20 research outputs found

    Motor interactions with another person: Do individuals with autism spectrum disorder plan ahead?

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    Interpersonal motor interactions (joint-actions) occur on a daily basis. In joint-action situations, typically developing (TD) individuals consider the end-goal of their partner and adjust their own movements to accommodate the other person. The movement planning processes required for joint-action may, however, be difficult for individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) given documented difficulties in performance on theory of mind (ToM) and motor tasks. The goal of this experiment was to determine if individuals with ASD exhibit end-state comfort behaviors similar to their TD peers in joint-action situations. Participants were asked to either pass, place, or use three common tools: a wooden toy hammer, a stick, or a calculator. These tools were selected because the degree of affordance they offer (i.e., the physical characteristics they posses to prompt proper use) ranges from direct (hammer) to indirect (calculator). Participants were asked to pass the tool to a confederate who intended to place the tool down, or use the tool. Variables of interest included beginning and end-state grip orientations of the participant and confederate (comfortable or uncomfortable) as a function of task goal, and the side to which the tool was placed or passed. Similar to Gonzalez et al. (2011), some individuals with ASD maximized their partner\u27s beginning-state comfort by adopting personally uncomfortable postures. That said, their performance was more variable than their TD peers who consistently passed tools in a manner that facilitated comfortable use by the confederate. Therefore, the movement planning processes used to prepare to pass a tool are not stereotypical across all individuals with ASD. We propose that the novel joint-action task described herein provides the basis for testing an important link between motor performance and more complex social and communication behaviors

    Sensorimotor integration and motor learning during a novel force-matching task in young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

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    IntroductionAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that exhibits unique neurological and behavioral characteristics. Those with ADHD often have noted impairments in motor performance and coordination, including during tasks that require force modulation. The present study provides insight into the role of altered neural processing and SMI in response to a motor learning paradigm requiring force modulation and proprioception, that previous literature has suggested to be altered in those with ADHD, which can also inform our understanding of the neurophysiology underlying sensorimotor integration (SMI) in the general population.MethodsAdults with ADHD (n = 15) and neurotypical controls (n = 15) performed a novel force-matching task, where participants used their right-thumb to match a trace template that varied from 2–12% of their Abductor Pollicis Brevis maximum voluntary contraction. This motor task was completed in pre, acquisition, and post blocks. Participants also completed a retention test 24 h later. Median nerve somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEPs) were collected pre and post motor acquisition. SEPs were stimulated at two frequencies, 2.47 Hz and 4.98 Hz, and 1,000 sweeps were recorded using 64-electrode electroencephalography (EEG) at 2,048 Hz. SEP amplitude changes were normalized to each participant’s baseline values for that peak.ResultsBoth groups improved at post measures (ADHD: 0.85 ± 0.09; Controls: 0.85 ± 0.10), with improvements maintained at retention (ADHD: 0.82 ± 0.11; Controls: 0.82 ± 0.11). The ADHD group had a decreased N18 post-acquisition (0.87 ± 0.48), while the control N18 increased (1.91 ± 1.43). The N30 increased in both groups, with a small increase in the ADHD group (1.03 ± 0.21) and a more pronounced increase in controls (1.15 ± 0.27).DiscussionUnique neural differences between groups were found after the acquisition of a novel force-matching motor paradigm, particularly relating to the N18 peak. The N18 differences suggest that those with ADHD have reduced olivary-cerebellar-M1 inhibition when learning a novel motor task dependent on force-modulation, potentially due to difficulties integrating the afferent feedback necessary to perform the task. The results of this work provide evidence that young adults with ADHD have altered proprioceptive processing when learning a novel motor task when compared to neurotypical controls

    Audiovisual Multisensory Integration and Evoked Potentials in Young Adults With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    The purpose of this study was to assess how young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) process audiovisual (AV) multisensory stimuli using behavioral and neurological measures. Adults with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD (n = 10) and neurotypical controls (n = 11) completed a simple response time task, consisting of auditory, visual, and AV multisensory conditions. Continuous 64-electrode electroencephalography (EEG) was collected to assess neurological responses to each condition. The AV multisensory condition resulted in the shortest response times for both populations. Analysis using the race model (Miller, 1982) demonstrated that those with ADHD had violation of the race model earlier in the response, which may be a marker for impulsivity. EEG analysis revealed that both groups had early multisensory integration (MSI) occur following multisensory stimulus onset. There were also significant group differences in event-related potentials (ERPs) in frontal, parietal, and occipital brain regions, which are regions reported to be altered in those with ADHD. This study presents results examining multisensory processing in the population of adults with ADHD, and can be used as a foundation for future ADHD research using developmental research designs as well as the development of novel technological supports

