16 research outputs found


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    A technique of analyzing the isotopic composition of Lu and Hf and for determining the Lu/Hf and Hf/Hf isotopic ratios in zircons is presented using a Neptune Plus (Thermo Scientific) mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma with an NWR 213 (ESI) laser ablation    attachment. On the example of Mud Tank, GJ-1, 91500, Plesovice and Temora-2 standard zircon samples, the uncertainty of a single measurement of the 176Hf/177Hf ratio has been obtained in the range of 0.002-0.008% in the form of 2σ (with a crater diameter of 50 μm; when it decreased to 25 μm the measurement uncertainty of the 176Hf/177Hf ratio increased by 1.5-2 times). Under the optimum parameters of the NexION 300S with NWR213 with the aim of increasing the locality of the sequential study of U/Pb and Lu/Hf isotope systems, a comparative characteristic of the application of two approaches has been obtained: in adjacent grain areas (approach 1) and in one crater (approach 2). The metrological characteristics of analyzing the isotopic composition of Lu and Hf and for determining the Lu/Hf and Hf/Hf isotopic ratios in zircons have been determined. To establish the application limits of the developed technique, the factor planning of the experiment has been developed. It was established that with a Lu/Hf ratio of 1/50 or more, the technique is not recommended to be applied due to the incorrect allowance of the isobaric effect. The procedures for measuring and calculating the Lu/Hf isotopic ratios of the isotope system in zircon have been tested on zircon grains (samples NP-46 and NP-47) of the Neplyuevsky pluton (South Urals). The data obtained was in satisfactory agreement with the data of the A. P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI).Keywords: mass spectrometry, laser ablation, Lu/Hf isotope system, isotope ratios, zirconsDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.3.005 M.V. Chervyakovskaya, S.L. Votyakov, V.S. Chervyakovskiy The Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGG UB RAS), ul. Akademika Vonsovskogo, 15, Ekaterinburg, 620016, Russian FederationПредставлены оптимизированная процедура анализа изотопного состава Lu и Hf в цирконах, реализованная на многоколлекторном масс-спектрометре с индуктивно связанной плазмой Neptune Plus (Thermo Fisher) с приставкой для лазерной абляции NWR 213 (ESI), определения изотопных отношений Lu/Hf и Hf/Hf. На примере стандартных образцов циркона Mud Tank, GJ-1, 91500, Plesovice и Temora-2 выполнен анализ неопределенности единичного измерения отношения 176Hf/177Hf, которая составила 0.002-0.008 % в виде 2σ (при диаметре кратера 50 мкм; при его уменьшении до 25 мкм неопределенность измерения отношения 176Hf/177Hf возрастает в 1.5-2 раза). При оптимизированных операционных параметрах масс-спектрометра и приставки для лазерной абляции с целью увеличения локальности последовательного изучения U/Pb и Lu/Hf изотопных систем представлена сравнительная характеристика применения двух подходов: из соседних кратеров (первый подход) и из одного (второй подход). Показаны метрологические характеристики разработанной методики изучения Lu/Hf изотопной системы в цирконе при последовательном измерении U/Pb и Lu/Hf изотопных систем. Проведено факторное планирование эксперимента для установления границ использования разработанной методики. Получено, что при соотношении Lu/Hf как 1/50 и более, методику применять не рекомендуется из-за некорректной компенсации изобарного влияния. Процедуры измерения и расчета изотопных отношений Lu/Hf изотопной системы в цирконе, представленные в работе, опробованы на зернах циркона (пробы NP-46 и NP-47) Неплюевского плутона (Южный Урал), полученные данные удовлетворительно согласуются с данными ЦИИ ВСЕГЕИ.Ключевые слова: масс-спектрометрия, лазерная абляция, Lu/Hf изотопная система, изотопные отношения, цирконыDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2021.25.3.00


