67 research outputs found

    Robust Control Allocation among Overactuated Spacecraft Thrusters under Ellipsoidal Uncertainty

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    Spacecrafts with overactuated and redundant thrusters can work normally once some of them are out of work, which improves the reliability of spacecraft in orbit. In this way, the desired command of controller needs to be dynamically allocated among thrusters. Considering that uncertain factors may appear in forms of dynamics, installation errors, thrust deviations, or failures, this paper proposes a robust control allocation under ellipsoidal uncertainty. This method uses the uncertainty ellipsoid set to describe the uncertainty of the thrusters firstly and establish the thrust allocation robust reference model and then transforms it into a cone optimization model which can be solved as an optimized problem. Finally, this paper adopts the interior-point method for solving the optimization problem. In this way, difficulties of solving the problem caused by parameter uncertainties are avoided effectively. Finally, we take satellite rendezvous and docking as simulation scenarios; it is verified that the cumulative distribution error and maximum error can be reduced by more than 15% when the random error of control efficiency matrix is 5%–20%; also, precision of thruster allocation is improved

    Metformin Treatment is Associated with Mortality in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Chronic Heart Failure in the Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Objective: Patients receiving intensive care often have diabetes mellitus (DM) together with chronic heart failure (CHF). In these patients, the use of metformin in intensive care is controversial. This study was aimed at assessing the mortality rates of patients with DM and CHF treated with metformin. Methods: The Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care database was used to identify patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and CHF. A 90-day mortality comparison was conducted between patients who were and were not administered metformin. Propensity score matching analysis and multivariable Cox proportional hazard regression were used to ensure the robustness of our results. Results: A total of 2153 patients (180 receiving metformin and 1973 not receiving metformin) with T2DM and CHF were included in the study. The 90-day mortality rates were 30.5% (601/1971) and 5.5% (10/182) in the non-metformin and metformin groups, respectively. In the propensity score matching analyses, metformin use was associated with a 71% lower 90-day mortality (hazard ratio, 0.29; 95% confidence interval, 0.14–0.59; P < 0.001). The results were insensitive to change when sensitivity analyses were performed. Conclusion: Metformin treatment may decrease the mortality risk in critically ill patients with T2DM and CHF in the intensive care unit

    Study on the thin layer drying and diffusion mechanism of low rank coal in Inner Mongolia and Yunnan

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    Coal is one of the world's most important energy substances. China is rich in coal resources, accounting for more than 90 % of all ascertained fossil energy reserves. The consumption share of coal energy reaches 56.5 % in 2021. Due to the high moisture content of low-rank coal, it is easy to cause equipment blockage in the dry sorting process. This paper considers low-rank coal coming from Inner Mongolia (NM samples) and Yunnan (YN samples). The weight loss performance of the samples was analyzed using thermogravimetric experiments to determine the appropriate temperature for drying experiments. Thin-layer drying experiments were carried out at different temperature conditions. The drying characteristics of low-rank coal were that the higher the drying temperature, the shorter the drying completion time; the smaller the particle size, the shorter the drying completion time. The effective moisture diffusion coefficient was fitted using the Arrhenius equation. The effective water diffusion coefficient of NM samples was 5.07·10–11 - 9.58·10–11 m2/s. The effective water diffusion coefficients of the three different particle sizes of YN samples were 1.89·10–11 - 4.92·10–11 (–1 mm), 1.38·10–10 - 4.13·10–10 (1-3 mm), 5.26·10–10 - 1.49·10–9 (3-6 mm). The activation energy of Inner Mongolia lignite was 10.97 kJ/mol (–1 mm). The activation energies of Yunnan lignite with different particle sizes were 17.97 kJ/mol (–1 mm), 33.52 kJ/mol (1-3 mm), and 38.64 kJ/mol (3-6 mm). The drying process was simulated using empirical and semi-empirical formulas. The optimal model for Inner Mongolia samples was the Two-term diffusion model, and Yunnan samples were the Hii equation was used

    Multi-scale pressure analysis and fluidization quality characterization of dry dense medium fluidized bed

