polydimethylsiloxane membrane (PDMS, Elastosil® Film) investigated in this study as alternative material for A549 cells culture. The two substrates influenced cell morphology and the actin cytoskeleton organization. Further, the Yes-associated protein (YAP) and its transcriptional coactivator PDZ-binding motif (TAZ) were translocated to the nucleus in A549 cells cultured on polyester substrate, yet it remained mostly cytosolic in cells on PDMS substrate. By SEM analysis, we observed that cells grown on Elastosil® Film maintained an alveolar Type II cell morphology. Immunofluorescence staining for surfactant-C revealing a high expression of surfactant-C in cells cultured on Elastosil® Film, but not in cells cultured on Thermanox™ Coverslips. A549 cells grown onto Elastosil® Film exhibited morphology and functionality that suggest retainment of alveolar epithelial Type II phenotype, while A549 cells grown onto conventional plastic substrates acquired an alveolar Type I phenotype