54 research outputs found

    Risk of the building deformation because of above-permitted standard subsidence

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    The authors suppose that the vulnerability of natural-and-technical system in relation to the subsidence can be equated to the financial costs of repair or new construction with the summation of losses from the temporary exception of this system from the economic activity. Then the vulnerability can be considered as the economic damage, and risk can be considered as the multiplication of damage by the probability of a dangerous event. The method of calculation of geological risk is offered in the article and can be applied in practice by geologists, mathematicians and designers

    Analysis of preparation and conduct of cordinated calls in aeronautics within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

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    In this paper, organizing and conducting coordinated calls and projects between Russia and the European Union (EU) under the 8th EU Framework Programme (FP) for Research and Innovation 'Horizon 2020' are considered as an instrument for international cooperation in aeronautics. Relevance of the work is determined by the novelty of holding Russia-EU coordinated calls and lack of knowledge about them in the Russian organizations. The paper aims at considering Russia's position in the global aviation market, determining prerequisites for holding coordinated calls, comparing Russian and European financing. To do this, Russia-EU interaction at coordinating general projects themes and compliance with the goals set n the Russian strategic documents in aeronautics are detailed. Besides, the procedure for scientific organizations' participation in coordinated calls and projects is given. The main approach to studying preparation and implementation of coordinated calls was a comparative analysis of European and Russian fundamental documents using the experience of international cooperation accumulated in Russia. Advantages and disadvantages of coordinated calls and projects are given in a PEST-analysis broken down by internal and external factors. Role of the National Contract Point (NCP) 'Aeronautics' at the Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute named after Prof. N. E. Zhukovsky is underlined. The analysis results can be useful for organizations wishing to participate in coordinated projects and Russian and European government bodies regulating international scientific cooperation.peer-reviewe

    Low-loss K-band Photoconductive Switches in SIW Technology

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    A design approach for mmWave switches in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology is demonstrated. The switch is based on a photoconductive element (PE) which represents a piece of an intrinsic silicon wafer with light modulated conductivity. Using both dielectric (high-resistivity) and conductive states of the PE, we can design a low-loss mmWave switching element. Owing to the light actuation, the control circuitry of the photoconductive switch (PS) is electrically separated from the high-frequency elements of the device. This solves the bottleneck of conventional mmWave switches based on PIN diodes, MOSFETs, MEMS, etc., which are bulky and lossy due to decoupling filters and matching elements of control and biasing circuits. The proposed approach is generic and can be applied to many mmWave applications within 10\ua0—\ua0100\ua0GHz such as 5G, WiGig, automotive radars, and others

    Monoclinic form I of clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate from powder diffraction data

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C16H17ClNO2S+·HSO4 −, (I) [systematic name: (+)-(S)-5-[(2-chloro­phen­yl)(meth­oxy­carbon­yl)meth­yl]-4,5,6,7-tetra­hydro­thieno[3,2-c]pyridin-5-ium hydrogen sulfate], contains two independent cations of clopidogrel and two independent hydrogensulfate anions. The two independent cations are of similar conformation; however, this differs from that observed in ortho­rhom­bic form (II) [Bousquet et al. (2003 ▶). US Patent No. 6 504 030]. The H—N—Cchiral—H fragment shows a trans conformation in both independent cations in (I) and a gauche conformation in (II). In (I), classical inter­molecular N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link two independent cations and two independent anions into an isolated cluster, in which two cations inter­act with one anion only via N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds further consolidate the crystal packing

    Integrated W-band Photoconductive Switches in SIW Technology

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    A novel approach for the design of mmWave substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) switches is presented. The switch is based on controllable photoconductive elements (PEs), whose conductivity is modulated by a light source. The PE is integrated on the top SIW metal plate and provides either a short-circuit or transmission operation regime, depending on the actuation conditions. Owing to the light actuation, the mmWave and DC control circuitry are naturally decoupled, which, in turn, makes the design low-loss and compact as compared to PIN diode and integrated circuit-based SIW switches implementations. We demonstrate two examples of SIW photoconductive switches (PSs) at W-band: single-pole single-throw (SPST) and single-pole double-throw (SPDT) PSs. Their operation principle, actuation, and parasitic radiation suppression are discussed. Measurements show the peak insertion loss of 0.9 and 2.2 dB, isolation better than 25 and 30 dB, and –10-dB impedance bandwidth of 21 and 15% for the SPST and SPDT PSs, respectively


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    The space ship with astronauts flying through space is a small island of life in the vast lifeless ocean. The crew safety depends on many factors. One of the main reasons is medical-biological problems


