24 research outputs found

    Correction: Visualizing the structure of RNA-seq expression data using grade of membership models

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    <p>Correction: Visualizing the structure of RNA-seq expression data using grade of membership models</p

    Visualizing the structure of RNA-seq expression data using grade of membership models

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    <div><p>Grade of membership models, also known as “admixture models”, “topic models” or “Latent Dirichlet Allocation”, are a generalization of cluster models that allow each sample to have membership in multiple clusters. These models are widely used in population genetics to model admixed individuals who have ancestry from multiple “populations”, and in natural language processing to model documents having words from multiple “topics”. Here we illustrate the potential for these models to cluster samples of RNA-seq gene expression data, measured on either bulk samples or single cells. We also provide methods to help interpret the clusters, by identifying genes that are distinctively expressed in each cluster. By applying these methods to several example RNA-seq applications we demonstrate their utility in identifying and summarizing structure and heterogeneity. Applied to data from the GTEx project on 53 human tissues, the approach highlights similarities among biologically-related tissues and identifies distinctively-expressed genes that recapitulate known biology. Applied to single-cell expression data from mouse preimplantation embryos, the approach highlights both discrete and continuous variation through early embryonic development stages, and highlights genes involved in a variety of relevant processes—from germ cell development, through compaction and morula formation, to the formation of inner cell mass and trophoblast at the blastocyst stage. The methods are implemented in the Bioconductor package CountClust.</p></div

    Post-translational buffering leads to convergent protein expression levels between primates

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    Abstract Background Differences in gene regulation between human and closely related species influence phenotypes that are distinctly human. While gene regulation is a multi-step process, the majority of research concerning divergence in gene regulation among primates has focused on transcription. Results To gain a comprehensive view of gene regulation, we surveyed genome-wide ribosome occupancy, which reflects levels of protein translation, in lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from human, chimpanzee, and rhesus macaque. We further integrated messenger RNA and protein level measurements collected from matching cell lines. We find that, in addition to transcriptional regulation, the major factor determining protein level divergence between human and closely related species is post-translational buffering. Inter-species divergence in transcription is generally propagated to the level of protein translation. In contrast, gene expression divergence is often attenuated post-translationally, potentially mediated through post-translational modifications. Conclusions Results from our analysis indicate that post-translational buffering is a conserved mechanism that led to relaxation of selective constraint on transcript levels in humans

    Cluster Annotations for GTEx V6 Brain data.

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    <p>Cluster Annotations for GTEx V6 Brain data.</p

    Cluster Annotations GTEx V6 data (with GO annotations).

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    <p>Cluster Annotations GTEx V6 data (with GO annotations).</p

    Structure plot of estimated membership proportions for GoM model with K = 7 clusters fit to 1,041 single cells from [33].

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    <p>The samples (cells) are ordered so that samples from the same amplification batch are adjacent and within each batch, the samples are sorted by the proportional representation of the underlying clusters. In this analysis the samples do not appear to form clearly-defined clusters, with each sample being allocated membership in several “clusters”. Membership proportions are correlated with batch, and some groups of batches (e.g. 28–29; 32–45) show similar palettes. These results suggest that batch effects are likely influencing the inferred structure in these data.</p

    Cluster Annotations for Deng et al (2014) data.

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    <p>Cluster Annotations for Deng et al (2014) data.</p

    Post-translational buffering leads to convergent protein expression levels between primates

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    Abstract Background Differences in gene regulation between human and closely related species influence phenotypes that are distinctly human. While gene regulation is a multi-step process, the majority of research concerning divergence in gene regulation among primates has focused on transcription. Results To gain a comprehensive view of gene regulation, we surveyed genome-wide ribosome occupancy, which reflects levels of protein translation, in lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from human, chimpanzee, and rhesus macaque. We further integrated messenger RNA and protein level measurements collected from matching cell lines. We find that, in addition to transcriptional regulation, the major factor determining protein level divergence between human and closely related species is post-translational buffering. Inter-species divergence in transcription is generally propagated to the level of protein translation. In contrast, gene expression divergence is often attenuated post-translationally, potentially mediated through post-translational modifications. Conclusions Results from our analysis indicate that post-translational buffering is a conserved mechanism that led to relaxation of selective constraint on transcript levels in humans