1,674 research outputs found
Quantum Phase Estimation with Arbitrary Constant-precision Phase Shift Operators
While Quantum phase estimation (QPE) is at the core of many quantum
algorithms known to date, its physical implementation (algorithms based on
quantum Fourier transform (QFT)) is highly constrained by the requirement of
high-precision controlled phase shift operators, which remain difficult to
realize. In this paper, we introduce an alternative approach to approximately
implement QPE with arbitrary constant-precision controlled phase shift
The new quantum algorithm bridges the gap between QPE algorithms based on QFT
and Kitaev's original approach. For approximating the eigenphase precise to the
nth bit, Kitaev's original approach does not require any controlled phase shift
operator. In contrast, QPE algorithms based on QFT or approximate QFT require
controlled phase shift operators with precision of at least Pi/2n. The new
approach fills the gap and requires only arbitrary constant-precision
controlled phase shift operators. From a physical implementation viewpoint, the
new algorithm outperforms Kitaev's approach.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures and 1 tabl
Efficient Circuits for Quantum Walks
We present an efficient general method for realizing a quantum walk operator
corresponding to an arbitrary sparse classical random walk. Our approach is
based on Grover and Rudolph's method for preparing coherent versions of
efficiently integrable probability distributions. This method is intended for
use in quantum walk algorithms with polynomial speedups, whose complexity is
usually measured in terms of how many times we have to apply a step of a
quantum walk, compared to the number of necessary classical Markov chain steps.
We consider a finer notion of complexity including the number of elementary
gates it takes to implement each step of the quantum walk with some desired
accuracy. The difference in complexity for various implementation approaches is
that our method scales linearly in the sparsity parameter and
poly-logarithmically with the inverse of the desired precision. The best
previously known general methods either scale quadratically in the sparsity
parameter, or polynomially in the inverse precision. Our approach is especially
relevant for implementing quantum walks corresponding to classical random walks
like those used in the classical algorithms for approximating permanents and
sampling from binary contingency tables. In those algorithms, the sparsity
parameter grows with the problem size, while maintaining high precision is
required.Comment: Modified abstract, clarified conclusion, added application section in
appendix and updated reference
The Power Of Quantum Walk Insights, Implementation, And Applications
In this thesis, I investigate quantum walks in quantum computing from three aspects: the insights, the implementation, and the applications. Quantum walks are the quantum analogue of classical random walks. For the insights of quantum walks, I list and explain the required components for quantizing a classical random walk into a quantum walk. The components are, for instance, Markov chains, quantum phase estimation, and quantum spectrum theorem. I then demonstrate how the product of two reflections in the walk operator provides a quadratic speed-up, in comparison to the classical counterpart. For the implementation of quantum walks, I show the construction of an efficient circuit for realizing one single step of the quantum walk operator. Furthermore, I devise a more succinct circuit to approximately implement quantum phase estimation with constant precision controlled phase shift operators. From an implementation perspective, efficient circuits are always desirable because the realization of a phase shift operator with high precision would be a costly task and a critical obstacle. For the applications of quantum walks, I apply the quantum walk technique along with other fundamental quantum techniques, such as phase estimation, to solve the partition function problem. However, there might be some scenario in which the speed-up of spectral gap is insignificant. In a situation like that that, I provide an amplitude amplification-based iii approach to prepare the thermal Gibbs state. Such an approach is useful when the spectral gap is extremely small. Finally, I further investigate and explore the effect of noise (perturbation) on the performance of quantum walk
Order-Free RNN with Visual Attention for Multi-Label Classification
In this paper, we propose the joint learning attention and recurrent neural
network (RNN) models for multi-label classification. While approaches based on
the use of either model exist (e.g., for the task of image captioning),
training such existing network architectures typically require pre-defined
label sequences. For multi-label classification, it would be desirable to have
a robust inference process, so that the prediction error would not propagate
and thus affect the performance. Our proposed model uniquely integrates
attention and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) models, which not only addresses
the above problem but also allows one to identify visual objects of interests
with varying sizes without the prior knowledge of particular label ordering.
More importantly, label co-occurrence information can be jointly exploited by
our LSTM model. Finally, by advancing the technique of beam search, prediction
of multiple labels can be efficiently achieved by our proposed network model.Comment: Accepted at 32nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18
Quantum Walk Inspired Dynamic Adiabatic Local Search
We investigate the irreconcilability issue that raises from translating the
search algorithm from the Continuous-Time Quantum Walk (CTQW) framework to the
Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC) framework. One major issue is the constant
energy gap in the translated Hamiltonian throughout the AQC schedule. To
resolve the issue in the initial investigation, we choose only Z operator as
the catalyst Hamiltonian and show that this modification keeps the running time
optimal. Inspired by this irreconcilability issue and our solution, we further
investigate to find the proper timing for releasing the chosen catalyst
Hamiltonian and the suitable coefficient function of the catalyst Hamiltonian
in the AQC schedule to improve the Adiabatic local search.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
Pair Production of Scalar Dyons in Kerr-Newman Black Holes
We study the spontaneous pair production of scalar dyons in the near extremal
dyonic Kerr-Newman (KN) black hole, which contains a warped AdS structure
in the near horizon region. The leading term contribution of the pair
production rate and the absorption cross section ratio are also calculated
using the Hamilton-Jacobi approach and the thermal interpretation is given. In
addition, the holographic dual conformal field theories (CFTs) descriptions of
the pair production rate and absorption cross section ratios are analyzed both
in the -, - and -pictures respectively based on the threefold dyonic
KN/CFTs dualities.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, revtex4. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
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