137 research outputs found

    99mTc-MAA accumulation within tumor in preoperative lung perfusion SPECT/CT associated with occult lymph node metastasis in patients with clinically N0 non-small cell lung cancer

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    Background 99mTc-MAA accumulation within the tumor representing pulmonary arterial perfusion, which is variable and may have a clinical significance. We evaluated the prognostic significance of 99mTc-MAA distribution within the tumor in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients in terms of detecting occult nodal metastasis and lymphovascular invasion, as well as predicting the recurrence-free survival (RFS). Methods Two hundred thirty-nine NSCLC patients with clinical N0 status who underwent preoperative lung perfusion SPECT/CT were retrospectively evaluated and classified according to the visual grading of 99mTc-MAA accumulation in the tumor. Visual grade was compared with the quantitative parameter, standardized tumor to lung ratio (TLR). The predictive value of 99mTc-MAA accumulation with occult nodal metastasis, lymphovascular invasion, and RFS was assessed. Results Eighty-nine (37.2%) patients showed 99mTc-MAA accumulation and 150 (62.8%) patients showed the defect on 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT. Among the accumulation group, 45 (50.5%) were classified as grade 1, 40 (44.9%) were grade 2, and 4 (4.5%) were grade 3. TLR gradually and significantly increased from grade 0 (0.009 ± 0.005) to grade 1 (0.021 ± 0.005, P < 0.05) and to grade 2–3 (0.033 ± 0.013, P < 0.05). The following factors were significant predictors for occult nodal metastasis in univariate analysis: central location, histology different from adenocarcinoma, tumor size greater than 3cm representing clinical T2 or higher, and the absence of 99mTc-MAA accumulation within the tumor. Defect in the lung perfusion SPECT/CT remained significant at the multivariate analysis (Odd ratio 3.25, 95%CI [1.24 to 8.48], p = 0.016). With a median follow-up of 31.5 months, the RFS was significantly shorter in the defect group (p = 0.008). Univariate analysis revealed that cell type of non-adenocarcinoma, clinical stage II-III, pathologic stage II-III, age greater than 65 years, and the 99mTc-MAA defect within tumor as significant predictors for shorter RFS. However, only the pathologic stage remained statistically significant, in multivariate analysis. Conclusion The absence of 99mTc-MAA accumulation within the tumor in preoperative lung perfusion SPECT/CT represents an independent risk factor for occult nodal metastasis and is relevant as a poor prognostic factor in clinically N0 NSCLC patients. 99mTc-MAA tumor distribution may serve as a new imaging biomarker reflecting tumor vasculatures and perfusion which can be associated with tumor biology and prognosis.This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) and funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No.2020M3A9B6038086

    Fully automated identification of brain abnormality from whole-body FDG-PET imaging using deep learning-based brain extraction and statistical parametric mapping

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    Background The whole brain is often covered in [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography ([18F]FDG-PET) in oncology patients, but the covered brain abnormality is typically screened by visual interpretation without quantitative analysis in clinical practice. In this study, we aimed to develop a fully automated quantitative interpretation pipeline of brain volume from an oncology PET image. Method We retrospectively collected 500 oncologic [18F]FDG-PET scans for training and validation of the automated brain extractor. We trained the model for extracting brain volume with two manually drawn bounding boxes on maximal intensity projection images. ResNet-50, a 2-D convolutional neural network (CNN), was used for the model training. The brain volume was automatically extracted using the CNN model and spatially normalized. For validation of the trained model and an application of this automated analytic method, we enrolled 24 subjects with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and performed voxel-wise two-sample T test for automatic detection of metastatic lesions. Result The deep learning-based brain extractor successfully identified the existence of whole-brain volume, with an accuracy of 98% for the validation set. The performance of extracting the brain measured by the intersection-over-union of 3-D bounding boxes was 72.9 ± 12.5% for the validation set. As an example of the application to automatically identify brain abnormality, this approach successfully identified the metastatic lesions in three of the four cases of SCLC patients with brain metastasis. Conclusion Based on the deep learning-based model, extraction of the brain volume from whole-body PET was successfully performed. We suggest this fully automated approach could be used for the quantitative analysis of brain metabolic patterns to identify abnormalities during clinical interpretation of oncologic PET studies.This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2019R1F1A1061412 and NRF2019K1A3A1A14065446). This work was supported by the Korea Medical Device Development Fund grant funded by the Korea government (the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Health & Welfare, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) (Project Number: 202011A06) and Seoul R&BD Program (BT200151)

