5,174 research outputs found

    An opioid-like system regulating feeding behavior in C. elegans

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    Neuropeptides are essential for the regulation of appetite. Here we show that neuropeptides could regulate feeding in mutants that lack neurotransmission from the motor neurons that stimulate feeding muscles. We identified nlp-24 by an RNAi screen of 115 neuropeptide genes, testing whether they affected growth. NLP-24 peptides have a conserved YGGXX sequence, similar to mammalian opioid neuropeptides. In addition, morphine and naloxone respectively stimulated and inhibited feeding in starved worms, but not in worms lacking NPR-17, which encodes a protein with sequence similarity to opioid receptors. Opioid agonists activated heterologously expressed NPR-17, as did at least one NLP-24 peptide. Worms lacking the ASI neurons, which express npr-17, did not response to naloxone. Thus, we suggest that Caenorhabditis elegans has an endogenous opioid system that acts through NPR-17, and that opioids regulate feeding via ASI neurons. Together, these results suggestC. elegans may be the first genetically tractable invertebrate opioid model

    A social network analysis of the co-authorship network of the Australasian Conference of Information Systems from 1990 to 2006

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    Using bibliographic data extracted from an Endnote database, social network analysis techniques were used to generate and analyse a network of co-authors with the aim of developing an understanding of the research community that produces the research knowledge published by the Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS). The ACIS community was found to be a healthy small-world community that kept evolving in order to provide an environment that supports collaboration and sharing of ideas between researchers. It was also found that, unlike a similar analysis of the European Conference (ECIS), the Australasian scene was not dominated by a couple of key researchers as quite a significant number of popular researchers were identified

    Exact ground states and correlation functions of chain and ladder models of interacting hardcore bosons or spinless fermions

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    By removing one empty site between two occupied sites, we map the ground states of chains of hardcore bosons and spinless fermions with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion to ground states of chains of hardcore bosons and spinless fermions without nearest-neighbor repulsion respectively, and ultimately in terms of the one-dimensional Fermi sea. We then introduce the intervening-particle expansion, where we write correlation functions in such ground states as a systematic sum over conditional expectations, each of which can be ultimately mapped to a one-dimensional Fermi-sea expectation. Various ground-state correlation functions are calculated for the bosonic and fermionic chains with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion, as well as for a ladder model of spinless fermions with infinite nearest-neighbor repulsion and correlated hopping in three limiting cases. We find that the decay of these correlation functions are governed by surprising power-law exponents.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, RevTeX4 clas

    One-parameter scaling theory for DNA extension in a nanochannel

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    Experiments measuring DNA extension in nanochannels are at odds with even the most basic predictions of current scaling arguments for the conformations of confined semiflexible polymers such as DNA. We show that a theory based on a weakly self-avoiding, one-dimensional "telegraph" process collapses experimental data and simulation results onto a single master curve throughout the experimentally relevant region of parameter space and explains the mechanisms at play.Comment: Revised version. 5 pages, 4 figures, revised version, supplementary informatio

    Metal-Oxo Photo-oxidants, Photochemistry and Photophysics of trans-[Os^(VI)(tmc)(O)_2]^(2+)(tmc = 1,4,8,11-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetra-azacyclotetradecane) and trans-[Os^(VI)(CN)_4(O)_2]^(2-)

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    trans-[Os^(VI)(tmc)(O)_2]^(2+)(tmc = 1,4,8,11-tetramethyl-1,4,8,11-tetra-azacyclotetradecane) and trans-[Os^(VI)(CN)_4(O)_2]^(2-) are emissive in the solid state and in fluid solutions at room temperature (τ~ 1.0–1.5 µs); the (^3)E_g state of trans-[Os^(VI)(tmc)(O)_2]^(2+) is a powerful one-electron oxidant {[Os^(VI)(O)_2]^(2+) + e^– → [Os^V (O)_2]+, E^0_f > 2.0 V vs. normal hydrogen electrode} in aqueous solution, reacting with PPh3 and ((PhCH_2)_2)S to give O=PPh_3 and ((PhCH_2)_2)S=O, respectively

    Magnetic Order and Spin Dynamics in Ferroelectric HoMnO3_{3}

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    Hexagonal HoMnO3_{3} is a frustrated antiferromagnet (TN_{N}=72 K) ferroelectric (TC_{C}=875 K) in which these two order parameters are coupled. Our neutron measurements of the spin wave dispersion for the S=2 Mn3+^{3+} on the layered triangular lattice are well described by a two-dimensional nearest-neighbor Heisenberg exchange J=2.44 meV, and an anisotropy DD that is 0.093 meV above the spin reorientation transition at 40 K, and 0.126 meV below. For H∥cH\parallel c the magnetic structures and phase diagram have been determined, and reveal additional transitions below 8 K where the ferroelectrically displaced Ho3+^{3+} ions are ordered magnetically.Comment: To be published in Physical Review Letter

    Self-vacancies in Gallium Arsenide: an ab initio calculation

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    We report here a reexamination of the static properties of vacancies in GaAs by means of first-principles density-functional calculations using localized basis sets. Our calculated formation energies yields results that are in good agreement with recent experimental and {\it ab-initio} calculation and provide a complete description of the relaxation geometry and energetic for various charge state of vacancies from both sublattices. Gallium vacancies are stable in the 0, -, -2, -3 charge state, but V_Ga^-3 remains the dominant charge state for intrinsic and n-type GaAs, confirming results from positron annihilation. Interestingly, Arsenic vacancies show two successive negative-U transitions making only +1, -1 and -3 charge states stable, while the intermediate defects are metastable. The second transition (-/-3) brings a resonant bond relaxation for V_As^-3 similar to the one identified for silicon and GaAs divacancies.Comment: 14 page

    Spin-Coupled Local Distortions in Multiferroic Hexagonal HoMnO3

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    Local structural measurements have been performed on hexagonal HoMnO3 in order to ascertain the specific changes in bond distances which accompany magnetic ordering transitions. The transition from paramagnetic to the antiferromagetic (noncollinear) phase near ~70 K is dominated by changes in the a-b plane Mn-Mn bond distances. The spin rotation transition near ~40 K involves both Mn-Mn and nearest neighbor Ho-Mn interactions while the low temperature transition below 10 K involves all interactions, Mn-Mn, Ho-Mn (nearest and next nearest) and Ho-Ho correlations. These changes in bond distances reveal strong spin-lattice coupling. The similarity in magnitude of the change in J(Mn-Mn) and J(Ho-Mn) enhances the system frustration. The structural changes are interpreted in terms of a model of competing spin order and local structural distortions. Density functional calculations are used to estimate the energies associated with ionic displacements. The calculations also reveal asymmetric polarization of the charge density of Ho, O3 and O4 sites along the z-axis in the ferroelectric phase. This polarization facilitates coupling between Ho atoms on neighboring planes normal to the z-axis.Comment: 8 figure
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