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    Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and laser ablation (LA) are widely used to study the trace element composition of minerals, including silicates; nevertheless, methodological activities in this area aimed at increasing the sensitivity and locality and reducing composition error, remain relevant. The paper describes methodological approaches for studying the trace element composition of a number of silicate minerals using NexION 300S quadrupole ICP-MS with an NWR 213 LA attachment, obtained on standard synthetic glasses NIST SRM 612 and 610, as well as a number of interlaboratory zircon standards Mud Tank, GJ-1, 91500, Plesovice, Temora-2 and clinopyroxene samples 1636 and 1780 from clinopyroxenite of the Nizhniy Tagil massif (Urals). Presented here are the metrological characteristics of the analysis technique (the accuracy in the determination of elements from Li to U) and variations in sensitivity for different elements, obtained with a crater diameter of 13, 20, 25, 50 and 100 microns. The MS sensitivity drift analysis has been performed through an 8-hour analytical session; a comparison has been made between the results obtained and the literature data; a satisfactory agreement of the results has been observed. The analytical errors allow the use of methods for conducting research in solving various geochemical problems

    Stable Lead Isotopic Ratios as Indicator of Urban Geochemical Processes

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    The study is aimed to apply the Pb isotope fingerprinting technique for tracing pollution of urban surface deposited sediment (USDS). USDS reflect changes in the geochemical conditions occurring in the environment. USDS samples were collected in residential areas with multistory buildings in Russian cities: Magnitogorsk, Nizhny Tagil, Tyumen, Ufa, and Chelyabinsk. Elements concentrations and stable Pb isotopic ratios were measured in the samples. The reconstruction of the initial geochemical baseline (IGB) relationship between potentially harmful element (PHE) Pb and conservative lithogenic element (CE) Fe was carried out for USDS sample populations in the cities. The IGB reconstruction divided USDS sample populations into the groups of 'polluted' and 'unpolluted' with Pb samples. Analysis of elements concentrations and Pb isotope ratios in the groups of USDS samples showed different trends in altering geochemical conditions for metals in the surveyed cities. The USDS is characterized by a decrease in the isotope ratios of 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb as a result of soil pollution by vehicles during the period of using leaded gasoline. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported study was funded by RFBR, project No 19-35-60011. Pb isotope analysis was carried out at the Geoanalyst Center for collective Use of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The work of Chervyakovskaya M. and Streletskaya M. was paid from the project No AAAA-A18-118053090045-8 of the State task of the IGG UB RAS


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    The Ilmeno-Vishnevogorsky miaskite-phenite-carbonatite complex (IVС), located in the Urals folded region, is a representative of "linear type" carbonatite complexes, with which Nb-Zr deposits are associated. The ore potential of linear carbonatite complexes, the time and duration of ore-forming processes, and the geodynamic setting remain the subject of discussion. In order to estimate the age and duration of ore formation processes in the IVC, the U-Pb dating of zircon (LA-ICP-MS) from miaskite-pegmatites, as well as Rb-Sr dating of ore-bearing (pyrochlore-bearing) varieties of miaskite-pegmatites and carbonatites (ID-TIMS) were carried out. The U-Pb dating of zircon from the IVC miaskite-pegmatites showed the Permian age (280±8 Ma, P1 – age of the main zircon generation). The Rb-Sr-mineral isochron of miaskite-pegmatite showed a close age of 274±5 Ma (P1), confirming the results of U-Pb-dating of miaskite-pegmatites. The Rb-Sr dating of pyrochlore carbonatite varieties (sovites II) showed an age of 250±3 Ma (T1). The results of Rb-Sr- and U-Pb dating indicate that the processes of pegmatite- and carbonatite formation and the associated Zr-Nb ore formation in IVC occurred at the late collisional and postcollisional stage of development of the Ural folded region. Based on the data obtained, the geodynamic model for the IVC formation was proposed


