43 research outputs found

    Occupational health and safety management perceptions in Malaysian public hospitals: implications for the implementation of standardized management systems

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    All industries in Malaysia, including government organizations, have had to comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 to fulfill their responsibilities as an employer to ensure that workers have a safe workplace. The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 requires employers to perform minimum duties to ensure the safety, health and welfare of their workers, thus, the joint responsibility between employer and employees in the government organizations are expected to ensure the safety of a workplace. Although this regulation binds employers, the Social Security Organization (SOCSO) statistics showed a fluctuation in industrial accidents, from 114,134 accidents in 1995 to 85,338 accidents in 1998, then the accidents increased to 92,074 in 1999, 95,006 in 2000, and subsequently the accident was reduced to 85,926 in 2001 until 56,339 in 2007. As a consequence, the adoption of an effective OHS management system as a tool to assist in meeting legal obligations should ensure the development of a safety culture and provide the best approach to reduce accidents in an organization. Thus, government organizations need to transform the philosophy of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 into reality and the implementation of an OHS management system will assist in resolving OHS problems successfully and is also a means to legal compliance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the information about current OHS practices that can influence the development and implementation of an effective OHS management system and provide a systematic process for the implementation of a OHS management system to enable the Malaysian public hospital sector to meet its OHS obligations.This study used a correlation quantitative non-experimental investigation, i.e. survey, where the study focused on collecting and analyzing the data in a single study. Proportionate stratified random sampling was used in selecting the respondents. 418 employees from three state hospitals in the northern region of Malaysia participated in this study and that gave a response rate of 43.15%. The questionnaire was adapted from the Safety Climate Assessment tool, where it was to identify perceptions of the hospital employees regarding several OHS management elements and implication towards their OHS performance. Analysis of data was done using SPSS version 12 and AMOS 4.0 and the outcomes of the data were evaluated and recommendations were made on the strategies to introduce an effective implementation of an OHS management system in the hospital sector in Malaysia.From the structural equation modeling, this research demonstrated that a direct relationship existed between the independent variables and dependent variables. The reliability results revealed that the measurement constantly assesses what it is intended to measure and all the scales shown reasonable validity in determining how well the concept is defined by the measures. The findings of this study revealed that the general view of employees with regard to their OHS practices was in the range of low to medium, indicating a mixture of "disagree" to "almost agree". Based on the perceptions of employees to have effective OHS practices in the workplace, this study also disclosed evidence that the critical elements of occupational health and safety management were accident and injury procedures, leadership style, management commitment, health and safety objectives and safety reporting procedures, and safety training. In addition, the findings of this study reported five elements including health and safety objectives, safety reporting, management commitment, the role of the supervisor, and leadership style were seen to support the implementation of an effective OHS management system, however, safety training was not significant but lack of safety training might hinder the effective management of OHS. In sum, the significant results of this study were (1) management commitment; (2) health and safety objectives; (3) training and competence; (4) role of supervisors; (5) safety reporting; (6) leadership style; and (7) safety incidents: accidents and injuries in the workplace. It seems that all elements of OHS management and one dependent variable that are safety incidents were critical to ensure good practices of OHS in the workplace.Lastly, some implications of this study were this survey's instrument can be an effective measurement tool to demonstrate improvement and to reflect on how to improve problematic areas in their workplace. Furthermore, employees' perceptions are vital as a realistic approach of determining whether an organization has attained an acceptable level of safety in their workplace

    Strategi Pembuatan Sektor Perkilangan Di Utara Semenanjung Malaysia : Kajian Penerokaan

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    The main objective of this study was to explore eight critical manufacturing issues. These issues are strategic manufacturing decision process, environmental scanning, competitive priorities in operation, supplier selection criteria, quality factors, human resource management, advanced manufacturing technology and location and capacity decision. These issues play an important role for the survivals of the industrial sectors in the competitive market. 32 samples (21.3 percent) were selected from the factories in the Northern of Malaysia which comprises of 5 (15.6 percent) factories from Perlis, 13 (40.6 percent) from Kedah and 14 (43.8 percent) from Pulau Pinang. The frequency, descriptive, Spearman correlation and cross-tabulation tests from the SPSS version 8.0 were used to analyze the posted questionnaires. Results for the eight critical manufacturing issues are show that manufacturing firms regarded strategic manufacturing process as very important in positioning manufacturing capability in market; environmental scanning factors showed that customers, suppliers and economic variables have a high impact on the manufacturing firm. The manufacturing firm has a high dealing concern with these unstable variables; quality products and services played an essential role in the competitive priorities of the operations; the buyer-supplier relationships enforced the supply of quality products and services; low degree of advanced manufacturing technology knowledge and the limited usage of computer in production process were found; manufacturing firms look upon infrastructure and labor as very important when making the location and capacity decision; performance appraisal and training are two important elements for the human resource management; and the manufacturing firms look upon quality as one important factor for the competitive edge

    Konflik kerja-keluarga dalam kalangan pensyarah: satu tinjauan

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    The main objective of this study was to explore the relationships between work-family conflict, job involvement and family involvement among lecturers from the higher education institution in the northern region of Malaysia, who had child under the age of seventeen and below.The sample size was 151 respondents.Respondents were later classified into 97 male lecturers (64.2%) and 54 female lecturers (35.8%).Data was collected using questionnaires. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation and regression.The Pearson correlations showed that job involvement and family involvement were not highly correlated with work-family conflict.The t-test also showed no significant differences between male and female lecturers in work-family conflict. Job involvement and family involvement do not explained the variation in work-family conflict

