176 research outputs found

    Passive Scalar: Scaling Exponents and Realizability

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    An isotropic passive scalar field TT advected by a rapidly-varying velocity field is studied. The tail of the probability distribution P(θ,r)P(\theta,r) for the difference θ\theta in TT across an inertial-range distance rr is found to be Gaussian. Scaling exponents of moments of θ\theta increase as n\sqrt{n} or faster at large order nn, if a mean dissipation conditioned on θ\theta is a nondecreasing function of θ|\theta|. The P(θ,r)P(\theta,r) computed numerically under the so-called linear ansatz is found to be realizable. Some classes of gentle modifications of the linear ansatz are not realizable.Comment: Substantially revised to conform with published version. Revtex (4 pages) with 2 postscript figures. Send email to [email protected]

    The Lyapunov Spectrum of a Continuous Product of Random Matrices

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    We expose a functional integration method for the averaging of continuous products P^t\hat{P}_t of N×NN\times N random matrices. As an application, we compute exactly the statistics of the Lyapunov spectrum of P^t\hat{P}_t. This problem is relevant to the study of the statistical properties of various disordered physical systems, and specifically to the computation of the multipoint correlators of a passive scalar advected by a random velocity field. Apart from these applications, our method provides a general setting for computing statistical properties of linear evolutionary systems subjected to a white noise force field.Comment: Latex, 9 page

    Hardware design of transformer remote monitoring system based on Internet of things

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    The architecture for intelligent monitoring systems in the power industry is considered. The equipment for remote monitoring is described. Based on the research and analysis of dry-type transformers, this paper designs a remote monitoring system for transformers based on the Internet of Things technology and draws the following conclusions: the design scheme with GPRS as the communication means and Arduino as the system carrier is determined

    The Viscous Lengths in Hydrodynamic Turbulence are Anomalous Scaling Functions

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    It is shown that the idea that scaling behavior in turbulence is limited by one outer length LL and one inner length η\eta is untenable. Every n'th order correlation function of velocity differences \bbox{\cal F}_n(\B.R_1,\B.R_2,\dots) exhibits its own cross-over length ηn\eta_{n} to dissipative behavior as a function of, say, R1R_1. This length depends on nn {and on the remaining separations} R2,R3,R_2,R_3,\dots. One result of this Letter is that when all these separations are of the same order RR this length scales like ηn(R)η(R/L)xn\eta_n(R)\sim \eta (R/L)^{x_n} with xn=(ζnζn+1+ζ3ζ2)/(2ζ2)x_n=(\zeta_n-\zeta_{n+1}+\zeta_3-\zeta_2)/(2-\zeta_2), with ζn\zeta_n being the scaling exponent of the nn'th order structure function. We derive a class of scaling relations including the ``bridge relation" for the scaling exponent of dissipation fluctuations μ=2ζ6\mu=2-\zeta_6.Comment: PRL, Submitted. REVTeX, 4 pages, I fig. (not included) PS Source of the paper with figure avalable at http://lvov.weizmann.ac.il/onlinelist.htm

    Anomalous Scaling in a Model of Passive Scalar Advection: Exact Results

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    Kraichnan's model of passive scalar advection in which the driving velocity field has fast temporal decorrelation is studied as a case model for understanding the appearance of anomalous scaling in turbulent systems. We demonstrate how the techniques of renormalized perturbation theory lead (after exact resummations) to equations for the statistical quantities that reveal also non perturbative effects. It is shown that ultraviolet divergences in the diagrammatic expansion translate into anomalous scaling with the inner length acting as the renormalization scale. In this paper we compute analytically the infinite set of anomalous exponents that stem from the ultraviolet divergences. Notwithstanding, non-perturbative effects furnish a possibility of anomalous scaling based on the outer renormalization scale. The mechanism for this intricate behavior is examined and explained in detail. We show that in the language of L'vov, Procaccia and Fairhall [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 50}, 4684 (1994)] the problem is ``critical" i.e. the anomalous exponent of the scalar primary field Δ=Δc\Delta=\Delta_c. This is precisely the condition that allows for anomalous scaling in the structure functions as well, and we prove that this anomaly must be based on the outer renormalization scale. Finally, we derive the scaling laws that were proposed by Kraichnan for this problem, and show that his scaling exponents are consistent with our theory.Comment: 43 pages, revtex

    Magnetic field correlations in a random flow with strong steady shear

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    We analyze magnetic kinematic dynamo in a conducting fluid where the stationary shear flow is accompanied by relatively weak random velocity fluctuations. The diffusionless and diffusion regimes are described. The growth rates of the magnetic field moments are related to the statistical characteristics of the flow describing divergence of the Lagrangian trajectories. The magnetic field correlation functions are examined, we establish their growth rates and scaling behavior. General assertions are illustrated by explicit solution of the model where the velocity field is short-correlated in time

    Normal and Anomalous Scaling of the Fourth-Order Correlation Function of a Randomly Advected Passive Scalar

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    For a delta-correlated velocity field, simultaneous correlation functions of a passive scalar satisfy closed equations. We analyze the equation for the four-point function. To describe a solution completely, one has to solve the matching problems at the scale of the source and at the diffusion scale. We solve both the matching problems and thus find the dependence of the four-point correlation function on the diffusion and pumping scale for large space dimensionality dd. It is shown that anomalous scaling appears in the first order of 1/d1/d perturbation theory. Anomalous dimensions are found analytically both for the scalar field and for it's derivatives, in particular, for the dissipation field.Comment: 19 pages, RevTex 3.0, Submitted to Phys.Rev. E, revised versio

    Anomalous exponents in the rapid-change model of the passive scalar advection in the order ϵ3\epsilon^{3}

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    Field theoretic renormalization group is applied to the Kraichnan model of a passive scalar advected by the Gaussian velocity field with the covariance <v(t,x)v(t,x)>δ(tt)xxϵ - <{\bf v}(t,{\bf x}){\bf v}(t',{\bf x'})> \propto\delta(t-t')|{\bf x}-{\bf x'} |^{\epsilon}. Inertial-range anomalous exponents, related to the scaling dimensions of tensor composite operators built of the scalar gradients, are calculated to the order ϵ3\epsilon^{3} of the ϵ\epsilon expansion. The nature and the convergence of the ϵ\epsilon expansion in the models of turbulence is are briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages; REVTeX source with 3 postscript figure