512 research outputs found

    Low radiative efficiency accretion at work in active galactic nuclei: the nuclear spectral energy distribution of NGC4565

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    We derive the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the nucleus of the Seyfert galaxy NGC4565. Despite its classification as a Seyfert2, the nuclear source is substantially unabsorbed. The absorption we find from Chandra data (N_H=2.5 X 10^21 cm^-2) is consistent with that produced by material in the galactic disk of the host galaxy. HST images show a nuclear unresolved source in all of the available observations, from the near-IR H band to the optical U band. The SED is completely different from that of Seyfert galaxies and QSO, as it appears basically ``flat'' in the IR-optical region, with a small drop-off in the U-band. The location of the object in diagnostic planes for low luminosity AGNs excludes a jet origin for the optical nucleus, and its extremely low Eddington ratio L_o/L_Edd indicates that the radiation we observe is most likely produced in a radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF). This would make NGC4565 the first AGN in which an ADAF-like process is identified in the optical. We find that the relatively high [OIII] flux observed from the ground cannot be all produced in the nucleus. Therefore, an extended NLR must exist in this object. This may be interpreted in the framework of two different scenarios: i) the radiation from ADAFs is sufficient to give rise to high ionization emission-line regions through photoionization, or ii) the nuclear source has recently ``turned-off'', switching from a high-efficiency accretion regime to the present low-efficiency state.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A sample of low-redshift BL Lacertae objects. II. EVN and MERLIN data and multi-wavelength analysis

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    We present new radio observations of 9 members of a sample of 29 nearby (z < 0.2) BL Lac objects. The new data have been obtained with the European VLBI Network and/or the MERLIN at 1.6 and 5 GHz and complement previous observations. For one object, the TeV source Mrk 421, we also present deep multi-epoch VLBA and Global VLBI data, which reveal a resolved diffuse jet, with clear signatures of limb brightening. We use the new and old data to estimate physical parameters of the jets of the sample from which the subset with new radio data is drawn. We derive Doppler factors in the parsec scale radio jet in the range ~2 < delta < ~9. Using HST data, we separate the contribution of the host galaxy from that of the active core. From the measured and de-beamed observables, we find a weak correlation between radio power and black hole mass, and a tight correlation between radio and optical core luminosities. We interpret this result in terms of a common synchrotron origin, with little contribution from a radiatively efficient accretion disk. The BL Lacs in our sample have de-beamed properties similar to low power radio galaxies, including the fundamental plane of black hole activity.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. 17 page

    870 micron observations of nearby 3CRR radio galaxies

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    We present submillimeter continuum observations at 870 microns of the cores of low redshift 3CRR radio galaxies, observed at the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. The cores are nearly flat spectrum between the radio and submillimeter which implies that the submillimeter continuum is likely to be synchrotron emission and not thermal emission from dust. The emitted power from nuclei detected at optical wavelengths and in the X-rays is similar in the submillimeter, optical and X-rays. The submillimeter to optical and X-ray power ratios suggest that most of these sources resemble misdirected BL Lac type objects with synchrotron emission peaking at low energies. However we find three exceptions, the FR I galaxy 3C264 and the FR II galaxies 3C390.3 and 3C338 with high X-ray to submillimeter luminosity ratios. These three objects are candidate high or intermediate energy peaked BL Lac type objects. With additional infrared observations and from archival data, we compile spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for a subset of these objects. The steep dips observed near the optical wavelengths in many of these objects suggest that extinction inhibits the detection and reduces the flux of optical continuum core counterparts. High resolution near or mid-infrared imaging may provide better measurements of the underlying synchrotron emission peak.Comment: accepted for publication in A

    Photon breeding mechanism in relativistic jets: astrophysical implications

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    Photon breeding in relativistic jets involves multiplication of high-energy photons propagating from the jet to the external environment and back with the conversion into electron-positron pairs. The exponential growth of the energy density of these photons is a super-critical process powered by the bulk energy of the jet. The efficient deceleration of the jet outer layers creates a structured jet morphology with the fast spine and slow sheath. In initially fast and high-power jets even the spine can be decelerated efficiently leading to very high radiative efficiencies of conversion of the jet bulk energy into radiation. The decelerating, structured jets have angular distribution of radiation significantly broader than that predicted by a simple blob model with a constant Lorentz factor. This reconciles the discrepancy between the high Doppler factors determined by the fits to the spectra of TeV blazars and the low apparent velocities observed at VLBI scales as well as the low jet Lorentz factors required by the observed statistics and luminosity ratio of Fanaroff-Riley I radio galaxies and BL Lac objects. Photon breeding produces a population of high-energy leptons in agreement with the constraints on the electron injection function required by spectral fits of the TeV blazars. Relativistic pairs created outside the jet and emitting gamma-rays by inverse Compton process might explain the relatively high level of the TeV emission from the misaligned jet in the radio galaxies. The mechanism reproduces basic spectral features observed in blazars including the blazar sequence (shift of the spectral peaks towards lower energies with increasing luminosity). The mechanism is very robust and can operate in various environments characterised by the high photon density.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the HEPRO conference, September 24-28, 2007, Dublin, Irelan

    BeppoSAX Observations of Mkn 421: clues on the particle acceleration ?

