12 research outputs found


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    The maximum grain productivity can be achieved only taking into account plant biological needs. The need in mineral nutrients depends on the plant hereditary nature and environmental conditions. The greatest demand for nitrogen is characteristic in cereals for spring and winter wheat, the lowest one for barley and rye. The use of mineral nutrients in amounts exceeding plant needs does not result in yield increasing and can worsen the production quality. We were studying reaction of spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes to changes in nutrition soil conditions. In the experiment, ITMI mapping population consisting of 110 recombinant inbred lines was evaluated for a number of morphological, biological and economically important traits under different levels of the nitrogen supply. To create different soil nutrition level and to prevent leaching of fertilizers during the plant vegetation season we prepared trenches with depth 0.4 m, width 1 m and length 20 m; the bottoms of which were covered with plastic films. The trenches were filled with soil from the lower soil horizons. In first variant of the experiment, nutrient mixture on the basis of the physiological rate for cereals (N – 0.15 g, P - 0.1 g, K - 0.1 g of active substances per 1 kg of dry soil) was applied. In the second variant, nitrogen dose was reduced half with the same phosphorus and potassium doses. Variant without fertilizers applying was used as a control. Thirty nine characters were analyzed during the all growing season. The combination of field and vegetation experiment conditions allowed approximating maximally to real conditions of the experiment and at the same time to control strictly plant vegetation. QTLs identified in our study can be differentiated as dependent and independent on environmental conditions. For example, some QTLs controlling such traits as a wax bloom, phenological phases, etc. are stable under different conditions of soil nutrition. QTLs of traits determining the yield structure were unstable and changed their locations on chromosomes under different conditions of nitrogen supply. The most of identified QTLs changed their locations at different nitrogen doses, and in some cases additional QTLs were found which also influenced to a particular trait expression. The activity of genes blocks determining the physiological and morpho-agronomical and biological quantitative traits was experimentally shown to depend on the mineral nitrogen doses. Identification of chromosomal loci involved in the nitrogen metabolism allows planning more accurately breeding programs directed to increase the plants productivity

    Principles of human rights protection in foreign and home legal policy of the Russian state

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    The principles of state protection of human rights are stated to be important. The principles of human rights policy being a system are conditional on main state goals and objectives, that is ensuring legal safety and unhindered development of an individual and society. This system is argued to be two-component and to include the principles of government mechanism’s construction and activity and general human rights principles. The principles which are not fixed in the legislation are also of great importance. The legislative fixing of principles of civil servants’ activity concerning the human rights is positively estimated by the authors, notably the priority of rights and freedoms of man and citizen; professionalism and competence of civil servants; availability of information on civil service; cooperation with public associations and citizens; security of civil servants against illegal intrusion into their activity. The facts of departure from impartial justice and disrespectful attitude of law enforcement officers to citizens are stated to be wide-spread. The authors prove the necessity to intensify the control of public authorities’ and officials’ activity, to create conditions of its full transparency for the public. The principles of state protection of human rights are ruling principles of public authority’s organization and activity, stating its essence, social function and orientation on setting high level of legal security of man and citizen, fixed in the international agreements and national legislation. It is proposed to reconsider the principles of Russia’s functioning in the sphere of protecting the rights of citizens and proprietors residing abroad


