403 research outputs found

    Threshold and Multi-Signature Schemes from Linear Hash Functions

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    This paper gives new constructions of two-round multi-signatures and threshold signatures for which security relies solely on either the hardness of the (plain) discrete logarithm problem or the hardness of RSA, in addition to assuming random oracles. Their signing protocol is partially non-interactive, i.e., the first round of the signing protocol is independent of the message being signed. We obtain our constructions by generalizing the most efficient discrete- logarithm based schemes, MuSig2 (Nick, Ruffing, and Seurin, CRYPTO ’21) and FROST (Komlo and Goldberg, SAC ’20), to work with suitably defined linear hash functions. While the original schemes rely on the stronger and more controversial one-more discrete logarithm assumption, we show that suitable instantiations of the hash functions enable security to be based on either the plain discrete logarithm assumption or on RSA. The signatures produced by our schemes are equivalent to those obtained from Okamoto’s identification schemes (CRYPTO ’92). More abstractly, our results suggest a general framework to transform schemes secure under OMDL into ones secure under the plain DL assumption and, with some restrictions, under RSA

    Revisiting BBS Signatures

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    BBS signatures were implicitly proposed by Boneh, Boyen, and Shacham (CRYPTO ’04) as part of their group signature scheme, and explicitly cast as stand-alone signatures by Camenisch and Lysyanskaya (CRYPTO ’04). A provably secure version, called BBS+, was then devised by Au, Susilo, and Mu (SCN ’06), and is currently the object of a standardization effort which has led to a recent RFC draft. BBS+ signatures are suitable for use within anonymous credential and DAA systems, as their algebraic structure enables efficient proofs of knowledge of message-signature pairs that support partial disclosure. BBS+ signatures consist of one group element and two scalars. As our first contribution, we prove that a variant of BBS+ producing shorter signatures, consisting only of one group element and one scalar, is also secure. The resulting scheme is essentially the original BBS proposal, which was lacking a proof of security. Here we show it satisfies, under the q-SDH assumption, the same provable security guarantees as BBS+. We also provide a complementary tight analysis in the algebraic group model, which heuristically justifies instantiations with potentially shorter signatures. Furthermore, we devise simplified and shorter zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge of a BBS message-signature pair that support partial disclosure of the message. Over the BLS12-381 curve, our proofs are 896 bits shorter than the prior proposal by Camenisch, Drijvers, and Lehmann (TRUST ’16), which is also adopted by the RFC draft. Finally, we show that BBS satisfies one-more unforgeability in the algebraic group model in a scenario, arising in the context of credentials, where the signer can be asked to sign arbitrary group elements, meant to be commitments, without seeing their openings

    Short Pairing-Free Blind Signatures with Exponential Security

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    This paper proposes the first practical pairing-free three-move blind signature schemes that (1) are concurrently secure, (2) produce short signatures (i.e., three or four group elements/scalars), and (3) are provably secure either in the generic group model (GGM) or the algebraic group model (AGM) under the (plain or one-more) discrete logarithm assumption (beyond additionally assuming random oracles). We also propose a partially blind version of one of our schemes. Our schemes do not rely on the hardness of the ROS problem (which can be broken in polynomial time) or of the mROS problem (which admits sub-exponential attacks). The only prior work with these properties is Abe’s signature scheme (EUROCRYPT ’02), which was recently proved to be secure in the AGM by Kastner et al. (PKC ’22), but which also produces signatures twice as long as those from our scheme. The core of our proofs of security is a new problem, called weighted fractional ROS (WFROS), for which we prove (unconditional) exponential lower bounds

    Stronger Security for Non-Interactive Threshold Signatures: BLS and FROST

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    We give a unified syntax, and a hierarchy of definitions of security of increasing strength, for non-interactive threshold signature schemes. They cover both fully non-interactive schemes (these are ones that have a single-round signing protocol, the canonical example being threshold-BLS) and ones, like FROST, that have a prior round of message-independent pre-processing. The definitions in the upper echelon of our hierarchy ask for security that is well beyond any currently defined, let alone proven to be met by the just-mentioned schemes, yet natural, and important for modern applications like securing digital wallets. We prove that BLS and FROST are better than advertised, meeting some of these stronger definitions. Yet, they fall short of meeting our strongest definition, a gap we fill for FROST via a simple enhancement to the scheme. We also surface subtle differences in the security achieved by variants of FROST