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    Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and laser ablation (LA) are widely used to study the trace element composition of minerals, including silicates; nevertheless, methodological activities in this area aimed at increasing the sensitivity and locality and reducing composition error, remain relevant. The paper describes methodological approaches for studying the trace element composition of a number of silicate minerals using NexION 300S quadrupole ICP-MS with an NWR 213 LA attachment, obtained on standard synthetic glasses NIST SRM 612 and 610, as well as a number of interlaboratory zircon standards Mud Tank, GJ-1, 91500, Plesovice, Temora-2 and clinopyroxene samples 1636 and 1780 from clinopyroxenite of the Nizhniy Tagil massif (Urals). Presented here are the metrological characteristics of the analysis technique (the accuracy in the determination of elements from Li to U) and variations in sensitivity for different elements, obtained with a crater diameter of 13, 20, 25, 50 and 100 microns. The MS sensitivity drift analysis has been performed through an 8-hour analytical session; a comparison has been made between the results obtained and the literature data; a satisfactory agreement of the results has been observed. The analytical errors allow the use of methods for conducting research in solving various geochemical problems.Масс-спектрометрия с индуктивно связанной плазмой (ИСП-МС) и лазерной абляцией (ЛА) широко применяется для изучения микроэлементного состава минералов, в том числе силикатных. Тем не менее в настоящее время методические работы в этой области, цель которых – повышение чувствительности и локальности, снижение погрешности определения, остаются актуальными. В статье описаны методические подходы к изучению микроэлементного состава ряда силикатных минералов, реализованные на квадрупольном ИСП-МС NexION 300S с ЛА приставкой NWR 213, полученные на стандартных синтетических стеклах NIST SRM 612 и 610, а также на ряде межлабораторных образцов сравнения циркона Mud Tank, GJ–1, 91500, Plesovice, Temora-2 и внутрилабораторных образцов сравнения клинопироксена 1636 и 1780 из клинопироксенита Нижнетагильского массива (Урал). Представлены метрологические характеристики методики анализа (правильность определения элементов от Li до U) и вариации чувствительности по разным элементам, полученные при диаметре кратера 13, 20, 25, 50 и 100 мкм; проанализирован дрейф чувствительности МС за время аналитической сессии в течение 8 ч, проведена сравнительная характеристика полученных и литературных данных; получено удовлетворительное согласие результатов. Достигнутые погрешности анализа позволяют использовать методики для проведения исследований при решении различных геохимических проблем

    Study of Lu/Hf isotopic composition of zircons using a Neptune Plus multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer with an NWR 213 laser ablation attachment

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    Представлены оптимизированная процедура анализа изотопного состава Lu и Hf в цирконах, реализованная на многоколлекторном масс-спектрометре с индуктивно связанной плазмой Neptune Plus (Thermo Fisher) с приставкой для лазерной абляции NWR 213 (ESI), определения изотопных отношений Lu/Hf и Hf/Hf. На примере стандартных образцов циркона Mud Tank, GJ-1, 91500, Plesovice и Temora-2 выполнен анализ неопределенности единичного измерения отношения 176Hf/177Hf , которая составила 0.002-0.008 % в виде 2σ (при диаметре кратера 50 мкм; при его уменьшении до 25 мкм неопределенность измерения отношения 176Hf/177Hf возрастает в 1.5-2 раза). При оптимизированных операционных параметрах масс-спектрометра и приставки для лазерной абляции с целью увеличения локальности последовательного изучения U/Pb и Lu/Hf изотопных систем представлена сравнительная характеристика применения двух подходов: из соседних кратеров (первый подход) и из одного (второй подход). Показаны метрологические характеристики разработанной методики изучения Lu/Hf изотопной системы в цирконе при последовательном измерении U/Pb и Lu/Hf изотопных систем. Проведено факторное планирование эксперимента для установления границ использования разработанной методики. Получено, что при соотношении Lu/Hf как 1/50 и более, методику применять не рекомендуется из-за некорректной компенсации изобарного влияния. Процедуры измерения и расчета изотопных отношений Lu/Hf изотопной системы в цирконе, представленные в работе, опробованы на зернах циркона (пробы NP-46 и NP-47) Неплюевского плутона (Южный Урал), полученные данные удовлетворительно согласуются с данными ЦИИ ВСЕГЕИ.A technique of analyzing the isotopic composition of Lu and Hf and for determining the Lu/Hf and Hf/Hf isotopic ratios in zircons is presented using a Neptune Plus (Thermo Scientific) mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma with an NWR 213 (ESI) laser ablation attachment. On the example of Mud Tank, GJ-1, 91500, Plesovice and Temora-2 standard zircon samples, the uncertainty of a single measurement of the 176Hf/177Hf ratio has been obtained in the range of 0.002-0.008% in the form of 2σ (with a crater diameter of 50 μm; when it decreased to 25 μm the measurement uncertainty of the 176Hf/177Hf ratio increased by 1.5-2 times). Under the optimum parameters of the NexION 300S with NWR213 with the aim of increasing the locality of the sequential study of U/Pb and Lu/Hf isotope systems, a comparative characteristic of the application of two approaches has been obtained: in adjacent grain areas (approach 1) and in one crater (approach 2). The metrological characteristics of analyzing the isotopic composition of Lu and Hf and for determining the Lu/Hf and Hf/Hf isotopic ratios in zircons have been determined. To establish the application limits of the developed technique, the factor planning of the experiment has been developed. It was established that with a Lu/Hf ratio of 1/50 or more, the technique is not recommended to be applied due to the incorrect allowance of the isobaric effect. The procedures for measuring and calculating the Lu/Hf isotopic ratios of the isotope system in zircon have been tested on zircon grains (samples NP-46 and NP-47) of the Neplyuevsky pluton (South Urals). The data obtained was in satisfactory agreement with the data of the A. P. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute (VSEGEI).ЛА-ИСП-МС исследование проведено в ЦКП «Геоаналитик» ИГГ УрО РАН в рамках темы № AAAA-A18-118053090045-8 государственного задания ИГГ УрО РАН. Дооснащение и комплексное развитие ЦКП «Геоаналитик» ИГГ УрО РАН осуществляется при финансовой поддержке гранта Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Соглашение № 075-15-2021-680».LA-ICP-MS study was supported by the state assignment of the «Geoanalitik» shared research facilities of IGG UB RAS (№ AAAA-A18-118053090045-8). The re-equipment and comprehensive development of the «Geoanalitik» shared research facilities of the IGG UB RAS is financially supported by the grant of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement No. 075-15-2021-680)


