140 research outputs found

    #exploreART: il labirinto di A. Pomodoro e i bambini. Un progetto di fruizione condivisa con percorsi sensoriali partecipati

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    The contribution presents a research project conducted by Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro to formulate, design and create, together with children and teachers, and to evaluate – with the help of the University – a different approach to the experience of contemporary art. This project has been implemented thanks to co-funding provided by Fondazione Cariplo. The initial hypothesis, after many years of experimentation on the part of Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro in the field of art education, and in the various temporary and permanent exhibitions organized by the foundation, was to explore a series of new possibilities that underline the value of participation, in which the soundscape can also become part of a meaningful experience

    Coordinamento anno sabbatico Prof. A. J. Marques Cardoso

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    Prosecution and enforcement of an interesting and effective collaboration between Prof. Marques Cardoso and the Department contributing to the strengthening of the international cooperation and the development of the common scientific knowledge

    5th International Congress Energy, Environment and Technological Innovation

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    The 5th EETI2004 Congress was the fifth of a series which originates in Caracas in 1989 The fifth Congress took place in Rio de Janeiro, hosted by the Rio Oil & Gas Conference, from 4 to 7 October 2004. The Rio Oil & Gas Conference, held every two years, is one of the most important forums of the petroleum industry sector. It is addressed to professionals and researchers who want to improve their knowledge of new technologies and management techniques in the field of petroleum and gas. As in the past, the aim of EETI Congress is to indicate trends and possible actions for a rational use of energy and a sustainable development. The Congress intends to offer the opportunity for a high-level scientific discussion on environmental aspects relevant to energy production and use. The topics include also management and communication strategies

    Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna a Roma - Gli impianti frigoriferi ad assorbimento

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    Terzo "Premio Nazionale ENEA – Energia e Ambiente" per la Tesi di Dottorato

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    Il lavoro svolto ha avuto come obbiettivo l'acquisizione delle principali fenomenologie di scambio termico e termodinamiche che sono alla base del funzionamento delle macchine frigorifere, con particolare riferimento alle macchine ad assorbimento, con il fine di formulare proposte di interventi progettuali di modifica, adattamento e/o miglioramento di schemi di macchine attualmente utilizzate e pervenire al progetto di macchine con piĂą elevate prestazioni, minori consumi energetici specifici e maggiore affidabilitĂ  di funzionamento

    Macchine ad assorbimento a doppio effetto

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    19th International Conference on Electrical Machines

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    Special Session promotion, Management of the paper review process and final decision on paper acceptanc
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