1,572 research outputs found

    Immigrants and the Receipt of Unemployment Insurance Benefits

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    Using data from the Current Population Survey's Displaced Workers Supplements, this paper explores whether immigrants are more or less likely to file claims for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits than natives. We find that among those eligible for UI benefits, recent immigrants are less likely to file a UI claim than natives. There is also evidence that the impact of unions on UI take-up is larger for immigrants than natives, especially non-recent immigrants.

    Unemployment Insurance, Unemployment Durations and Re-employment Wages

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    We develop an empirical model to estimate the impact of UI on unemployment duration and reemployment wages. The model estimates the UI receipt, unemployment duration and re-employment wage equations simultaneously and incorporates unobserved heterogeneity variables in each equation and allows them to be correlated. The NLSY79 data is used to estimate the model. Some results are found support of the positive effect of UI on re-employment wages.

    Experimental Investigation of Polymer Solution Injection on External Boundary Layers

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    This paper describes an experimental study of the effects of injecting dilute aqueous polymer solutions into a turbulent boundary layer formed on a flat plate immersed in flowing water. Hot-film anemometer techniques were employed in the measurement of the velocity profiles, turbulence intensities, and lateral correlation coefficients at a number of locations along the plate. Boundary layer growth parameters and the variation of the local skin friction coefficient were computed from the velocity profile data. The effects of polymer concentration and injection velocity on the local drag reduction are also presented. It was found that momentum diffusivity was smaller than for pure water, and that the presence of the polymer molecules appeared to promote a more uniform distribution of the size of the turbulent eddies. Also, that the injection rate of a polymer solution can have a pronounced affect on the drag reduction

    Antiferromagnetic critical pressure in URu2Si2 under hydrostatic conditions

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    The onset of antiferromagnetic order in URu2Si2 has been studied via neutron diffraction in a helium pressure medium, which most closely approximates hydrostatic conditions. The antiferromagnetic critical pressure is 0.80 GPa, considerably higher than values previously reported. Complementary electrical resistivity measurements imply that the hidden order-antiferromagnetic bicritical point far exceeds 1.02 GPa. Moreover, the redefined pressure-temperature phase diagram suggests that the superconducting and antiferromagnetic phase boundaries actually meet at a common critical pressure at zero temperature.Comment: 5 pgs, 4 figs; AFM ordered moment revised to 0.5 muB, added and corrected citations and reference