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    In some vegetation seasons black rot may damage up to 80 % of cabbage, turnip, rapeseed, mustard crop all over the world including Russia. To prevent the spread of black rot is difficult, and it is almost impossible to fight a pathogen penetrating into a susceptible plant. Among Brassica rapa L., the disease is most dangerous for root crops and leaf crops. Data on loci which determine the plant-specific resistance of B. rapa plants to black rot is still extremely limited. This study is the first to estimate resistance to four races of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pam.) Dow., the causative agent of black rot in Brassicaceae, in the lines of doubled haploids of two B. rapa mapping populations, DH38 (♀Р175 x ♂P143) and DH30 (♀P115 x ♂Р143). Here, we report data on identification and mapping the linkage groups and QTLs associated with physiological resistance to strains PHW231 (race 1), HRI5212 (race 3), HRI1279а (race 4), and В-32 (race 6). For three of these races, OTLs have not been mapped so far. The study revealed lines which were resistant or hypersensitive to the four races of black rot agent. Monogenic non-linked inheritance of resistance to these races prevailed. Significant correlation was found between response to an individual strain and general infection in plants. A total of 13 QTLs which control resistance to four races of the black rot pathogen were identified for DH30 population and 19 QTLs were found for DH38 population. All detected loci did not change their localization during two years of investigation. The most important loci responsible for manifestation of physiology resistance to different races of black rot pathogen in DH30 were mapped in the linage groups A01, A03 and A07, whereas in DH38 these were in A03, A06 and A08. SSR analysis of the lines contrast in resistance to individual races of the pathogen revealed the microsatellite markers linked to the loci which control resistance to several races of black rot agent. So we have found effective molecular descriptors of B. rapa black rot resistance to each race separately and to the pathogen as such. The obtained data are of interest in elucidation of basic physiological and genetic mechanisms of gene-to-gene interaction and B. rapa resistance to different races of X. campestris pv. campestris.В отдельные годы сосудистый бактериоз поражает до 80 % посевов капусты, репы, рапса, горчицы, в том числе в России. Предотвратить распространение сосудистого бактериоза трудно, а бороться с патогеном, проникшим в восприимчивое растение, практически невозможно. У Brassica rapa L. болезнь наиболее опасна для корнеплодных реп и листовых культур. Сведения о расположении локусов, определяющих расоспецифическую устойчивость растений B. rapa к сосудистому бактериозу, пока крайне ограничены. Нами впервые проведена оценка устойчивости линий удвоенных гаплоидов двух картирующих популяций B. rapa - DH38 (♀Р175 x ♂P143) и DH30 (♀P115 x ♂Р143) к штаммам четырех рас Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pam.) Dow. (PHW231, раса 1; HRI5212, раса 3; HRI1279а, раса 4; В-32, раса 6), вызывающих сосудистый бактериоз у растений семейства Brassicaceae, на основании чего идентифицированы и локализованы на хромосомах группы сцепления и QTL (quantitative trait loci), вовлеченные в формирование физиологической устойчивости B. rapa к четырем расам X. campestris pv. campestris, для трех из которых картирования QTL ранее не проводились. В результате исследований выявлены линии, показывающие устойчивость или реакцию сверхчувствительности к четырем различным расам возбудителя сосудистого бактериоза. Отмечено преимущественно моногенное несцепленное наследование признака устойчивости ко всем четырем расам X. campestris pv. campestris. Существенная корреляция была обнаружена между реакцией на индивидуальные штаммы и суммарной пораженностью растений. Проведенный QTL-анализ позволил найти для популяции DH30 13 QTL, контролирующих признаки устойчивости к четырем расам возбудителя сосудистого бактериоза, для популяции DH38 - 19 QTL. При этом в течение 2 лет наблюдений все выявленные локусы стабильно сохраняли свою позицию. Наиболее важные генетические локусы, отвечающие за проявление признака физиологической устойчивости к различным расам этого патогена у DH30 B. rapa, располагались в группах сцепления A01, А03 и А07, а наиболее существенные локусы устойчивости к сосудистому бактериозу у линий DH38 - в А03, А06 и А08. С помощью молекулярно-генетических маркеров, выявленных в группах сцепления, провели SSR-анализ контрастных по устойчивости к отдельным расам сосудистого бактериоза линий картирующих популяций, в результате которого были обнаружены микросателлитные маркеры локусов устойчивости к нескольким расам возбудителя сосудистого бактериоза. Выявлены эффективные молекулярно-генетические дескрипторы вида по устойчивости к сосудистому бактериозу (к каждой расе отдельно и к патогену в целом). Полученные данные представляют интерес для понимания основ физиолого-генетического взаимодействия «ген-на-ген» и механизмов устойчивости B. rapa к различным расам X. campestris pv. campestris, вызывающим сосудистый бактериоз

    Physiological and genetic components of black rot resistance in double haploid lines of brassica rapa L.

