3 research outputs found

    Development of Pop Vocal Art in Sumy Region

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    У магістерській роботі висвітлено розвиток естрадного вокального мистецтва на теренах Сумської області, а також визначено самодіяльну художню творчість як одну з провідних умов розвитку естрадного вокального мистецтва в Сумській області. У кваліфікаційній роботі конкретизовано сутність та особливості естрадного мистецтва, виникнення і розвиток естрадного вокального мистецтва, визначено вплив естрадного вокального мистецтва на розвиток сучасного суспільства, а також висвітлено стан розвитку естрадного вокального мистецтва в Сумській області та його особливості.The master's thesis highlights the development of pop vocal art in the Sumy region, as well as identifies amateur art as one of the leading conditions for the development of pop vocal art in the Sumy region. The qualification thesis specifies the essence and features of pop art, the origin and development of pop vocal art, determines the impact of pop vocal art on the development of modern society, and highlights the state of development of pop vocal art in Sumy region and its features

    Research on the properties of Co-TiC and Ni-TiC HiP-sintered alloys

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    Three types of sintered alloys were fabricated based on cobalt, nickel and high-temperature alloy ZhS32-VI matrix with titanium carbide strengthening phase. TiC content was in a range of 30–50 vol. %. The melting temperatures of alloys are higher than 1320°C, and they may undergo undamaged through all technological procedures together with turbine blades, including soldering and outgassing. DSC analyses indicates no additional thermal effects until melting, which confirms their structural stability. The examinations of microstructure revealed three types of constituents – TiC particles, matrix solid solution and blow outs – structural defects having negative effects on all the studied properties. It was found that heat resistance of nickel based sintered alloys at the temperature of 1100°C is superior as compared with the alloys based on cobalt and alloy ZhS32-VI. It has been established that wear resistance in conditions of fretting wear at temperatures of 20, 850, 950 and 1050°C of sintered alloy with ZhS32-VI matrix is mostly superior as compared with the other alloys. The properties of produced alloys allow to use them for manufacturing of components of friction couples operating in conditions of high temperature fretting wear, including protective pads of turbine blades top shrouds contact faces