1,758 research outputs found

    A Modified Environmental Kuznets Curve for Sustainable Development Assessment Using Panel Data

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    Sustainable development is a concept strictly connected with basic needs of the individuals. During the last years a number of empirical studies have tried to discover and quantify the causal relations between economic growth and environmental consumption and degradation. The most widely used empirical model is the so-called Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), nowadays applied to different polluting elements. Despite the huge diffusion of EKC studies, this model has been criticised for incompleteness of a sustainable development analysis. The aim of this paper is to build a Modified EKC (MEKC) in order to consider a wider concept of development rather than pure economic growth, including well-being aspects and sustainability of the development process. Using a macroeconomic measure of sustainability such as the World Bank’s Genuine Saving and a measure of well-being such as the United Nations’ Human Development Index, we build a model in order to analyse linkages between higher welfare levels and natural resources consumption, verifying the sustainability of human development. A panel analysis for three years (1990-1995-2000) for a wide range of countries (including developed and developing countries) has been applied in order to respond to criticisms related to conjunctural results linked to pure cross-section studies. Comparisons among alternative pollutants (i.e., CO2, NOX, and SOX) and GS are described, and the robustness of the MEKC clearly emerges. Furthermore, in order to respond to criticisms for the reduced form of the EKC, an Instrumental Variables model has been tested both on CO2 and GS, while a system of equations has been tested considering simultaneously a traditional EKC and a MEKC for a longer time period (1996-2004). Unit root tests for non-stationary series have been computed, showing that the IV model gives satisfactory results. An indicator for technological capabilities has been added at this stage, accounting for diffusion of technical progress and import technology as suggested by Archibugi and Coco (2004). Causal relations identified within a MEKC allow to identify correlation between human development and sustainable development, following the classic inverted U-shaped curve of the EKC. Nonetheless, comparing the turning points of the MEKC and EKC, respectively, it seems that using this alternative specification some useful policy implications apply. The threshold level of human development in the MEKC corresponds to an income per capita level lower than the threshold level for the EKC, confirming the possibility of “tunnelling through the curve” as suggested in Munasinghe (1999). Our results show that human development should be the first objective of international development policies, and an increase in human well-being is necessary to provide a sustainability path.Environmental Kuznets Curve, Sustainable development, Human development, Genuine saving, Panel data

    The causality between energy consumption and economic growth: A multi-sectoral analysis using non-stationary cointegrated panel data

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    The increasing attention given to global energy issues and the international policies needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have given a renewed stimulus to research interest in the linkages between the energy sector and economic performance at country level. In this paper, we analyse the causal relationship between economy and energy by adopting a Vector Error Correction Model for non-stationary and cointegrated panel data with a large sample of developed and developing countries and four distinct energy sectors. The results show that alternative country samples hardly affect the causality relations, particularly in a multivariate multi-sector frameworkEnergy Sector, Panel Unit Roots, Panel Cointegration, Vector Error Correction Models, Granger Causality

    A protected discharge facility for the elderly: design and validation of a working proof-of-concept

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    With the increasing share of elderly population worldwide, the need for assistive technologies to support clinicians in monitoring their health conditions is becoming more and more relevant. As a quantitative tool, geriatricians recently proposed the notion of frail elderly, which rapidly became a key element of clinical practices for the estimation of well-being in aging population. The evaluation of frailty is commonly based on self-reported outcomes and occasional physicians evaluations, and may therefore contain biased results. Another important aspect in the elderly population is hospitalization as a risk factor for patient\u2019s well being and public costs. Hospitalization is the main cause of functional decline, especially in older adults. The reduction of hospitalization time may allow an improvement of elderly health conditions and a reduction of hospital costs. Furthermore, a gradual transition from a hospital environment to a home-like one, can contribute to the weaning of the patient from a condition of hospitalization to a condition of discharge to his home. The advent of new technologies allows for the design and implementation of smart environments to monitor elderly health status and activities, fulfilling all the requirements of health and safety of the patients. From these starting points, in this thesis I present data-driven methodologies to automatically evaluate one of the main aspects contributing to the frailty estimation, i.e., the motility of the subject. First I will describe a model of protected discharge facility, realized in collaboration and within the E.O. Ospedali Galliera (Genoa, Italy), where patients can be monitored by a system of sensors while physicians and nurses have the opportunity to monitor them remotely. This sensorised facility is being developed to assist elderly users after they have been dismissed from the hospital and before they are ready to go back home, with the perspective of coaching them towards a healthy lifestyle. The facility is equipped with a variety of sensors (vision, depth, ambient and wearable sensors and medical devices), but in my thesis I primarily focus on RGB-D sensors and present visual computing tools to automatically estimate motility features. I provide an extensive system assessment I carried out onthree different experimental sessions with help of young as well as healthy aging volunteers. The results I present are in agreement with the assessment manually performed by physicians, showing the potential capability of my approach to complement current protocols of evaluation

