905 research outputs found

    Unpacking the role of self-esteem in career uncertainty: a self-determination perspective

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    The aim of this study is to explain why students with high self-esteem have lower career uncertainty than students with low self-esteem. Based on self-determination theory, students with high self-esteem would have higher efficacy in making decisions, which would encourage them to choose a major for self-concordance, such as interest and ability, and increase their course involvement. Both factors are assumed to be related to lower career uncertainty. Data from a national survey of the Taiwan Higher Education Database within the Survey Research Data Archive from juniors at 92 colleges and universities in Taiwan (N = 7418) were analyzed to examine the model. Results supported the proposed model by showing that students with high self-esteem had lower career uncertainty because they chose a major for self-concordant reasons and had a strong motivation to learn, both of which contribute to lower career uncertainty

    Gratitude and athletes’ life satisfaction: a intra-individual analysis on the moderation of ambivalence over emotional expression

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    Research on gratitude usually focus on how trait gratitude can contribute to higher subjective well-being, but rarely focus on the role of state gratitude in shaping one’s subjective well-being at a given moment. Focusing on intra-individual differences, the first aim of this study is to examine whether state gratitude will contribute to higher state life satisfaction. Nevertheless, state gratitude may not always contribute to higher state life satisfaction. The second aim of this study is to determinate that when ambivalence over emotional expression in a given moment becomes higher, the association between state gratitude and state life satisfaction will become weaker. Twenty-nine elite student athletes were recruited and completed weekly questionnaires measuring gratitude, life satisfaction, and ambivalence over emotional expression across 10 weeks. Results of hierarchical linear modeling support hypotheses, showing that weekly gratitude positively predicted weekly life satisfaction, but this association was weaker when weekly ambivalence over emotional expression was higher than lower. Contributions to gratitude studies are discussed

    Experimental implementation of bit commitment in the noisy-storage model

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    Fundamental primitives such as bit commitment and oblivious transfer serve as building blocks for many other two-party protocols. Hence, the secure implementation of such primitives are important in modern cryptography. In this work, we present a bit commitment protocol which is secure as long as the attacker's quantum memory device is imperfect. The latter assumption is known as the noisy-storage model. We experimentally executed this protocol by performing measurements on polarization-entangled photon pairs. Our work includes a full security analysis, accounting for all experimental error rates and finite size effects. This demonstrates the feasibility of two-party protocols in this model using real-world quantum devices. Finally, we provide a general analysis of our bit commitment protocol for a range of experimental parameters.Comment: 21 pages (7 main text +14 appendix), 6+3 figures. New version changed author's name from Huei Ying Nelly Ng to Nelly Huei Ying Ng, for consistency with other publication

    Gratitude and Athletes’ Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Mindfulness

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    Life satisfaction is a critical index of well-being and is well documented in the literature as a means of protecting athletes from stress. However, minimal research has focused on the factors that contribute to life satisfaction in sports. Accordingly, we adopted the positive psychology perspective and proposed that gratitude would relate to athletes’ life satisfaction. Additionally, we further suggested that mindfulness would strengthen the relationship between gratitude and athletes’ life satisfaction. Athletes completed measurements, and the results, which indicated that athletes with higher levels of gratitude exhibited increased life satisfaction when they had higher levels of mindfulness, supported our expectations. The implications and applications are discussed in terms of mindfulness


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    The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of kinesio taping and sports taping for collegiate basketball players in functional activities. Seventeen collegiate basketball players were recruited in particapitate this study and divided into three groups(Kinesio taping group, sports taping group and control group) in random. The ankle range of motion, plantarflexor muscle strength and endurance, vertical jump, and dynamic balance were measured before and after taping applied. The results was showed significantly increasing in ankle plantar-flexion range for Kinesio taping group(p=.03). There were no remarkable difference in the other measurements. In conclusion, the Kinesio Taping would not restriction the ankle plantar-flexion range. In future, we may recruited more subjects to identify the effect of Kinesio taping in functional activities for collegiate bsketball players

    The differential interaction effect of mastery and performance climate on athletes’ emotional and physical exhaustion:The role of athletes’ gratitude.

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    Motivational climate (i.e., mastery and performance climate) has been found to shape athletes’ emotional and physical exhaustion, the core dimension of burnout. However, the interactional effect between mastery and performance climate on emotional and physical exhaustion has been rarely examined. In this study, we proposed that athletes’ gratitude will determine the interaction effect of mastery climate and performance climate on emotional and physical exhaustion. Specifically, we hypothesized that among athletes high in gratitude, mastery climate can mitigate the association between performance climate and emotional and physical exhaustion; among those low in gratitude, mastery climate can intensify the association between performance climate and emotional and physical exhaustion. Using a time-lagged survey, data from 293 athletes revealed a three-way interaction effect among mastery climate, performance climate, and gratitude. We did not find that mastery climate can mitigate the association between performance climate and emotional and physical exhaustion for those high in gratitude but found that among athletes low in gratitude, the positive association between performance climate and emotional and physical exhaustion was stronger in a higher mastery climate than in a lower mastery climate. Our study offers an interactionist perspective to help further understand the joint effect of mastery and performance climates on emotional and physical exhaustion by taking the role of individual differences into account.</p

    Psychological contract breach and destructive voice:The mediating effect of relative deprivation and the moderating effect of leader emotional support

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    Psychological contract breach (PCB) and its consequences have mainly been studied from a social exchange perspective or an affective events perspective. In this study, we use a relative deprivation perspective to capture the experience of loss following PCB and its implications on employees' reactions. Drawing from relative deprivation theory, we propose that perceived PCB can elicit the feeling of relative deprivation, which, in turn, induces employee destructive voice. We also suggest that higher levels of supervisor emotional support can help mitigate the positive association of PCB with the feeling of relative deprivation, and thus destructive voice. We conducted three studies to test our theory. In Study 1, we obtained data from 168 subordinate–supervisor pairs in China. Using a three-wave time-lagged design, we tested and found the mediating effect of relative deprivation on the relationship between PCB and destructive voice. In Study 2, we obtained data from 293 subordinate–supervisor pairs in China. Using the same design, we replicated the findings in Study 1 and found support for the moderating effect of supervisor emotional support. In Study 3, we used self-report data of 170 participants from the United States over three waves. We controlled for alternative mediating variables and prior measures of the focal variables to gauge the effect of time. The results supported our proposed moderated mediation model. Altogether, our findings supported the applicability of relative deprivation theory to understand PCB and its consequences, offering a new lens to study PCB