    Risk stratification of symptomatic brain metastases by clinical and FDG PET parameters for selective use of prophylactic cranial irradiation in patients with extensive disease of small cell lung cancer

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    Purpose: To identify risk factors for developing symptomatic brain metastases and evaluate the impact of prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI) on brain metastasis-free survival (BMFS) and overall survival (OS) in extensive disease small cell lung cancer (ED-SCLC). Materials and methods: Among 190 patients diagnosed with ED-SCLC who underwent FDG PET/CT and brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) prior to treatment, 53 (27.9%) received PCI while 137 (72.1%) did not. Prognostic index predicting a high risk of symptomatic brain metastases was calculated for the group without receiving PCI (observation group, n = 137) with Cox regression model. Results: Median follow-up time was 10.6 months. Multivariate Cox regression showed that the following three factors were associated with a high risk of symptomatic brain metastases: the presence of extrathoracic metastases (p = 0.004), hypermetabolism of bone marrow or spleen on FDG PET (p < 0.001), and high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (p = 0.018). PCI significantly improved BMFS in high-risk patients (1-year rate: 94.7% vs. 62.1%, p = 0.001), but not in low-risk patients (1-year rate: 100.0% vs. 87.7%, p = 0.943). However, PCI did not improve OS in patients at high risk for symptomatic brain metastases (1-year rate: 65.2% vs. 50.0%, p = 0.123). Conclusion: Three prognostic factors (the presence of extrathoracic metastases, hypermetabolism of bone marrow or spleen on FDG PET, and high neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio) were associated with a high risk of symptomatic brain metastases in ED-SCLC. PCI was beneficial for patients at a high risk of symptomatic brain metastases in terms of BMFS, but not OS. Thus, selective use of PCI in ED-SCLC according to the risk stratification is recommended. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    The role of 99mTc-DPD bone SPECT/CT in the management of growth disturbance of the long bones in pediatric patients: a retrospective observational study

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    Backgrounds Determining the precise localization of diseased physes is crucial for guiding the treatment of growth disturbances. Conventional radiography, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging only provide information on physeal anatomy. Planar bone scintigraphy and bone single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) resolutions are suboptimal for clinically managing growth disturbances. Bone SPECT/CT, which provides high-resolution functional information, can be a useful tool for evaluating growth disturbances. The purposes of this study were to identify the conditions in which bone SPECT/CT outperforms planar scintigraphy or SPECT for evaluating the location and activity of diseased physes and to assess surgical outcomes using bone SPECT/CT findings in pediatric patients experiencing long bone growth disturbances. Methods Fifty-nine patients who underwent bone SPECT/CT between January 2018 and January 2021 to evaluate physeal activity using technetium-99 m-labeled 2,3-dicarboxypropane-1,1-diphosphonate (99mTc-DPD) were included. The proportions of patients for whom certain modalities provided sufficient data for selecting treatment plans for growth disturbances were compared based on the site of the diseased physis, growth disturbance cause, and shape of deformity (i.e., SPECT/CT vs. planar scintigraphy and SPECT/CT vs. SPECT). For assessing surgical outcomes, progression of post-surgical deformity was investigated by measuring the angles reflecting the degree of deformity, iliac crest height difference, or ulnar variance on radiographs. Results Bone SPECT/CT was sufficient for selecting a treatment plan, but planar scintigraphy or SPECT alone was insufficient in every 10 patients with diseased physes inside the femoral head (p = 0.002) and in every six with physes that were severely deformed or whose locations were unclear on conventional radiography (p = 0.03). In the proximal or distal tibia, where the tibial and fibular physes often overlapped on planar scintigraphy due to leg rotation, bone SPECT/CT was sufficient in 33/34 patients (97%), but planar scintigraphy and SPECT were sufficient in 10/34 (29%) (p < 0.001) and 24/34 (71%) patients, respectively (p = 0.004). No progression or deformity recurrence occurred. Conclusions Bone SPECT/CT may be indicated in proximal femoral growth disturbance, when the physis is unclear on conventional radiography or severely deformed, the leg exhibits rotational deformity, or the patient is noncompliant

    Differential expression of glucose transporters and hexokinases in prostate cancer with a neuroendocrine gene signature: A mechanistic perspective for 18 F-FDG imaging of PSMA-suppressed tumors