    Geometrical changes: change and motion in Aristotle’s philosophy of geometry

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    It is often said that Aristotle takes geometrical objects to be absolutely unmovable and unchangeable. However, Greek geometrical practice does appeal to motion and change, and geometers seem to consider their objects apt to be manipulated. In this paper, I examine if and how Aristotle’s philosophy of geometry can account for the geometers’ practices and way of talking. First, I illustrate three different ways in which Greek geometry appeals to change. Second, I examine Aristotle’s ontology of geometrical objects and argue that although the truth-makers of geometrical statements are in fact unmovable because they are properties of sensible objects, geometers ‘separate them in thought’ and treat them as substances apt to be modified. Finally, I examine whether allowing for the possibility of manipulating these semi-fictional geometrical individuals creates problems for the applicability of geometry. I find that it does not, insofar as one accepts that geometry is not meant to track physical change but merely to study the instantaneous geometrical configuration of sensible bodies, and is thus only applicable at the instant

    A functionalist account of Epicurus’ Minima

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    Epicurus’ original version of atomism takes atoms to be physically indivisible but not completely unanalysable: each atom contains a finite number of minima. This paper explores the nature of the minima by focusing on a specific question: in which sense are the minima minimal? I do so by investigating the notions of parthood and divisibility into parts that are at play in paragraphs 56–59 of the Letter to Herodotus, where the theory of minima is introduced. By focusing on the analogy (noticed by Francesco Verde) between Epicurean minima and Aristotelian limits, I argue that the minima should be understood as the minimal realiser of the atom’s physical functions. This allows me to keep together two very plausible but apparently incompatible claims: (i) the minima are supposed to block the paradoxes of theoretical divisibility, but (ii) their existence and their indivisibility can only be justified in physical (rather than geometrical) terms

    Measurement-induced quantum operations on multiphoton states

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    We investigate how multiphoton quantum states obtained through optical parametric amplification can be manipulated by performing a measurement on a small portion of the output light field. We study in detail how the macroqubit features are modified by varying the amount of extracted information and the strategy adopted at the final measurement stage. At last the obtained results are employed to investigate the possibility of performing a microscopic-macroscopic non-locality test free from auxiliary assumptions.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    Entanglement criteria for microscopic-macroscopic systems

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    We discuss the conclusions that can be drawn on a recent experimental micro-macro entanglement test [F. De Martini, F. Sciarrino, and C. Vitelli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 253601 (2008). The system under investigation is generated through optical parametric amplification of one photon belonging to an entangled pair. The adopted entanglement criterion makes it possible to infer the presence of entanglement before losses, that occur on the macrostate, under a specific assumption. In particular, an a priori knowledge of the system that generates the micro-macro pair is necessary to exclude a class of separable states that can reproduce the obtained experimental results. Finally, we discuss the feasibility of a micro-macro "genuine" entanglement test on the analyzed system by considering different strategies, which show that in principle a fraction epsilon, proportional to the number of photons that survive the lossy process, of the original entanglement persists in any losses regime.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Cooperative and non-cooperative solutions to carbon leakage

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    A modified version of the CGE GTAP-E model is developed for assessing the economic and carbon emissions effects related to alternative policy measures implemented with the aim of reducing carbon leakage. We explore a set of scenarios, comparing solutions where Annex I countries introduce exogenously or endogenously determined carbon border taxes in order to solve the carbon leakage problem unilaterally. Results provide evidence on the scarce effectiveness of carbon tariffs in reducing carbon leakage and enhancing economic competitiveness, while they have large negative welfare effects not only on the Non-Annex countries, but also on certain Annex I countriesCarbon Leakage, Carbon Border Tax, GTAP-E model

    Coherent scattering of a Multiphoton Quantum Superposition by a Mirror-BEC

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    We present the proposition of an experiment in which the multiphoton quantum superposition consisting of N= 10^5 particles generated by a quantum-injected optical parametric amplifier (QI-OPA), seeded by a single-photon belonging to an EPR entangled pair, is made to interact with a Mirror-BEC shaped as a Bragg interference structure. The overall process will realize a Macroscopic Quantum Superposition (MQS) involving a microscopic single-photon state of polarization entangled with the coherent macroscopic transfer of momentum to the BEC structure, acting in space-like separated distant places.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure