5 research outputs found

    Redistribution of mineral elements in wheat grain when applying the complex enzyme preparations based on phytase

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    Biogenic minerals play an important role in the whole human nutrition, but they are included in the grain of the phytates that reduces their bioavailability. Whole wheat bread is generally considered a healthy food, but the presence of mineral elements in it is insignificant, because of weak phytate degradation. From all sources of exogenous phytase the most productive are microscopic fungi. To accelerate the process of transition hard mineral elements are mobilized to implement integrated cellulolytic enzyme preparation based on the actions of phytase (producer is Penicillium canescens). Phytase activity was assessed indirectly by the rate of release of phosphate from the substrate. It has been established that the release rate of the phosphoric acid substrate is dependent on the composition of the drug and the enzyme complex is determined by the presence of xylanase. The presented experimental data shows that a cellulase treatment of the grain in conjunction with the β-glucanase or xylanase leading to an increase in phytase activity could be 1.4 - 2.3 times as compared with the individual enzymes. As a result of concerted action of enzymes complex preparation varies topography grain, increase the pore sizes in seed and fruit shells that facilitate the penetration of the enzyme phytase in the aleurone layer to the site of phytin hydrolysis and leads to an increase in phytase activity. In terms of rational parameters of enzymatic hydrolysis, the distribution of mineral elements in the anatomical parts of the grain after processing complex enzyme preparation with the help of X-ray detector EMF miniCup system in a scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM 6390 were investigated. When processing enzyme preparation wheat trend in the distribution of mineral elements, characteristic of grain - the proportion of these elements in the aleurone layer decreases, and in the endosperm increases. Because dietary fiber and phytate found together in the peripheral layers of fiber-rich grains, it is difficult to separate the effects of degradation processes nonstarch polysaccharides and fiberphytate redistribution of polyvalent metal ions. However, studies have shown that phytase - an effective mechanism for regulating mineral nutrient diet. Application of phytase in grain bakery technology will increase the biological value of the product.  

    Urban planning approaches in the master plans of 1972 and 2004 for Ekaterinburg

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    From the very first day, the construction of the mill/fortress/town of Ekaterinburg proceeded according to a pre-developed plan. Over its 300-year history, the city of Ekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk) has seen more than 20 schemes and city plans. From the 18th to the 21st century, Ekaterinburg developed as an industrial city. With the adoption of the 2004 Master Plan, the city is writing its history as a megapolis and post-industrial industrial center. The article compares the master plans of Sverdlovsk (1972) and Ekaterinburg (2004) and shows continuity, traditions and innovative ideas in the development of the city. The master plans have similar features, such as compactness along with its increasing area, planned population growth, growing housing construction, expanding street and public transport network, and reconstruction of existing highways and roads, foundation of new districts, relocation of hazardous enterprises from residential areas, development of a sustainable water and landscaping framework – all these present a continuing tradition of these plans. The master plans are different in the rationales that underlie the development and functions of the city, as well as in its configuration, merger with satellite towns, and growth into an urban agglomeration

    Diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension in children and adolescents, overview of new clinical guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics

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    The article analyzes clinical guidelines oftheAmericanAcademy ofPediatrics dd 2017 “ClinicalPractice Guideline forScreening andManagement of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents”. This document contains new values of blood pressure in children, replaces the term “prehypertension” with the term “elevated blood pressure”, provides a simplified classification of arterial hypertension in adolescents over 13 years and revisesthe guidelinesfor daily blood pressure monitoring and echocardiography. The documentspecifiesthe criteria for diagnosing increased body weight of the left ventricular myocardium, changesthe target blood pressure levels. This new guidelines helps to optimize the diagnostics and treatment of hypertension in children. At the same time there is need for further comprehensive analysis of clinicalrecommendations and assessment of their practicalsignificance for pediatrics