35 research outputs found

    Biological resources of the Hyssopus l on the south of European Russia and prospects of its introduction

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    The south of European Russia (geographically - the southern part of the Central Russian Upland) has large biological and plant genetic resources. There is a concept considering the region as the second anthropogenic microgen center of formation of economically valuable plants. In the south of the Central Russian Upland, the genus Hyssopus L. is represented by two species: Hyssopus cretaceus Dubjan. and Hyssopus officinalis L. Accomplished the study of biological resources of species of the genus Hyssopus L. in vivo and in vitr

    Dynamics of coenopopulations and distribution Asclepias Syriaca L. in various habitats of agricultural landscapes and adjacent lands in Central Russia

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    Asclepias syriaca L. is species-introduced with high potential as a source of biofuel, an important fodder crop for beekeeping, a possible source of biologically active substances. However, the species has a high invasive activity and may pose a threat to the biodiversity of natural plant communities. And also pose an economic threat to agroecosystems as a segetal species. In agricultural landscapes of central Russia in various habitats the dynamics and state of coenopopulation of the introduced in the crop species A. syriaca, which has a high potential invasive hazard at this moment, was studied. Research was conducted in 2012, 2018 and 2019 in the Belgorod region near the village Kulma, Novooskolskiy urban distric

    The use of morphobiological characteristics in the selection of Phacelia Tanacetifolia Benth

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    The aim of the work is to create new adapted varieties resistant to the complex of biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the use of Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. morphological and biological characteristic

    Fundamentals for forage crop breeding and seed production in Russia

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    Plant breeding and seed production of new generation fodder crops is the groundwork for creating a fodder base for livestock production in sufficient quantities. The Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology founded in 2018 based on of the All-Russia Williams Fodder Research Institute and other scientific institutions is the largest and most comprehensive center in the field of food production. It develops new techniques and methods for creating initial seed material based on a wide use of genetics, biotechnology, microbiology, immunology, ecology, biogeocenology, and cell selection. During the existence of the Fodder Research Institute and its experimental stations, up to 300 varieties of feed crops were created, which occupied leading positions in the production of fodder in meadows, pastures, and hayfields. Eighty-five modern varieties of fodder crops of the latest generation are widely used and zoned in all regions of Russia. However, the destroyed system of elite and commercial seed production does not allow these varieties to take their rightful place in fodder production, and the market still possesses a large share of non-varietal and mass scale reproduction seeds. In addition, imported seeds brought to the Russian market are often disguised as lawn varieties to reduce the cost and simplify their entry to the market. In this way, 107 varieties of winter ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), 47 varieties of cane fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), 21 varieties of creeping clover (Trifolium repens L.), etc. appeared in Russia. In such circumstances, the attention of the Williams Center is focused on the development of techniques and methods for creating fundamentally new varieties based on its own research in genetics, biotechnology, immunology, and ecological selection. Much attention is paid to expanding the network of research stations throughout Russia in order to revive the system of elite seed growing, especially in the regions with the most favorable climate for growing seeds of particular crops. A seed production center was organized as a branch of the Williams Center at the end of 2020. In the future, it is planned to create a united coordinated interdepartmental complex for the breeding of fodder crops in accordance with the regional needs of animal husbandry

    Use of Hissopus officinalis L. culture for phytomelioration of carbonate outcrops of anthropogenic origin the South of European Russia

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    Eurasian-African species of the Lamiaceae family - Hissopus officinalis (L.) gradually enters the culture of the South of European Russia. Field experiments were conducted including the study of H. officinalis value to phytomeliorate cretaceous exposures in comparison with standard Agropyron cristatum Gaertn. crops and natural succession on the chalk outcrop of anthropogenic origin in the Belgorod region in 2008-201

    Mobilization of genetic resources of Hyssopus Officinalis L. for selection for seed productivity and essential oil content

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    We studied 52 varieties and breeding samples from the collection of medicinal hyssop in the Botanical Garden of Belgorod State University (2017-2020). Of these, 16 varieties of domestic selection included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use in the Russian Federation, as well as 33 breeding samples obtained by selection from wild cenopopulations of the Volokonovsky district of the Belgorod region and 3 breeding samples obtained by selection from local selection varieties ‘Volokonovsky’ (2 samples) and ‘Lazar’ (1 sample

    The population of Festuca Arundinaceae Sherb. The cretaceous south of the middle Russian uplands as a starting material for the selection of grass bearing varieties

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    The genetic resources of wild populations of Medicago falcate L. of the Cretaceous South of the Srednerussky Upland in ecotopic conditions of chalky slopes and floodplain meadows in the basins of small rivers Tikhaya Sosna and Manjokha were studied to find the source material for breeding work to create varieties for different cultivation conditions. Evaluation of phytocenotic features, density of cenopopulations, forage and seed species was carried out. The species M. falcata forms, both on meadows in floodplains and on chalk slopes, full-membered normal cenopopulations, which have a continual (continuous) distribution of individuals by age groups, stable in time and in spac

    Productivity of a promising forage species Poterium polygamum Waldst. & Kit. in the conditions of North Ossetia- Alania

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    The article presents the results of a long-term study of Poterium polygamum Waldst.& Kit. when introduced into culture in the collection nursery of plants of the Research Institute of Biotechnology in the Botanical Garden of the Gorsk State Agrarian University (Republic of North Ossetia - Alania) with the participation of the staff of the Botanical Garden of the Belgorod State University. The morphological features of P. polygamum are described: the structure of vegetative and generative organ

    New microbiological preparations for soil conservation agriculture

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    In the system of soil-saving technologies, comparative tests of the effectiveness of the use of various biological products based on consortia of microorganisms, fungal cultures in the field were conducted, and their effectiveness was evaluated. We used the preparations "Nurse Mycorrhiza" (Russia), MycoCrop ® (Germany), a new drug of the "Biogor" series developed by the Scientific and Technical Center for Biological Technologies in Agriculture (NTC"BIO") (Russia). The effectiveness of seed treatment with biological preparations is show

    The role of perennial grasses in the accumulation of organic matter in soil-saving agriculture

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    In the farms of the Belgorod region, a comprehensive study was conducted to assess the productivity of perennial grasses using soil-saving technologies in comparison with traditional methods of tillage. The results of the dispersion analysis showed that the value of the indicator of the total aboveground and underground productivity of perennial grasses significantly depends on the species composition of the grass stan