    Optimizing Movement Performance with Altered Sensation: An Examination of Multisensory Inputs

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    Two experiments were conducted to assess the impact of induced paresthesia on movement parameters of goal-directed aiming movements to determine how visual and auditory feedback may enhance performance when somatosensory feedback is disrupted. In both experiments, neurotypical adults performed the goal-directed aiming task in four conditions: (i) paresthesia—full vision; (ii) paresthesia—no vision; (iii) no paresthesia—full vision; (iv) no paresthesia—no vision. Targets appeared on a computer screen, vision was obscured using visual occlusion spectacles, and paresthesia was induced with a constant current stimulator. The first and last 20% of trials (early and late performance) were compared to assess adaptability to altered somatosensory input. Experiment 2 added an auditory tone that confirmed successful target acquisitions. When compared to early performance in the no-paresthesia and no-vision conditions, induced paresthesia and no vision led to significantly larger endpoint error toward the body midline in both early and late performance. This finding reveals the importance of proprioceptive input for movement accuracy in the absence of visual feedback. The kinematic results indicated that vision could not fully compensate for the disrupted proprioceptive input when participants experienced induced paresthesia. However, when auditory feedback confirmed successful aiming movements in Experiment 2, participants were able to improve their endpoint variability when experiencing induced paresthesia through changes in movement preparation

    The processing of visual and auditory information for reaching movements

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    Presenting target and non-target information in different modalities influences target localization if the non-target is within the spatiotemporal limits of perceptual integration. When using auditory and visual stimuli, the influence of a visual non-target on auditory target localization is greater than the reverse. It is not known, however, whether or how such perceptual effects extend to goal-directed behaviours. To gain insight into how audio-visual stimuli are integrated for motor tasks, the kinematics of reaching movements towards visual or auditory targets with or without a non-target in the other modality were examined. When present, the simultaneously presented non-target could be spatially coincident, to the left, or to the right of the target. Results revealed that auditory non-targets did not influence reaching trajectories towards a visual target, whereas visual non-targets influenced trajectories towards an auditory target. Interestingly, the biases induced by visual non-targets were present early in the trajectory and persisted until movement end. Subsequent experimentation indicated that the magnitude of the biases was equivalent whether participants performed a perceptual or motor task, whereas variability was greater for the motor versus the perceptual tasks. We propose that visually induced trajectory biases were driven by the perceived mislocation of the auditory target, which in turn affected both the movement plan and subsequent control of the movement. Such findings provide further evidence of the dominant role visual information processing plays in encoding spatial locations as well as planning and executing reaching action, even when reaching towards auditory targets.This research was funded by a postdoctoral fellowship (CMG) and Grants (LT, TWN) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. This research was also made possible by a grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (LT), the Ontario Research Fund (LT) and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (TNW). The authors would like to thank Christina Ko, Lokman Wong, and Alexander Safir for their assistance with data collection

    Adapting to Altered Sensory Input: Effects of Induced Paresthesia on Goal-Directed Movement Planning and Execution

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    The current study investigated how temporarily induced paresthesia in the moving limb affects the performance of a goal-directed target aiming task. Three-dimensional displacement data of 14 neurotypical participants were recorded while they pointed to a target on a computer monitor in four conditions: (i) paresthesia-full-vision; (ii) paresthesia-without-target vision; (iii) no-paresthesia-full-vision; (iv) no paresthesia-without-target vision. The four conditions were blocked and counterbalanced such that participants performed the paresthesia and no-paresthesia conditions on two separate days. To assess how aiming performance changed in the presence of paresthesia, we compared early versus late performance (first and last 20% of trials). We found that endpoint accuracy and movement speed were reduced in the presence of paresthesia, but only without target vision. With repetition, participants adjusted their movement performance strategy, such that with induced paresthesia, they used a movement strategy that included more pre-planned movements that depended less on online control

    Prediction of Kick Direction from Kinematics during the Soccer Penalty Kick

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    Background: Speed and direction of the ball are key factors in successful soccer penalty kicks. The kinematics that contribute to the kick direction are unclear. Purpose: The purpose of the study was (1) to compare the differences in instep kick kinematics between left and right kick directions; (2) to determine the significant factors that predict kick direction. Method: Four digital video cameras (80 Hz) collected data from eleven experienced female soccer players during instep penalty kicks to the left and right. Video analysis software (Dartfish Team Pro 6.0) was used to process and analyze the video files. Results: Paired t-tests indicated that several variables before ball contact were different. The linear regression included three variables (support foot orientation, support foot position behind the ball and approach angle) to best predict kick directions (R2 = 75.6%, p .01). Conclusion: The results may be useful for goalkeepers to anticipate kick direction before ball contact to gain a better chance to save the penalty kick.Keywords: Instep kick, Anticipation, Goalkeepin

