568 research outputs found

    Strong quantum effects in an almost classical antiferromagnet on a kagome lattice

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    Two ubiquitous features of frustrated spin systems stand out: massive degeneracy of their ground states and flat, or dispersionless, excitation branches. In real materials, the former is frequently lifted by secondary interactions or quantum fluctuations, in favor of an ordered or spin-liquid state, but the latter often survive. We demonstrate that flat modes may precipitate remarkably strong quantum effects even in the systems that are otherwise written off as almost entirely classical. The resultant spectral features should be reminiscent of the quasiparticle breakdown in quantum systems, only here the effect is strongly amplified by the flatness of spin-excitation branches, leading to the damping that is not vanishingly small even at S ⁣≫ ⁣1S\!\gg\!1. We provide a theoretical analysis of excitation spectrum of the S=5/2S=5/2 iron-jarosite to illustrate our findings and to suggest further studies of this and other frustrated spin systems.Comment: 7 pages, accepted to PR

    Highly Dispersive Scattering From Defects In Non-Collinear Magnets

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    We demonstrate that point-like defects in non-collinear magnets give rise to a highly dispersive structure in the magnon scattering, violating a standard paradigm of its momentum independence. For a single impurity spin coupled to a prototypical non-collinear antiferromagnet we find that the resolvent is dominated by a distinct dispersive structure with its momentum-dependence set by the magnon dispersion and shifted by the ordering vector. This feature is a consequence of umklapp scattering off the impurity-induced spin texture, which arises due to the non-collinear ground state of the host system. Detailed results for the staggered and uniform magnetization of this texture as well as the T-matrix from numerical linear spin-wave theory are presented.Comment: 5+5 pages, 4+5 fig

    Damped Topological Magnons in the Kagom\'{e}-Lattice Ferromagnets

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    We demonstrate that interactions can substantially undermine the free-particle description of magnons in ferromagnets on geometrically frustrated lattices. The anharmonic coupling, facilitated by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, and a highly-degenerate two-magnon continuum yield a strong, non-perturbative damping of the high-energy magnon modes. We provide a detailed account of the effect for the S=1/2S=1/2 ferromagnet on the kagom\'e lattice and propose further experiments.Comment: 4.5 p + 4 figs main, 8 p + 16 figs supplemental, typos correcte

    Thermal conductivity in large-JJ two-dimensional antiferromagnets: Role of phonon scattering

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    Motivated by the recent heat transport experiments in 2D antiferromagnets, such as La2_2CuO4_4, where the exchange coupling JJ is larger than the Debye energy ΘD\Theta_{\rm D}, we discuss different types of relaxation processes for magnon heat current with a particular focus on coupling to 3D phonons. We study thermal conductivity by these in-plane magnetic excitations using two distinct techniques, Boltzmann formalism within the relaxation-time approximation and memory-function approach. Within these approaches, a close consideration is given to the scattering of magnons by both acoustic and optical branches of phonons. A remarkable accord between the two methods with regards to the asymptotic behavior of the effective relaxation rates is demonstrated. Additional scattering mechanisms, due to grain boundaries, impurities, and finite correlation length in the paramagnetic phase, are discussed and included in the calculations of the thermal conductivity ΞΊ(T)\kappa(T). Again, we demonstrate a close similarity of the results from the two techniques of calculating ΞΊ(T)\kappa(T). Our complementary approach strongly suggests that scattering from optical or zone-boundary phonons is important for magnon heat current relaxation in a high temperature window of ΘD≲Tβ‰ͺJ\Theta_D\lesssim T \ll J.Comment: 21+ pages, 16 figure

    Heat Transport in Spin Chains with Weak Spin-Phonon Coupling

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    The heat transport in a system of S=1/2S=1/2 large-JJ Heisenberg spin chains, describing closely Sr2_2CuO3_3 and SrCuO2_2 cuprates, is studied theoretically at Tβ‰ͺJT\ll J by considering interactions of the bosonized spin excitations with optical phonons and defects. Treating rigorously the multi-boson processes, we derive a microscopic spin-phonon scattering rate that adheres to an intuitive picture of phonons acting as thermally populated defects for the fast spin excitations. The mean-free path of the latter exhibits a distinctive TT-dependence reflecting a critical nature of spin chains and gives a close description of experiments. By the naturalness criterion of realistically small spin-phonon interaction, our approach stands out from previous considerations that require large coupling constants to explain the data and thus imply a spin-Peierls transition, absent in real materials.Comment: 5+ pages main text, 4+ pages supplemental, 4+2 figures, adiabatic approximation to the published versio

    Effects of an external magnetic field on the gaps and quantum corrections in an ordered Heisenberg antiferromagnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya anisotropy

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    We study the effects of external magnetic field on the properties of an ordered Heisenberg antiferromagnet with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. Using the spin-wave theory quantum correction to the energy, on-site magnetization, and uniform magnetization are calculated as a function of the field H and the DM anisotropy constant D. It is shown that the spin-wave excitations exhibit an unusual field-evolution of the gaps. This leads to various non-analytic dependencies of the quantum corrections on H and D. It is also demonstrated that, quite generally, the DM interaction suppresses quantum fluctuations, thus driving the system to a more classical ground state. Most of the discussion is devoted to the spin-S, two-dimensional square lattice antiferromagnet, whose S=1/2 case is closely realized in K2V3O8 where at H=0 the DM anisotropy is hidden by the easy-axis anisotropy but is revealed in a finite field. The theoretical results for the field-dependence of the spin-excitation gaps in this material are presented and the implications for other systems are discussed.Comment: 15+ pages, 14 Figure

    The representations of the Hubbard algebra in terms of spin-fermion operators and motion of a hole in an antiferromagnetic state

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    The representation of the Hubbard operators in terms of the spinβˆ’12-\frac{1}{2} operators and the fermion operator with spinβˆ’12-\frac{1}{2} is proposed. In the low-energy limit this representation is reduced to the representation following from the Hubbard diagramm technique. In framework of this approach motion of a hole in an antiferromagnetic state of the t-J model is considered. It is shown that the primary hole energy is strongly renormalized and the band width has an order of J rather than t. The functional integral for the strongly correlated model induced by the obtained representation is formulated. The representation of the total Hubbard algebra for states in the lower and the upper Hubbard bands is formulated in terms of the spinβˆ’12-\frac{1}{2} and two fermion fields with spinβˆ’12-\frac{1}{2} is formulated.Comment: 12 pp. (LATEX
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