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    In order to develop express methods for the quantitative assessment of properties and the selection of reference samples close to investigated sample, to ensure similar conditions for the evaporation of substances and parameters of fractionation of trace elements in LA-ICP-MS, a comparative analysis of the U-Pb isotopic composition, Raman and cathodoluminescent spectra of zircon GJ-1, Plesovice, 91500, Temora-2, Mud Tank reference samples has been performed. Variations in the position and width of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) mode of asymmetric stretching vibrations ν3(SiO4) B1g, as well as the values of the accumulated autoradiation dose Dα and the equivalent dose Dαed have been analyzed. It has been shown that in the series Mud Tank→91500→Temora-2→GJ-1→Plesovice, an increase in the degree of autoradiation damage is recorded: the first three samples are slightly damaged; Plesovice is a moderately damaged difference. The analyzed reference samples can be correctly used for LA-ICP-MS analysis of samples of weakly damaged zircons from magmatites, as well as fragments (zones) of zircon grains from metamorphic rocks of weak and medium degree of structural damage. For the first time, using a Jeol JSM6390LV SEM equipped with a Horiba H-CLUE iHR500 attachment, cathodoluminescence spectra of zircon reference samples were obtained in the 200–800 nm range. It has been found that the integral luminescence brightness varies for samples by more than an order of magnitude; the spectra are of a complex superposition nature; their decomposition into elementary components is ambiguous; a large number of components is detected, which are combined into three main Аi–Вi–Сi groups of broad bands in the near-ultraviolet (UV), blue-green and yellow regions with Emax=4.3–5.0, 2.6–3.5, and 2.1–2.3 eV, respectively. For the first time, it wasproposed to use a triple Аi–Вi–Сi diagram to discriminate zircons by their luminescent properties. It has been found that the position of zircon standards on it significantly differs, which is proposed to be used as a basis for an express assessment of their properties and selection. A comparative analysis was performed on the U-Pb isotopic composition, discordance of age determinations, features of Raman and cathodoluminescence spectra for a large sample of accessory zircon from kimberlites and diamond-bearing placers of Yakutia, as well as metamorphic rocks of the Urals – from granite of the final phase of the Neplyuevsky pluton, high-magnesian diorite massif, from high-pressure garnetites of the Mindyaksky lherzolite massif, from leptinites of the Taldyk block Mugodzhar. The Аi–Вi–Сi diagram is compared with similar data on the cathodoluminescence of the reference samples

    Изотопно-геохимические особенности карбонатов и термальных вод месторождения Кындыг (Республика Абхазия)

