6 research outputs found
Additional file 1 of Lineage-specific symbionts mediate differential coral responses to thermal stress
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Sampling information and dominant symbionts in P. damicornis. Fig. S2. Morphology of P. damicornis. Fig. S3. Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree reconstructed based on the full-length ITS (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2) sequences amplified in coral nrDNA of P. damicornis colonies collected at the LHT and HH fringing reefs. Fig. S4. Maximum-parsimony (MP) phylogenetic tree and haplotype network reconstructions of ITS2 sequences amplified from Symbiodiniaceae nrDNA in the selected coral samples collected in HH. Fig. S5. Maximum-parsimony (MP) phylogenetic tree and haplotype network reconstructions of ITS2 sequences amplified from Symbiodiniaceae nrDNA in the selected coral samples collected in LHT. Fig. S6. Proportion of photosynthetically fixed carbon translocated to host at control and elevated temperatures. Fig. S7. Principal component analysis (PCA) of physiological traits mediating overall coral response to heat stress in P. damicornis. Table S1. The mean, maximum, and minimum sea surface temperatures (SST) in the two sampling sites. Table S2. Water quality parameters in the two sampling sites. Table S3. Effect of temperature on bleaching rate, Symbiodiniaceae density, photochemical efficiency, and calcification rate in P. damicornis. Table S4. Generalized linear mixed-effects model comparing the effects of fixed and random factors on physiological traits. Table S5. One-way ANOVA assessing the impact of heat stress on physiological traits. Table S6. Three-way ANOVA comparing the impacts of temperature, time and symbiont genotype on Symbiodiniaceae density
Rescue study of PoxmR361 mutant by the expression of <i>TtPax1/9a</i> and <i>TtPax1/9b</i> genes.
<p>(a) <i>Poxm</i><sup><i>R361</i></sup> mutant. (b) <i>Poxm</i><sup><i>R361</i></sup> mutant with <i>TtPax1/9a</i> gene expression. (c) <i>Poxm</i><sup><i>R361</i></sup> mutant with <i>TtPax1/9b</i> gene expression. Anterior is to the left.</p
Tissue distribution of <i>TtPax1/9a</i> and <i>TtPax1/9b</i> determined by quantative real-time PCR.
<p>The <i>T</i>. <i>tridentatus GAPDH</i> transcript was used as internal standard. I, intestine; L: liver; Y, yellow connective tissue; H, heart; S: stomach; M, muscle; G, gill.</p
Major components from Conserved metazoan signaling pathways identified in <i>T</i>. <i>tridentatus</i>.
<p>The results were generated by BLASTing the unigenes of <i>T</i>. <i>tridentatus</i> to known homologues with the e-value cutoff at 1e-10. Pathway schematics were adapted from KEGG pathway models (<a href="http://www.genome.jp/kegg/" target="_blank">http://www.genome.jp/kegg/</a>). <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>-specific pathways are colored blue. Genes identified and not identified in <i>T</i>. <i>tridentatus</i> were marked with red font and grey font respectively.</p
Multiple alignment of paired domain of Pax1/9 proteins from representative metazoan.
<p>The polypeptides were aligned using ClustalX 2.1 program and Boxshade online software (<a href="http://www.ch.embnet.org/software/BOX_form.html" target="_blank">http://www.ch.embnet.org/software/BOX_form.html</a>) were employed to highlight conserved amino acids. Conserved DNA binding motifs were underlined. The sequences used in the alignment are as follows: AmPaxA: <i>Acropora millepora</i> PaxA [GenBank: AAC15713.2], BbPax1/9: <i>Branchiostoma belcheri</i> Pax1/9 [GenBank: ABK54274.1], CqPaxA1: <i>Chrysaora quinquecirrha</i> PaxA1 [GenBank: AAB58292.1], DmPoxm: <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> Poxm [GenBank: ABE69189.1], HlPaxA: <i>Hydra littoralis</i> PaxA [GenBank: AAB58290.1], DrPax1: <i>Danio rerio</i> Pax1 [GenBank: NP_001074061.1], DrPax9: <i>Danio rerio</i> Pax9 [GenBank: NP_571373.1], HsPax1: <i>Homo sapiens</i> Pax1 [GenBank: NP_006183.2], HsPax9: <i>Homo sapiens</i> Pax9 [GenBank: NP_006185.1], MmPax1: <i>Mus musculus</i> Pax1 [GenBank: AAK01146.1], MmPax9: <i>Mus musculus</i> Pax9 [GenBank: NP_035171.1] and NvPaxA: <i>Nematostella vectensis</i> PaxA [GenBank: AAW29066.1].</p
COG functional classification of the <i>T</i>. <i>tridentatus</i> transcriptome.
<p>COG functional classification of the <i>T</i>. <i>tridentatus</i> transcriptome.</p