    Prediction of Kick Direction from Kinematics during the Soccer Penalty Kick

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    Background: Speed and direction of the ball are key factors in successful soccer penalty kicks. The kinematics that contribute to the kick direction are unclear. Purpose: The purpose of the study was (1) to compare the differences in instep kick kinematics between left and right kick directions; (2) to determine the significant factors that predict kick direction. Method: Four digital video cameras (80 Hz) collected data from eleven experienced female soccer players during instep penalty kicks to the left and right. Video analysis software (Dartfish Team Pro 6.0) was used to process and analyze the video files. Results: Paired t-tests indicated that several variables before ball contact were different. The linear regression included three variables (support foot orientation, support foot position behind the ball and approach angle) to best predict kick directions (R2 = 75.6%, p < .01). Conclusion: The results may be useful for goalkeepers to anticipate kick direction before ball contact to gain a better chance to save the penalty kick. Keywords: Instep kick, Anticipation, Goalkeepin

    Differences in Lower Body Kinematics during Forward Treadmill Skating Between Two Different Hockey Skate Designs

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in ankle flexibility and skating technique between a traditional hockey skate boot and a hockey skate boot with a flexible rear tendon guard. Skating technique was further investigated at different speeds to give insight on how skating technique alters as skating speed is increased. Methods: Eight elite hockey players were selected for the present study, which was conducted while skating on an Endless Ice Skating Treadmill.  Variables were recorded using a three-camera setup and measured from video records at five selected treadmill speeds using the Dartfish Team Pro v6 software.  Kinematic variables were then compared between the two skate designs with a doubly multivariate repeated measures design.  Statistical significance was set at p0.05.  Results: Post hoc univariate tests comparing skate designs displayed significant increases in plantar flexion, plantar flexion angular velocity, hip extension, hip extension angular velocity, stride length, and stride velocity while participants were wearing the skates that had a flexible rear tendon guard.  Significant increases were also displayed in plantar flexion, plantar flexion angular velocity, knee extension, knee extension angular velocity, hip extension, hip extension angular velocity, hip abduction range of motion, hip abduction angular velocity, stride width, stride length, and stride velocity as the treadmill speed increased. There was also a significant decrease in the time the skate was in contact with the treadmill as treadmill speed increased. Conclusion: The results suggested that while skating forward, hockey players could improve their hockey skating technique by using hockey skates that have a flexible rear tendon guard.  This flexible tendon guard improved skating technique by increasing the time of force application to the ice by increasing the range of ankle plantar flexion during propulsion of the forward skating stride. Keywords: skate design, plantar flexion, tendon guar

    Differences in Lower Body Kinematics during Forward Treadmill Skating Between Two Different Hockey Skate Designs

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in ankle flexibility and skating technique between a traditional hockey skate boot and a hockey skate boot with a flexible rear tendon guard. Skating technique was further investigated at different speeds to give insight on how skating technique alters as skating speed is increased. Methods: Eight elite hockey players were selected for the present study, which was conducted while skating on an Endless Ice Skating Treadmill.  Variables were recorded using a three-camera setup and measured from video records at five selected treadmill speeds using the Dartfish Team Pro v6 software.  Kinematic variables were then compared between the two skate designs with a doubly multivariate repeated measures design.  Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.  Results: Post hoc univariate tests comparing skate designs displayed significant increases in plantar flexion, plantar flexion angular velocity, hip extension, hip extension angular velocity, stride length, and stride velocity while participants were wearing the skates that had a flexible rear tendon guard.  Significant increases were also displayed in plantar flexion, plantar flexion angular velocity, knee extension, knee extension angular velocity, hip extension, hip extension angular velocity, hip abduction range of motion, hip abduction angular velocity, stride width, stride length, and stride velocity as the treadmill speed increased. There was also a significant decrease in the time the skate was in contact with the treadmill as treadmill speed increased. Conclusion: The results suggested that while skating forward, hockey players could improve their hockey skating technique by using hockey skates that have a flexible rear tendon guard.  This flexible tendon guard improved skating technique by increasing the time of force application to the ice by increasing the range of ankle plantar flexion during propulsion of the forward skating stride.  Keywords: skate design, plantar flexion, tendon guar