    Multi-Source Non-Malleable Extractors and Applications

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    We introduce a natural generalization of two-source non-malleable extractors (Cheragachi and Guruswami, TCC 2014) called as \textit{multi-source non-malleable extractors}. Multi-source non-malleable extractors are special independent source extractors which satisfy an additional non-malleability property. This property requires that the output of the extractor remains close to uniform even conditioned on its output generated by tampering {\it several sources together}. We formally define this primitive, give a construction that is secure against a wide class of tampering functions, and provide applications. More specifically, we obtain the following results: \begin{itemize} \item For any s≥2s \geq 2, we give an explicit construction of a ss-source non-malleable extractor for min-entropy Ω(n)\Omega(n) and error 2−nΩ(1)2^{-n^{\Omega(1)}} in the {\it overlapping joint tampering model}. This means that each tampered source could depend on any strict subset of all the sources and the sets corresponding to each tampered source could be overlapping in a way that we define. Prior to our work, there were no known explicit constructions that were secure even against disjoint tampering (where the sets are required to be disjoint without any overlap). %Our extractor is pre-image sampleable and hence, gives rise to non-malleable codes against the same tampering family. % \item We show how to efficiently preimage sample given the output of (a variant of) our extractor and this immediately gives rise to a ss-state non-malleable code secure in the overlapping joint tampering model (via a generalization of the result by Cheragachi and Guruswami). \item We adapt the techniques used in the above construction to give a tt-out-of-nn non-malleable secret sharing scheme (Goyal and Kumar, STOC 2018) for any t≤nt \leq n in the \emph{disjoint tampering model}. This is the first general construction of a threshold non-malleable secret sharing (NMSS) scheme in the disjoint tampering model. All prior constructions had a restriction that the size of the tampered subsets could not be equal. \item We further adapt the techniques used in the above construction to give a tt-out-of-nn non-malleable secret sharing scheme (Goyal and Kumar, STOC 2018) for any t≤nt \leq n in the \emph{overlapping joint tampering model}. This is the first construction of a threshold NMSS in the overlapping joint tampering model. \item We show that a stronger notion of ss-source non-malleable extractor that is multi-tamperable against disjoint tampering functions gives a single round network extractor protocol (Kalai et al., FOCS 2008) with attractive features. Plugging in with a new construction of multi-tamperable, 2-source non-malleable extractors provided in our work, we get a network extractor protocol for min-entropy Ω(n)\Omega(n) that tolerates an {\it optimum} number (t=p−2t = p-2) of faulty processors and extracts random bits for {\it every} honest processor. The prior network extractor protocols could only tolerate t=Ω(p)t = \Omega(p) faulty processors and failed to extract uniform random bits for a fraction of the honest processors. \end{itemize

    Pairing-Free Blind Signatures from CDH Assumptions

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    This paper presents new blind signatures for which concurrent security, in the random oracle model, can be proved from variants of the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) assumption in pairing-free groups without relying on the algebraic group model (AGM). With the exception of careful instantiations of generic non-black box techniques following Fischlin\u27s paradigm (CRYPTO \u2706), prior works without the AGM in the pairing-free regime have only managed to prove security for a-priori bounded concurrency. Our most efficient constructions rely on the chosen-target CDH assumption, which has been used to prove security of Blind BLS by Boldyreva (PKC \u2703), and can be seen as blind versions of signatures by Goh and Jarecki (EUROCRYPT \u2703) and Chevallier-Mames (CRYPTO\u2705). We also give a less efficient scheme with security based on (plain) CDH which builds on top of a natural pairing-free variant of Rai-Choo (Hanzlik, Loss, and Wagner, EUROCRYPT \u2723). Our schemes have signing protocols that consist of four (in order to achieve regular unforgeability) or five moves (for strong unforgeability). The blindness of our schemes is either computational (assuming the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem), or statistical in the random oracle model

    Oblivious issuance of proofs

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    We consider the problem of creating, or issuing, zero-knowledge proofs obliviously. In this setting, a prover interacts with a verifier to produce a proof, known only to the verifier. The resulting proof is transferable and can be verified non-interactively by anyone. Crucially, the actual proof cannot be linked back to the interaction that produced it. This notion generalizes common approaches to designing blind signatures, which can be seen as the special case of proving knowledge of a signing key , and extends the seminal work of Camenisch and Stadler (\u2797). We propose a provably secure construction of oblivious proofs, focusing on discrete-logarithm representation equipped with AND-composition. We also give three applications of our framework. First, we give a publicly verifiable version of the classical Diffie-Hellman based Oblivious PRF. This yields new constructions of blind signatures and publicly verifiable anonymous tokens. Second, we show how to upgrade keyed-verification anonymous credentials (Chase et al., CCS\u2714) to also be concurrently secure blind signatures on the same set of attributes. Crucially, our upgrade maintains the performance and functionality of the credential in the keyed-verification setting, we only change issuance. We observe that the existing issuer proof that the credential is well-formed may be verified by anyone; creating it with our framework makes it a blind signature, adding public verifiability to the credential system. Finally, we provide a variation of the U-Prove credential system that is provably one-more unforgeable with concurrent issuance sessions. This constitutes a fix for the attack illustrated by Benhamouda et al. (EUROCRYPT\u2721). Beyond these example applications, as our results are quite general, we expect they may enable modular design of new primitives with concurrent security, a goal that has historically been challenging to achieve

    Partially Non-Interactive Two-Round Lattice-Based Threshold Signatures

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    This paper gives the first lattice-based two-round threshold signature based on lattice assumptions for which the first message is independent of the message being signed without relying on fully-homomorphic encryption, and our construction supports arbitrary thresholds. Our construction provides a careful instantiation of a generic threshold signature construction by Tessaro and Zhu (EUROCRYPT ’23) based on specific linear hash functions, which in turns can be seen as a generalization of the FROST scheme by Komlo and Goldberg (SAC ’20). Our reduction techniques are new in the context of lattice-based cryptography. Also, our scheme does not use any heavy tools, such as NIZKs or homomorphic trapdoor commitments

    Snowblind: A Threshold Blind Signature in Pairing-Free Groups

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    Both threshold and blind signatures have, individually, received a considerable amount of attention. However little is known about their combination, i.e., a threshold signature which is also blind, in that no coalition of signers learns anything about the message being signed or the signature being produced. Several applications of blind signatures (e.g., anonymous tokens) would benefit from distributed signing as a means to increase trust in the service and hence reduce the risks of key compromise. This paper builds the first blind threshold signatures in pairing-free groups. Our main contribution is a construction that transforms an underlying blind non-threshold signature scheme with a suitable structure into a threshold scheme, preserving its blindness. The resulting signing protocol proceeds in three rounds, and produces signatures consisting of one group element and two scalars. The underlying non-threshold blind signature schemes are of independent interest, and improve upon the current state of the art (Tessaro and Zhu, EUROCRYPT ’22) with shorter signatures (three elements, instead of four) and simpler proofs of security. All of our schemes are proved secure in the Random Oracle and Algebraic Group Models, assuming the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem
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