    The effect of individual factors on the medication error

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    Medication error is a major issue in healthcare industry and significant efforts have been taken in recent years to comprehend factors that influence errors in medication.Therefore, the present study aims to examine individual factors that contribute to medication errors as perceived by nurses. 255 registered nurses working in different Jordanian public hospitals have been chosen as samples to collect the study data from. They were asked to complete a questionnaire to assess the perceived individual factors, specifically, on nursing mathematical calculation skills and training as well as knowledge on medication treatment as factors contributing to medication errors. The current study found that the nurses’ mathematical calculation skills, training and their knowledge on medication treatment have significant relationship with medication error.This was proven as the study framework is able to explain 45.6% of the total variance.Consequently, it is recommended that healthcare authorities and hospitals in Jordan should focus on nursing knowledge in medication treatment and the nurses’ ability to perform drug calculation in order to improve the medication system in Jordan

    Human error in medication administration process

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    Context: Medication administration errors is continuous problem in hospitals and occur too frequently, error is unavoidable human action, since medication treatment is a risky procedure that deal with human live therefore error in this process can lead to dangerous consequences on patient well-being, traditionally nurses were blamed for those errors and considered as malpractice action since medication treatment is manly performed by nurses. Objectives: The current study examines the conditions that influence medication error in the perspective systemic approach.Methods: reviewing medication error contributing conditions topic is outlined, exploiting different perspective of how error occurs in medication process.Results and conclusion: the present study concluded that system approach permit a comprehensive set of contributing conditions underlying medication error to be recognize and addressed, rather than just adopt individual centered approach, Future studies should examine underlying conditions, in the perception of work practice environment conditions, team work conditions, task related conditions and individual conditions

    Pain management practices by nurses: An application of the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) Model

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    Pain is one of the most common reasons that drives people to go to hospitals.It has been found that several factors affect the practices of pain management. In this regard, this study aimed at investigating the underlying determinants in terms of pain management practices.Based on reviewing the previous studies and the suggestions of the KAP model, it was hypothesized that the main elements of the KAP model (attitudes and knowledge) significantly predict the variation in the practices of nurses regarding pain management. A questionnaire comprising the KAP model’ s constructs , i.e. knowledge and attitude towards pain management ,as well as pain management practices, was used to collect data from 266 registered nurses ( n=266) who are deemed competent in the management of patients’ pain in the Jordanian public hospitals. The two constructs, attitude and knowledge, which are the main determinants of the KAP model were found to independently predict nurses’ practices of managing patients’ pain.Knowledge of pain management was found to be the strongest predictor.Additionally, it was found that about 69% of the variance in pain management could be explained by the constructs of the KAP model. Therefore, it is recommended that the Jordanian hospitals and universities focus on nurses’ knowledge and attitude towards pain management in order to enhance their practices in the field of pain management

    Relationship between driving anger, support for counter measure, situational factors and driving behavior among drivers in Malaysia

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    This study aims to investigate factors like driving anger, support for counter measures and situational factors affect drivers’ driving behavior. One important reason for studying driver’s aggression is that it has been cited as a frequent contributing factor in traffic collisions. The sample size was collected using convenience sampling as the actual number of driver who drove to work around all the targeted area cannot be identified by the Road Transport Department. The questionnaires weregiven to the driver who passed the targeted area during normal day. Further sample was taken from participants from commuting accidents and safety and health seminars. The data analysis was done using statistical analysis from the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0. Analysis of data was done using correlation and multiple regressions to test the hypotheses. The results revealed a positive relationship between driving anger, situational factors and driving behavior. Results of regression showed that driving anger, support for counter measure and situational factors influenced driving behavior. Thus, it is suggested for future research to identify more factors that will affect driving behavior. Thus, the study contributes by providing other potentials antecedents for aggressive driving which includes attitudes, styles and habits of driving

    The role of leadership in creating innovative behaviour in the workplace

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    In today’s highly competitive global business environment, organizations are revitalizing their workplace strategies for their long-term survival. Change is vital and innovation is the engine of change. Innovation is the key towards overcoming the challenges posed by the competitive business surroundings.To foster innovative behaviours in employees, organizations need to recognize the importance of leadership traits, which includes innovative role-modelling, intellectual stimulation, providing vision, support, required resources, recognition and feedback, as well as playing a major role in consulting, delegating, rewarding and assigning tasks to employees. Leaders are also responsible to educate their subordinates so that they have the skills and attitudes necessary for innovation. These skills and attitudes will help the employees to better adjust to change; able to work in diverse groups; capable of performing with new processes; and produce new or improved products. To sum up, leaders are the key players in initiating the situation for change and cultivating innovative behaviour of their workforce

    The mediating impact of occupational stress on leadership style and job performance

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the intervening effect of occupational stress on leadership style and job performance. Using a proportionate stratified random sampling, questionnaire survey was employed and distributed to the employees of utility industries in Malaysia and a total of 175 employees participated. The regression results showed that: (1) it is partially supported for a significant association between leadership style and job performance, (2) it is partially supported for a significant association between leadership style and occupational stress. Contrary to expectation, there have no intervening effect of occupational stress on the association between leadership style and job performance. One probable explanation could be that the occupational stress level itself was found low among respondents. Respondents highlighted they have the work-related stress but perhaps due to most of them are healthy, educated, lack in working experience, or due to they are yuppies, (that is indicating they are in young age, ambitious, and hunger for challenging tasks), they did not perceive the stress as the actual stress as felt by the other group of age.Thus, the result suggested that occupational stress as an intervening role among the yuppies group is not a relevant issue in discussing job performance. In future study, other factors should be considered to increase about the explanation on job performance