11 research outputs found

    Реализация потенциала продуктивности кормовых культур в условиях запада Брянской области

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    In the non-black soil zone of Russia on sod-podzolic and floodplain soils, the adaptive properties of forage crops of the bluegrass family were assessed in terms of ecological stability and plasticity and the effect of mineral fertilizers on them according to the yield criterion. The analysis of changes in the yield of forage crops was carried out from 2009 to 2015. It was characterized by different weather conditions. As a result of the research, it was found that the environmental index varied over the years from –6.36 to 6.08. The highest adaptation coefficient was observed in Sudanese grass (1.37) and millet (1.33). The smallest yield variability was found in the cultivation of awnless brome (10.8%), millet (13.2%) and annual ryegrass (14.6%). The highest stress resistance was found in one-year ryegrass (–6.00) awnless brome (–6.20) and oats (–6.50) – the main forage crops in the study area. The minimum value of the yield range in contrasting conditions was set in millet (20.4) and awnless brome (22.0). The most stable crops in obtaining the harvest were two-source reed, annual ryegrass, Scleranthus, meadow fescue and Sudanese grass. Sudanese grass, millet and oats were the most responsive to changes in cultivation conditions. The most intense (bi = 2.40, and Sd 2 = 0.39) fodder crop in the western Briansk region is Sudan grass, while millet and oats are highly responsive in combination with low yield stability. The awnless brome reacts poorly to the improvement of external conditions, but has a fairly high yield stability. The use of mineral fertilizers increases the environmental index, adaptation, variability of the yield of forage crops, increases the gap between the maximum and minimum yield, and also enhances the stability and reduces the responsiveness of crops to environmental changes.В условиях Нечерноземной зоны России на дерново-подзолистых и пойменных почвах провели оценку адаптивных свойств кормовых культур семейства мятликовых по параметрам экологической стабильности и пластичности и влияния на них минеральных удобрений по критерию урожайности. Анализ изменения урожайности кормовых культур проводили с 2009 по 2015 г., которые характеризовались различными погодными условиями. В результате исследований установили, что индекс среды изменялся по годам от –6,36 до 6,08. Наибольший коэффициент адаптации наблюдали у суданской травы (1,37) и проса (1,33). Наименьшую изменчивость урожайности обнаружили при возделывании костреца безостого (10,8%), проса (13,2%) и райграса однолетнего (14,6%). Наибольшая стрессоустойчивость выявлена у райграса однолетнего (–6,00) костреца безостого (–6,20) и овса (–6,50) – основных кормовых культур зоны исследования. Минимальное значение размаха урожайности в контрастных условиях установили у проса (20,4) и костреца безостого (22,0). Наиболее стабильными культурами в получении урожая были двукисточник тростниковый, райграс однолетний, ежа сборная, суданская трава, овсяница луговая и суданская трава. Наиболее отзывчивыми на изменения условий возделывания оказались суданская трава, просо и овес. Наиболее высокоинтенсивной (bi = 2,40, а Sd 2 = 0,39) кормовой культурой в условиях запада Брянской области является суданская трава, а просо и овес обладают высокой отзывчивостью в сочетании с низкой стабильностью урожая. Кострец безостый слабо реагирует на улучшение внешних условий, но имеет достаточно высокую стабильность урожайности. Применение минеральных удобрений повышает индекс среды, адаптацию, изменчивость урожайности кормовых культур, увеличивает разрыв между максимальной и минимальной урожайностью, а также усиливает стабильность и снижает отзывчивость культур на изменения среды

    A Prototype Method for the Detection and Recognition of Pigments in the Environment Based on Optical Property Simulation

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    The possibility of pigment detection and recognition in different environments such as solvents or proteins is a challenging, and at the same time demanding, task. It may be needed in very different situations: from the nondestructive in situ identification of pigments in paintings to the early detection of fungal infection in major agro-industrial crops and products. So, we propose a prototype method, the key feature of which is a procedure analyzing the lineshape of a spectrum. The shape of the absorption spectrum corresponding to this transition strongly depends on the immediate environment of a pigment and can serve as a marker to detect the presence of a particular pigment molecule in a sample. Considering carotenoids as an object of study, we demonstrate that the combined operation of the differential evolution algorithm and semiclassical quantum modeling of the optical response based on a generalized spectral density (the number of vibronic modes is arbitrary) allows us to distinguish quantum models of the pigment for different solvents. Moreover, it is determined that to predict the optical properties of monomeric pigments in protein, it is necessary to create a database containing, for each pigment, in addition to the absorption spectra measured in a predefined set of solvents, the parameters of the quantum model found using differential evolution

    Historical biogeography of smoothhound sharks (genus Mustelus) of Southern Africa reveals multiple dispersal events from the Northern Hemisphere

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    Members of the smoothhound shark genus Mustelus display a widespread distribution pattern across ocean basins with a high degree of sub-regional endemism. The patterns and processes that resulted in smoothhound biodiversity and presentday distribution remain largely unknown. We infer the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Mustelus, based on sequence data (3474 bp) from three mitochondrial genes (CR, NADH-2 and 12S-16SrRNA) and a nuclear gene (KBTBD2) from seven species of Mustelus distributed across the eastern Atlantic- and Indo-Pacific oceans. Using the CR and KBTBD2 dataset, we infer the phylogeographic placement of Old World Mustelus, with particular reference to species from southern Africa. Using a near-complete phylogeny of the genus including Old World and New World species of Mustelus and publicly available sequences of the NADH-2 gene, we found supporting evidence indicating a major cladogenic event separating placental and aplacental species. Biogeographical analyses further revealed that the radiation of Mustelus in the southern African region was driven primarily by long-distance dispersal during the upper Miocene to lower Pleistocene. The placement of the placental blackspotted smoothhound Mustelus punctulatus at the base of the placental non-spotted clade suggests the secondary loss of black spots in the genus, and this was also supported by the ancestral state reconstruction. The results furthermore suggest that the Southern Hemisphere species of the genus arose from multiple separate dispersal events from the Northern Hemisphere which is in line with the earliest record of Mustelus in the Northern Hemisphere

    The transparent goby, Aphia minuta: review of biology and fisheries of a paedomorphic European fish

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    World Squid Fisheries

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    Effects of triazine herbicides on the physiology of plants

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