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    This paper considers an algorithm for development of the sixth order compact microstrip bandpass filters with quasi-elliptic characteristics. The proposed technique is applied for synthesis of two filters for the L- and X-band. The recursive computational approach is employed to obtain the coupling matrix with simple topological implementation. Next, the full-wave transmission line analysis based on spectral-domain method of moments is applied for calculation of coupled microstrip resonator eigen frequencies. This approach is then used to compute magnitude and sign of the coupling coefficient for basic coupled resonator configurations. Finally, two quasi-elliptic filter topologies are synthesized and structure optimization in Ansys HFSS is performed. As a result, prototypes of the developed microstrip filters are manufactured and measured.Микроволновые фильтры являются неотъемлемым базовым элементом генераторов, синтезаторов частот, приемо-передающих модулей антенных систем с электрическим сканированием. Актуальной задачей остается разработка миниатюрных и технологичных микроволновых фильтров с повышенными требованиями к форме амплитудно-частотной характеристики, а также поиск новых методов для их анализа и расчета. Реализация алгоритмов для трехмерного расчета требует значительных временных ресурсов и представляет достаточно сложную задачу. Цель работы заключается в разработке упрощенного алгоритма анализа коэффициентов связи между микрополосковыми резонаторами и создании на его основе топологий полосовых квазиэллиптических фильтров шестого порядка с относительной полосой пропускания 10 % для X- и L-диапазонов частот.С помощью рекурсивного метода проводится расчет матрицы коэффициентов связи, а также выбор наиболее компактной и удобной для физической реализации топологии связей. Предложен метод анализа и расчета собственных частот связанных микрополосковых резонаторов. Метод основан на численном решении электродинамической задачи. С помощью представленного алгоритма исследуются особенности поведения модуля и знака коэффициента связи для базовых структур из связанных микрополосковых резонаторов с четырьмя различными взаимными расположениями. На основе проведенных исследований строятся топологии квазиэллиптических фильтров для дальнейшей оптимизации в пакете электродинамического моделирования Ansys HFSS. В результате проведенных расчетов были изготовлены макеты квазиэллиптических микрополосковых полосовых фильтров и измерены частотные характеристики их S-параметров. Результаты экспериментальных исследований показывают, что достигнуты заданные положения нулей затухания, а также требуемые уровни режекции

    Engine technical performance influence on car exhaust microparticles grading

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    Abstract. Present work demonstrates the influence of the engine size, car production year and fuel type on suspended solid particles of the car exhaust. The investigated machine group (N = 21) showed no influence on the particle size distribution caused by engine displacement and type of fuel. It is shown that almost new cars (less than 400 km travelled) are the most frequent source of the particles with an average diameter of about 10 microns or less

    Geological background of the estimation of natural stresses in soil body

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    Initial and boundary conditions are always given for solving the problem of calculating the interaction of tunnels and other underground structures with soil and rocks. The same conditions are set for calculating the surface buildings. These initial data for calculation are divided into three groups: 1) the geometrical shape of the layers of rocks (geological structure); 2) the parameters of the strength and compressibility of rocks; 3) compressive stresses in the array. These data all over the world are set with engineering surveys. In engineering surveys there are good methods of determining the source of the data 1 and 2. But there is no available methodology for determining the natural stress state. Therefore, compressive and tensile stresses are usually determined by mathematical modeling. The calculation of the compressive stresses is done on the basis of the following hypotheses: compressive stresses are created by the weight of rocks; they go down in proportion to the density of rocks; the main normal stress is has a vertical direction; normal stress in horizontal direction is smaller. The value of the horizontal stress is was calculated using Poisson’s ratio. This hypothesis of the nineteenth century was used another 50 years ago, when it was not known exactly about the movement of the continents and when compressive stresses in the earth’s crust have not yet been measured. Today a universal application of this hypothesis is not correct. Now the application of this hypothesis in many cases is not correct. In this research paper an attempt is made to specify the area, in which the above hypothesis can be used. This is done on the basis of current scientific evidence. Abroad this way of calculating tunnels and other underground structures and bases of buildings should be done taking into account the real field of natural stresses. The geological characteristics of the location of the axes of stresses in soil body are based on the study of fractures. Also the article shows the influence of the surface topography of the territory on stress in soil. In order to draw conclusions the author uses his observations of the construction in Siberia and Mongolia, as well as publications of other scientists. The author notes that in engineering surveys for construction of tunnels, high-rise dams, high rise buildings there is no good method of determining the natural stresses in rocks and soils, which is equal in accuracy to the methods of construction of geological sections and methods for determining the estimated characteristics of the soil. This gap needs to be filled. The possible direction of work is: to combine the methods of direct measurements of compressive stresses with indirect geophysical methods and computer modeling