1 research outputs found

    An introduction to impact of bio-resonance technology in genetics and epigenetics

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    According to the WHO, chronic diseases have major economic and social impacts. Despite the increasing scientific efforts to identify the etiology and mechanisms of chronic diseases and to treat them, the prevalence of these diseases in the world is expanding. One concept describing the etiology and mechanisms of chronic diseases is based on "Epigenetic Changes". Epigenetic changes are permanent changes in gene expression due to Chromatin conformation changes that do not involve any change in DNA sequence. Depending on the time-scale these changes can be persistent through DNA replication. In the eukaryotic nucleus, the nuclear chromatin cluster has electric oscillation capacity. The natural frequency of an oscillating chromatin region is determined by the physical properties of DNAprotein complexes in that region, which can be changed by its epigenetic state and associated protein factors. These changes can be detected using Bio-resonances method and therefore be used to early detection of chronic diseases. It works on the basis of spectral analysis of magnetic fields of living organisms which enables therapist to differentiate normal from abnormal conditions. It is proposed that the electromagnetic waves as epigenetic factors could effect on chromatin dynamic changes and activate or suppress biochemical processes in organism and play a critical role in development or treatment of chronic diseases. This chapter has attempted to demonstrate the opinions of the authors on this issue and its relationship with genetic, epigenetic and also its application in medicine. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015