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    Subject. The aim of the work is to study the mechanism and sources of water formation, as well as the peculiarities of carbonate mineralization in the aquifer of the Kyndyg thermal water deposit. Materials and methods. The samples of water (8) and deposited carbonates (15), collected at different seasons at three sites, characterized by different temperatures and dis-tances from the source, were investigated. pH, Eh, and electrical conductivity were determined by an electrochemical me-thod. For the determination of HCO3–, Cl– 2–, SO4, titrimetric, mercurymetric and turbidimetric methods were used. Trace element composition was determined by ICP-MS (NexION 300S); strontium isotopic composition – by MC-ICP-MS (Nep-tune Plus) using the bracketing technique after Sr chromatographic separation. Results. The chloride-calcium hydroche-mical type prevails in the studied waters. A number of trace elements in water exceeds the clarke concentrations for ground-water in the supergene zone of mountain landscapes.87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios (0.7065–0.7072) in thermal waters suggest that their composition is determined rather by the isotopic characteristics of the rocks through which water drains than by the influence of sea water. Among the newly formed carbonates, aragonite prevails. In contrast to thermal water, the concentrations of most metals in carbonates are below the clarke values; only Sr and Se are increased, which content is significantly increased in water as well. Deposited carbonates are characterized by87Sr/86Sr values (0.7028–0.7074), which are lower than in the source thermal waters. Conclusions. On the basis of hydrogeological, hydrochemical and geochemical data, it can be assumed that the waters of this aquifer complex are formed mainly due to fresh fractured karst waters of lower Cre-taceous limestones with submerged monocline dipping into the zone of slow circulation and mixing with sedimentogenic sodium chloride waters. The geochemical data and the presence of scandium anomaly suggest that the underlying Jurassic volcanogenic rocks also participate in water exchange. © 2020, AN Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the framework of the scientific project 19-55-40005 Abh_a “Genetic types of karstogenesis of the Abkhazian coastal carbonate massifs”. The analysis of microelement and Sr isotopic composition of thermal waters and deposited salts was carried out in the UB RAS Geoanalytic Center for Collective Use and supported by АААА-А18-118053090045-8 topic of IGG UB RAS State Assignment


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    The Ilmeno-Vishnevogorsky miaskite-phenite-carbonatite complex (IVС), located in the Urals folded region, is a representative of "linear type" carbonatite complexes, with which Nb-Zr deposits are associated. The ore potential of linear carbonatite complexes, the time and duration of ore-forming processes, and the geodynamic setting remain the subject of discussion. In order to estimate the age and duration of ore formation processes in the IVC, the U-Pb dating of zircon (LA-ICP-MS) from miaskite-pegmatites, as well as Rb-Sr dating of ore-bearing (pyrochlore-bearing) varieties of miaskite-pegmatites and carbonatites (ID-TIMS) were carried out. The U-Pb dating of zircon from the IVC miaskite-pegmatites showed the Permian age (280±8 Ma, P1 – age of the main zircon generation). The Rb-Sr-mineral isochron of miaskite-pegmatite showed a close age of 274±5 Ma (P1), confirming the results of U-Pb-dating of miaskite-pegmatites. The Rb-Sr dating of pyrochlore carbonatite varieties (sovites II) showed an age of 250±3 Ma (T1). The results of Rb-Sr- and U-Pb dating indicate that the processes of pegmatite- and carbonatite formation and the associated Zr-Nb ore formation in IVC occurred at the late collisional and postcollisional stage of development of the Ural folded region. Based on the data obtained, the geodynamic model for the IVC formation was proposed.Ильмено-Вишневогорский миаскит-фенит-карбонатитовый комплекс (ИВК), расположенный в Уральской складчатой области, является представителем карбонатитовых комплексов «линейного типа», с которым связаны Nb-Zr месторождения. Рудный потенциал карбонатитовых комплексов «линейного типа», время и продолжительность рудообразующих процессов, геодинамическая обстановка их формирования остаются предметом дискуссий. С целью оценки возраста и продолжительности процессов рудообразования в ИВК проведено U-Pb-датирование циркона (метод LA-ICP-MS) из миаскит-пегматитов, а также Rb-Sr-датирование рудоносных (пирохлорсодержащих) разностей миаскит-пегматитов и карбонатитов (ID-TIMS по минералам и валу породы). U-Pb-датирование циркона миаскит-пегматитов ИВК показало пермский возраст (280±8 млн лет, P1 – возраст основной генерации циркона). Rb-Sr-минеральная изохрона для миаскит-пегматита с близким возрастом – 274±5 млн лет (Р1) – подтверждает результаты датирования миаскит-пегматитов U-Pb-методом. Rb-Sr-датирование пирохлоровых разностей карбонатитов (сёвитов II) показало возраст 250±3 млн лет (Т1). Результаты Rb-Sr- и U-Pb-датирования свидетельствуют о том, что процессы пегматито- и карбонатитообразования и связанного с ними Zr-Nb-рудообразования в ИВК происходили на поздне- и постколлизионной стадии развития Уральской складчатой области. На основании полученных данных предложена геодинамическая модель формирования ИВК