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    In some vegetation seasons black rot may damage up to 80 % of cabbage, turnip, rapeseed, mustard crop all over the world including Russia. To prevent the spread of black rot is difficult, and it is almost impossible to fight a pathogen penetrating into a susceptible plant. Among Brassica rapa L., the disease is most dangerous for root crops and leaf crops. Data on loci which determine the plant-specific resistance of B. rapa plants to black rot is still extremely limited. This study is the first to estimate resistance to four races of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pam.) Dow., the causative agent of black rot in Brassicaceae, in the lines of doubled haploids of two B. rapa mapping populations, DH38 (Р175 ½ P143) and DH30 (P115 ½ Р143). Here, we report data on identification and mapping the linkage groups and QTLs associated with physiological resistance to strains PHW231 (race 1), HRI5212 (race 3), HRI1279а (race 4), and В-32 (race 6). For three of these races, OTLs have not been mapped so far. The study revealed lines which were resistant or hypersensitive to the four races of black rot agent. Monogenic non-linked inheritance of resistance to these races prevailed. Significant correlation was found between response to an individual strain and general infection in plants. A total of 13 QTLs which control resistance to four races of the black rot pathogen were identified for DH30 population and 19 QTLs were found for DH38 population. All detected loci did not change their localization during two years of investigation. The most important loci responsible for manifestation of physiology resistance to different races of black rot pathogen in DH30 were mapped in the linage groups A01, A03 and A07, whereas in DH38 these were in A03, A06 and A08. SSR analysis of the lines contrast in resistance to individual races of the pathogen revealed the microsatellite markers linked to the loci which control resistance to several races of black rot agent. So we have found effective molecular descriptors of B. rapa black rot resistance to each race separately and to the pathogen as such. The obtained data are of interest in elucidation of basic physiological and genetic mechanisms of gene-to-gene interaction and B. rapa resistance to different races of X. campestris pv. campestris. © 2018 Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. All right reserved

    Physiological and genetic components of black rot resistance in double haploid lines of brassica rapa L.

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    In some vegetation seasons black rot may damage up to 80 % of cabbage, turnip, rapeseed, mustard crop all over the world including Russia. To prevent the spread of black rot is difficult, and it is almost impossible to fight a pathogen penetrating into a susceptible plant. Among Brassica rapa L., the disease is most dangerous for root crops and leaf crops. Data on loci which determine the plant-specific resistance of B. rapa plants to black rot is still extremely limited. This study is the first to estimate resistance to four races of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pam.) Dow., the causative agent of black rot in Brassicaceae, in the lines of doubled haploids of two B. rapa mapping populations, DH38 (Р175 ½ P143) and DH30 (P115 ½ Р143). Here, we report data on identification and mapping the linkage groups and QTLs associated with physiological resistance to strains PHW231 (race 1), HRI5212 (race 3), HRI1279а (race 4), and В-32 (race 6). For three of these races, OTLs have not been mapped so far. The study revealed lines which were resistant or hypersensitive to the four races of black rot agent. Monogenic non-linked inheritance of resistance to these races prevailed. Significant correlation was found between response to an individual strain and general infection in plants. A total of 13 QTLs which control resistance to four races of the black rot pathogen were identified for DH30 population and 19 QTLs were found for DH38 population. All detected loci did not change their localization during two years of investigation. The most important loci responsible for manifestation of physiology resistance to different races of black rot pathogen in DH30 were mapped in the linage groups A01, A03 and A07, whereas in DH38 these were in A03, A06 and A08. SSR analysis of the lines contrast in resistance to individual races of the pathogen revealed the microsatellite markers linked to the loci which control resistance to several races of black rot agent. So we have found effective molecular descriptors of B. rapa black rot resistance to each race separately and to the pathogen as such. The obtained data are of interest in elucidation of basic physiological and genetic mechanisms of gene-to-gene interaction and B. rapa resistance to different races of X. campestris pv. campestris. © 2018 Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. All right reserved