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    Mkn 421 was repeatedly observed with BeppoSAX in 1997-1998. We present highlights of the results of the thorough temporal and spectral analysis discussed by Fossati et al. (1999) and Maraschi et al. (1999), focusing on the flare of April 1998, which was simultaneously observed also at TeV energies. The detailed study of the flare in different energy bands reveals a few very important new results: (a) hard photons lag the soft ones by 2-3 ks *a behavior opposite to what is normally found in High energy peak BL Lacs X-ray spectra*; (b) the flux decay of the flare can be intrinsically achromatic if a stationary underlying emission component is present. Moreover the spectral evolution during the flare has been followed by extracting X-ray spectra on few ks intervals, allowing to detect for the first time the peak of the synchrotron component shifting to higher energies during the rising phase, and then receding. The spectral analysis confirms the delay in the flare at the higher energies, as above a few keV the spectrum changes only after the peak of the outburst has occurred. The spectral and temporal information obtained challenge the simplest models currently adopted for the (synchrotron) emission and most importantly provide clues on the particle acceleration process. A theoretical picture accounting for all the observational constraints is discussed, where electrons are injected at low energies and then progressively accelerated during the development of the flare.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX, uses aipproc.sty, 3 PostScript figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the "Fifth Compton Symposium", held in Portsmouth (NH), 1999 Septembe

    Model and Design of a Power Driver for Piezoelectric Stack Actuators

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    A power driver has been developed to control piezoelectric stack actuators used in automotive application. A FEM model of the actuator has been implemented starting from experimental characterization of the stack and mechanical and piezoelectric parameters. Experimental results are reported to show a correct piezoelectric actuator driving method and the possibility to obtain a sensor-less positioning contro

    The Parsec-Scale Jets of the TeV Blazars H 1426+428, 1ES 1959+650, and PKS 2155-304: 2001-2004

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    We present Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations of the TeV blazars H 1426+428, 1ES 1959+650, and PKS 2155-304 obtained during the years 2001 through 2004. We observed H 1426+428 at four epochs at 8 GHz, and found that its parsec-scale structure consisted of a ~17 mJy core and a single ~3 mJy jet component with an apparent speed of 2.09 +/- 0.53c. The blazar 1ES 1959+650 was observed at three epochs at frequencies of 15 and 22 GHz. Spectral index information from these dual-frequency observations was used to definitively identify the core of the parsec-scale structure. PKS 2155-304 was observed at a single epoch at 15 GHz with dual-circular polarization, and we present the first VLBI polarimetry image of this source. For 1ES 1959+650 and PKS 2155-304, the current observations are combined with the VLBA observations from our earlier paper to yield improved apparent speed measurements for these sources with greatly reduced measurement errors. The new apparent speed measured for component C2 in 1ES 1959+650 is 0.00 +/- 0.04c (stationary), and the new apparent speed measured for component C1 in PKS 2155-304 is 0.93 +/- 0.31c. We combine the new apparent speed measurements from this paper with the apparent speeds measured in TeV blazar jets from our earlier papers to form a current set of apparent speed measurements in TeV HBLs. The mean peak apparent pattern speed in the jets of the TeV HBLs is about 1c. We conclude the paper with a detailed discussion of the interpretation of the collected VLBA data on TeV blazars in the context of current theoretical models for the parsec-scale structure of TeV blazar jets.Comment: 16 pages, Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    The nuclei of radio galaxies in the UV: the signature of different emission processes

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    We have studied the nuclei of 28 radio galaxies from the 3CR sample in the UV band. Unresolved nuclei (central compact cores, CCC) are observed in 10 of the 13 FR I, and in 5 of the 15 FR II. All sources that do not have a CCC in the optical, do not have a CCC in the UV. Two FR I (3C 270 and 3C 296) have a CCC in the optical but do not show the UV counterpart. Both of them show large dusty disks observed almost edge-on, possibly implying that they play a role in obscuring the nuclear emission. We have measured optical-UV spectral indices alpha_o,UV between ~0.6 and ~7.0. BLRG have the flattest spectra and their values of alpha_o,UV are also confined to a very narrow range. This is consistent with radiation produced in a geometrically thin, optically thick accretion disk. On the other hand, FR I nuclei, which are most plausibly originated by synchrotron emission from the inner relativistic jet, show a wide range of alpha_o,UV. There is a clear trend with orientation in that sources observed almost edge-on or with clear signs of dust absorption have the steepest spectra. These observations imply that in FR I obscuration can be present, but the obscuring material is not in a ``standard'' geometrically thick torus. The most striking difference between these absorbing structures and the classic AGN ``tori'' resides in the lower optical depth of the FR I obscuring material.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on Ap

    A search for changing-look AGN in the Grossan catalog

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    We observed with XMM-Newton 4 objects selected from the Grossan catalog, with the aim to search for new 'changing-look' AGN. The sample includes all the sources which showed in subsequent observations a flux much lower than the one measured with HEAO A-1: NGC 7674, NGC 4968, IRAS 13218+0552 and NGC 1667. None of the sources was caught in a high flux state during the XMM-Newton observations, whose analysis reveal they are all likely Compton-thick objects. We suggest that, for all the sources, potential problems with the HEAO A-1 source identification and flux measurement prevent us from being certain that the HEAO A-1 data represent a putative 'high' state for these objects. Nonetheless, based on the high flux state and Compton-thin spectrum of its GINGA observation, NGC 7674 represents probably the sixth known case of a 'changing-look' Seyfert 2 galaxy. From the X-ray variability pattern, we can estimate a likely lower limit of a few parsec to the distance of the inner walls of the torus in this object. Remarkably, IRAS 13218+0552 was not detected by XMM-Newton, despite being currently classified as a Seyfert 1 with a large [OIII] flux. However, the original classification was likely to be affected by an extreme velocity outflow component in the emission lines. The object likely harbors an highly obscured AGN and should be re-classified as a Type 2 source.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&