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    Transformation of the oceanic crust into the continental one in orogenic belts is an important problem in petrological studies. In the paleocontinental sector of the Urals, a key object for tracing the stages of metamorphism and investigating the origin of anatectic granites is the Murzinka-Adui metamorphic complex. We have analyzed trace elements in zircons and established their genesis, sources, crystallization conditions, and stages of metamorphic events and granite generation in this complex. Zircons compositions were determined by the LA-ICP-MS method. Temperatures were calculated from Ti contents in the zircons. We distinguish three geochemical types of zircons, which differ in the ratios of light and heavy REE, U, Th, Ti, Y and show different values of Ce- and Eu-anomalies and Zr/Hf ratios, which are indicative of different crystallization conditions, as follows. Type I: minimal total LREE content; clear negative Eu- and Ce- anomalies; features of magmatic genesis; crystallization temperatures from 629 to 782 °C. Type II: higher contents of Ti, La, and LREE; low Ce-anomaly; assumed crystallization from highly fluidized melts or solutions. Type III: low positive Eu-anomaly; high REE content; low Th/U-ratio; zircons are assumed to originate from a specific fluidized melt with a high Eu-concentration. Ancient relict zircons (2300–330 Ma) in gneisses and granites show features of magma genesis and belong to types I and II. Such grains were possibly inherited from granitoid sources with different SiO2 contents and different degrees of metamorphism. Based on the geological and petrogeochemical features and zircon geochemistry of the Murzinka-Adui complex, there are grounds to conclude that the material composing this complex was generated from the sialic crust. The main stages of metamorphism and/or granite generation, which are traceable from the changes in types and compositions of the zircons, are dated at 1639, 380–370, 330, and 276–246 Ma. Thus, transformation of the oceanic crust into the continental one was a long-term and complicated process, and, as a result, the thickness of the sialic crust is increased in the study area.Изучение процесса преобразования океанической коры в континентальную, идущего в орогенных поясах, – важный вопрос петрологии. Мурзинско-адуйский метаморфический комплекс, расположенный в палеоконтинентальном секторе Урала, является одним из ключевых объектов, где можно проследить этапы метаморфизма и сопряженного с ним анатектического гранитообразования. Цель работы – на основе анализа микроэлементного состава цирконов из гнейсов и жильных гранитов данного комплекса установить их генезис, источники, условия кристаллизации, уточнить этапность гранитообразования. Состав цирконов изучался методом LA-ICP-MS, температуры рассчитаны по содержанию титана в цирконе. Выделены три геохимических типа цирконов, различающихся соотношением легких и тяжелых РЗЭ, U, Th, Ti, Y, величинами Zr/Hf-отношения и аномалий Се и Eu, что предполагает разницу в условиях кристаллизации. Цирконы I типа содержат минимальное количество LREE, имеют ясные негативные аномалии Cе и Eu, обладают признаками магматического генезиса. Температура их кристаллизации составляет 629–782 °С. Цирконы II типа имеют более высокие содержания Ti, La, LREE, слабую аномалию Ce. Предполагается их кристаллизация из высокофлюидизированных расплавов или растворов. Цирконы III типа обладают слабой позитивной аномалией Eu, высокой суммой РЗЭ, низким Th/U-отношением и могли образоваться из особого флюидонасыщенного расплава с высокой концентрацией Eu. Древние реликтовые цирконы с широким разбросом возрастов (от 2300 до 330 млн лет) фиксируются в гнейсах и гранитах, имеют признаки магматического генезиса, соответствуя I и II типу. Они могли быть заимствованы из источников гранитоидного состава, имеющих разную основность или в разной степени преобразованных. Особенности строения мурзинско-адуйского комплекса, петрогеохимические параметры пород, геохимия цирконов указывают на сиалическую природу вещества, слагающего данный сегмент земной коры. Главные этапы метаморфизма и/или гранитообразования, которые нашли выражение в смене морфотипов и составов цирконов, отвечают 1639, 380–370, 330 и 276–246 млн лет, т.е. процесс континентализации был длительным, сложным и привел к повышенной мощности сиалической коры