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    In some vegetation seasons black rot may damage up to 80 % of cabbage, turnip, rapeseed, mustard crop all over the world including Russia. To prevent the spread of black rot is difficult, and it is almost impossible to fight a pathogen penetrating into a susceptible plant. Among Brassica rapa L., the disease is most dangerous for root crops and leaf crops. Data on loci which determine the plant-specific resistance of B. rapa plants to black rot is still extremely limited. This study is the first to estimate resistance to four races of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pam.) Dow., the causative agent of black rot in Brassicaceae, in the lines of doubled haploids of two B. rapa mapping populations, DH38 (♀Р175 x ♂P143) and DH30 (♀P115 x ♂Р143). Here, we report data on identification and mapping the linkage groups and QTLs associated with physiological resistance to strains PHW231 (race 1), HRI5212 (race 3), HRI1279а (race 4), and В-32 (race 6). For three of these races, OTLs have not been mapped so far. The study revealed lines which were resistant or hypersensitive to the four races of black rot agent. Monogenic non-linked inheritance of resistance to these races prevailed. Significant correlation was found between response to an individual strain and general infection in plants. A total of 13 QTLs which control resistance to four races of the black rot pathogen were identified for DH30 population and 19 QTLs were found for DH38 population. All detected loci did not change their localization during two years of investigation. The most important loci responsible for manifestation of physiology resistance to different races of black rot pathogen in DH30 were mapped in the linage groups A01, A03 and A07, whereas in DH38 these were in A03, A06 and A08. SSR analysis of the lines contrast in resistance to individual races of the pathogen revealed the microsatellite markers linked to the loci which control resistance to several races of black rot agent. So we have found effective molecular descriptors of B. rapa black rot resistance to each race separately and to the pathogen as such. The obtained data are of interest in elucidation of basic physiological and genetic mechanisms of gene-to-gene interaction and B. rapa resistance to different races of X. campestris pv. campestris.В отдельные годы сосудистый бактериоз поражает до 80 % посевов капусты, репы, рапса, горчицы, в том числе в России. Предотвратить распространение сосудистого бактериоза трудно, а бороться с патогеном, проникшим в восприимчивое растение, практически невозможно. У Brassica rapa L. болезнь наиболее опасна для корнеплодных реп и листовых культур. Сведения о расположении локусов, определяющих расоспецифическую устойчивость растений B. rapa к сосудистому бактериозу, пока крайне ограничены. Нами впервые проведена оценка устойчивости линий удвоенных гаплоидов двух картирующих популяций B. rapa - DH38 (♀Р175 x ♂P143) и DH30 (♀P115 x ♂Р143) к штаммам четырех рас Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pam.) Dow. (PHW231, раса 1; HRI5212, раса 3; HRI1279а, раса 4; В-32, раса 6), вызывающих сосудистый бактериоз у растений семейства Brassicaceae, на основании чего идентифицированы и локализованы на хромосомах группы сцепления и QTL (quantitative trait loci), вовлеченные в формирование физиологической устойчивости B. rapa к четырем расам X. campestris pv. campestris, для трех из которых картирования QTL ранее не проводились. В результате исследований выявлены линии, показывающие устойчивость или реакцию сверхчувствительности к четырем различным расам возбудителя сосудистого бактериоза. Отмечено преимущественно моногенное несцепленное наследование признака устойчивости ко всем четырем расам X. campestris pv. campestris. Существенная корреляция была обнаружена между реакцией на индивидуальные штаммы и суммарной пораженностью растений. Проведенный QTL-анализ позволил найти для популяции DH30 13 QTL, контролирующих признаки устойчивости к четырем расам возбудителя сосудистого бактериоза, для популяции DH38 - 19 QTL. При этом в течение 2 лет наблюдений все выявленные локусы стабильно сохраняли свою позицию. Наиболее важные генетические локусы, отвечающие за проявление признака физиологической устойчивости к различным расам этого патогена у DH30 B. rapa, располагались в группах сцепления A01, А03 и А07, а наиболее существенные локусы устойчивости к сосудистому бактериозу у линий DH38 - в А03, А06 и А08. С помощью молекулярно-генетических маркеров, выявленных в группах сцепления, провели SSR-анализ контрастных по устойчивости к отдельным расам сосудистого бактериоза линий картирующих популяций, в результате которого были обнаружены микросателлитные маркеры локусов устойчивости к нескольким расам возбудителя сосудистого бактериоза. Выявлены эффективные молекулярно-генетические дескрипторы вида по устойчивости к сосудистому бактериозу (к каждой расе отдельно и к патогену в целом). Полученные данные представляют интерес для понимания основ физиолого-генетического взаимодействия «ген-на-ген» и механизмов устойчивости B. rapa к различным расам X. campestris pv. campestris, вызывающим сосудистый бактериоз

    Locating Stable Across Environment QTL Involved in the Determination of Agronomic Characters in Wheat

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    The International Triticeae Mapping Initiative (ITMI) recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying some key agronomic characters in bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Trait measurements were taken from five independent field experiments performed in Serbia. Stable across environment QTL involved in the determination of heading/flowering time and ear morphology/grain yield were detected on, respectively, chromosome arms 2DS and 4AL. These map locations are consistent with those obtained where the same population has been grown in contrasting geographical sites. However, as a result of QTL x environment interactions, not all these QTL are expressed in all environments. Nevertheless the ( pleiotropic) effect on ear morphology appears to be expressed in almost all environments, and so represents a high value target for wheat improvement