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    Although the incidence of de novo neuroendocrine prostate cancer (PC) is rare, recent data suggest that low expression of prostatespecific membrane antigen (PSMA) is associated with a spectrum of neuroendocrine hallmarks and androgen receptor (AR) suppression in PC. Previous clinical reports indicate that PCs with a phenotype similar to neuroendocrine tumors can be more amenable to imaging by 18F-FDG than by PSMA-targeting radioligands. In this study, we evaluated the association between neuroendocrine gene signature and 18F-FDG uptake-associated genes including glucose transporters (GLUTs) and hexokinases, with the goal of providing a genomic signature to explain the reported 18F-FDG avidity of PSMA suppressed tumors. Methods: Data-mining approaches, cell lines, and patient-derived xenograft models were used to study the levels of 14 members of the SLC2A family (encoding GLUT proteins), 4 members of the hexokinase family (genes HK1-HK3 and GCK), and PSMA (FOLH1 gene) after AR inhibition and in correlation with neuroendocrine hallmarks. Also, we characterize a neuroendocrine-like PC (NELPC) subset among a cohort of primary and metastatic PC samples with no neuroendocrine histopathology. We measured glucose uptake in a neuroendocrine-induced in vitro model and a zebrafish model by nonradioactive imaging of glucose uptake using a fluorescent glucose bioprobe, GB2-Cy3. Results: This work demonstrated that a neuroendocrine gene signature associates with differential expression of genes encoding GLUT and hexokinase proteins. In NELPC, elevated expression of GCK (encoding glucokinase protein) and decreased expression of SLC2A12 correlated with earlier biochemical recurrence. In tumors treated with AR inhibitors, high expression of GCK and low expression of SLC2A12 correlated with neuroendocrine histopathology and PSMA gene suppression. GLUT12 suppression and upregulation of glucokinase were observed in neuroendocrine- induced PC cell lines and patient-derived xenograft models. A higher glucose uptake was confirmed in low-PSMA tumors using a GB2-Cy3 probe in a zebrafish model. Conclusion: A neuroendocrine gene signature in neuroendocrine PC and NELPC associates with a distinct transcriptional profile of GLUTs and hexokinases. PSMA suppression correlates with GLUT12 suppression and glucokinase upregulation. Alteration of 18F-FDG uptake-associated genes correlated positively with higher glucose uptake in AR- and PSMA-suppressed tumors. Zebrafish xenograft tumor models are an accurate and efficient preclinical method for monitoring nonradioactive glucose uptake

    Tumor immune profiles noninvasively estimated by FDG PET with deep learning correlate with immunotherapy response in lung adenocarcinoma

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    Rationale: The clinical application of biomarkers reflecting tumor immune microenvironment is hurdled by the invasiveness of obtaining tissues despite its importance in immunotherapy. We developed a deep learning-based biomarker which noninvasively estimates a tumor immune profile with fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). Methods: A deep learning model to predict cytolytic activity score (CytAct) using semi-automatically segmented tumors on FDG-PET trained by a publicly available dataset paired with tissue RNA sequencing (n = 93). This model was validated in two independent cohorts of LUAD: SNUH (n = 43) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) cohort (n = 16). The model was applied to the immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) cohort, which consists of patients with metastatic LUAD who underwent ICB treatment (n = 29). Results: The predicted CytAct showed a positive correlation with CytAct of RNA sequencing in validation cohorts (Spearman rho = 0.32, p = 0.04 in SNUH cohort; spearman rho = 0.47, p = 0.07 in TCGA cohort). In ICB cohort, the higher predicted CytAct of individual lesion was associated with more decrement in tumor size after ICB treatment (Spearman rho = -0.54, p < 0.001). Higher minimum predicted CytAct in each patient associated with significantly prolonged progression free survival and overall survival (Hazard ratio 0.25, p = 0.001 and 0.18, p = 0.004, respectively). In patients with multiple lesions, ICB responders had significantly lower variance of predicted CytActs (p = 0.005). Conclusion: The deep learning model that predicts CytAct using FDG-PET of LUAD was validated in independent cohorts. Our approach may be used to noninvasively assess an immune profile and predict outcomes of LUAD patients treated with ICB.

    Radioiodine Therapy in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: The First Targeted Therapy in Oncology

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    Iodide uptake across the membranes of thyroid follicular cells and cancer cells occurs through an active transport process mediated by the sodium-iodide symporter (NIS). The rat and human NIS-coding genes were cloned and identified in 1996. Evaluation of NIS gene and protein expression is critical for the management of thyroid cancer, and several approaches to increase NIS levels have been tried. Identification of the NIS gene has provided a means of expanding its role in radionuclide therapy and molecular target-specific theragnosis (therapy and diagnosis using the same molecular target). In this article, we describe the relationship between NIS expression and the thyroid carcinoma treatment using I-131 and alternative therapeutic approaches

    Phase I Clinical Trial of Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen-Targeting 68Ga-NGUL PET/CT in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Prostate Cancer

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    Copyright Β© 2022 The Korean Society of Radiology.OBJECTIVE: 68Ga-NGUL is a novel prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-targeting tracer based on Glu-Urea-Lys derivatives conjugated to a 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-N, N&apos;, Nβ€³-triacetic acid (NOTA) chelator via a thiourea-type short linker. This phase I clinical trial of 68Ga-NGUL was conducted to evaluate the safety and radiation dosimetry of 68Ga-NGUL in healthy volunteers and the lesion detection rate of 68Ga-NGUL in patients with prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We designed a prospective, open-label, single-arm clinical trial with two cohorts comprising six healthy adult men and six patients with metastatic prostate cancer. Safety and blood test-based toxicities were monitored throughout the study. PET/CT scans were acquired at multiple time points after administering 68Ga-NGUL (2 MBq/kg; 96-165 MBq). In healthy adults, absorbed organ doses and effective doses were calculated using the OLINDA/EXM software. In patients with prostate cancer, the rates of detecting suspicious lesions by 68Ga-NGUL PET/CT and conventional imaging (CT and bone scintigraphy) during the screening period, within one month after recruitment, were compared. RESULTS: All 12 participants (six healthy adults aged 31-32 years and six prostate cancer patients aged 57-81 years) completed the clinical trial. No drug-related adverse events were observed. In the healthy adult group, 68Ga-NGUL was rapidly distributed, with the highest uptake in the kidneys. The median effective dose coefficient was calculated as 0.025 mSv/MBq, and cumulative activity in the bladder had the highest contribution. In patients with metastatic prostate cancer, 229 suspicious lesions were detected using either 68Ga-NGUL PET/CT or conventional imaging. Among them, 68Ga-NGUL PET/CT detected 199 (86.9%) lesions and CT or bone scintigraphy detected 114 (49.8%) lesions. CONCLUSION: 68Ga-NGUL can be safely applied clinically and has shown a higher detection rate for the localization of metastatic lesions in prostate cancer than conventional imaging. Therefore, 68Ga-NGUL is a valuable option for prostate cancer imaging.N

    Predictive Role of Temporal Changes in Intratumoral Metabolic Heterogeneity During Palliative Chemotherapy in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Metabolic intratumoral heterogeneity (ITH) is known to be related to cancer treatment outcome. However, information on the temporal changes in metabolic ITH during chemotherapy and the correlations between metabolic changes and treatment outcomes in patients with pancreatic cancer is sparse. We aimed to analyze the temporal changes in metabolic ITH and the predictive role of its changes in advanced pancreatic cancer patients who underwent palliative chemotherapy. Methods: We prospectively enrolled patients with unresectable locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer before first-line palliative chemotherapy. F-18-FDG PET was performed at baseline and at the first response follow-up. SUVs, volumetric parameters, and textural features of the primary pancreatic tumor were analyzed. Relationships between the parameters at baseline and first follow-up were assessed, as well as changes in the parameters with treatment response, progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS). Results: Among 63 enrolled patients, the best objective response rate was 25.8% (95% confidence interval [CI], 14.6%-37.0%). The median PFS and OS were 7.1 mo (95% CI, 5.1-9.7 mo) and 10.1 mo (95% CI, 8.6-12.7 mo), respectively. Most parameters changed significantly during the first-line chemotherapy, in a way of reducing ITH. Metabolic ITH was more profoundly reduced in responders than in nonresponders. Multiple Cox regression analysis identified high baseline compacity (P = 0.023) and smaller decreases in SUVpeak (p = 0.007) and entropy gray-level co-occurrence matrix (P = 0.033) to be independently associated with poor PFS. Patients with a high carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (P = 0.042), high pretreatment SUVpeak (P = 0.008), and high coefficient of variance at first follow-up (P = 0.04) showed worse OS. Conclusion: Reduction in metabolic ITH during palliative chemotherapy in advanced pancreatic cancer patients is associated with treatment response and might be predictive of PFS and OS
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