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    Coal beneficiation is the source technology of clean processing and utilization of coal. Dry coal beneficiation is an important way for efficient separation and upgrading of easily sliming coal in arid area. Dry dense medium fluidized bed forms a certain density of gas-solid fluidized bed by updraft-driven heavy medium particles fluidization, thus achieving coal separation according to bed density. The uniformity and stability of bed density, namely the bed fluidization quality, is the key to determine the separation accuracy. Due to the disturbance of airflow, bubbles, moving internals, feeding and other factors, the fluidization behavior of the bed is complex and changeable, and the pressure signal shows non-uniformity, non-linearity and multi-scale characteristics. Based on the characteristics of axial differential transmission and lateral equivalent diffusion of pressure signal in dry dense medium fluidized bed, the fluctuation characteristics of axial differential pressure were studied emphatically, and a quantitative characterization method of fluidization quality was proposed. The results show that: Based on time domain analysis, the probability density distribution of total pressure drop in Geldart A type separation fluidized bed is close to normal distribution. When the bed is in the particulate expansion, due to the uneven distribution of contact force between particles, the probability density shows the right deviation and the peak, deviating from the normal distribution. Through frequency domain analysis, it is found that the dominant frequency of bubbles dominates the whole axial interval of fluidized bed at the later stage of bed expansion. After complete fluidization, the dominant frequency of bubbles only controls the central region of the bed. The dominant frequency of bed concentration signal changes obviously along the bed axial distribution. Combined with the results of time-domain and frequency-domain signal analysis, a fluidization quality characterization model was proposed, where the standard deviation of axial fluctuation is weighted and averaged, and the dominant frequency of sub-bed concentration is taken as the weight value. This model can comprehensively evaluate the uniformity and stability of density distribution of dry dense medium fluidized bed, and provide strong support for the steady-state control and accurate separation of dry dense medium fluidized bed

    Structural and Functional Alterations in Visual Pathway After Optic Neuritis in MOG Antibody Disease: A Comparative Study With AQP4 Seropositive NMOSD

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    Background: Optic neuritis (ON) is an important clinical manifestation of neuromyelitis optic spectrum disease (NMOSD). Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibody-related and aquaporin 4 (AQP4) antibody-related ON show different disease patterns. The aim of this study was to explore the differences in structure and function of the visual pathway in patients with ON associated with MOG and AQP4 antibodies.Methods: In this prospective study, we recruited 52 subjects at Beijing Tiantan Hospital, including 11 with MOG Ig+ ON (MOG-ON), 13 with AQP4 Ig+ ON (AQP4-ON), and 28 healthy controls (HCs). Fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), and radial diffusivity (RD) of optic radiation (OR), primary visual cortex volume (V1), brain volume, and visual acuity (VA) were compared among groups. A multiple linear regression was used to explore associations between VA and predicted factors. In addition, we used optical coherence tomography (OCT) to examine thickness of the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) and retinal ganglion cell complex (GCC) in a separate cohort consisting of 15 patients with ON (8 MOG-ON and 7 AQP4-ON) and 28 HCs.Results: Diffusion tensor imaging showed that the FA of OR was lower than controls in patients with AQP4-ON (p = 0.001) but not those with MOG-ON (p = 0.329) and was significantly different between the latter two groups (p = 0.005), while V1 was similar in patients with MOG-ON and AQP4-ON (p = 0.122), but was lower than controls in AQP4-ON (p = 0.002) but not those with MOG-ON (p = 0.210). The VA outcomes were better in MOG-ON than AQP4-ON, and linear regression analysis revealed that VA in MOG-ON and AQP4-ON was both predicted by the FA of OR (standard β = −0.467 and −0.521, p = 0.036 and 0.034). Both patients of MOG-ON and AQP4-ON showed neuroaxonal damage in the form of pRNFL and GCC thinning but showed no statistically significant difference (p = 0.556, 0.817).Conclusion: The structural integrity of OR in patients with MOG-ON, which is different from the imaging manifestations of AQP4-ON, may be a reason for the better visual outcomes of patients with MOG-ON

    Effect of weakening characteristics of mechanical properties of granite under the action of liquid nitrogen

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    Liquid nitrogen fracturing and hot dry rock geothermal development are both emerging technologies in the field of energy. However, during the extraction of geothermal energy, it can cause the evolution of geological fractures, leading to the diffusion of groundwater and pollutants, thereby causing environmental pollution issues. Currently, geothermal energy has become a focal point in the global development of renewable energy. However, traditional hydraulic fracturing methods used in harnessing geothermal resources suffer from limitations such as limited fracture creation, uncertain initiation points, and environmental pollution. In contrast, liquid nitrogen has emerged as a promising reservoir stimulation technique, exhibiting significant effects on rock fracturing. In this study, we conducted three-point bending tests on granite samples subjected to liquid nitrogen treatment at temperatures of 300°C, with varying numbers of cooling cycles. Changes in fundamental mechanical parameters were analyzed. Additionally, through acoustic emission monitoring, we studied the variations in characteristic parameters of acoustic emissions under different cooling cycle conditions. Furthermore, based on the theory of energy evolution, we analyzed the energy evolution process during sample failure under different cooling cycle conditions. Using a compact scanning electron microscope, we observed changes in the microstructure of granite and analyzed the influence of cooling treatment on its surface characteristics and failure modes, thereby revealing the thermal damage process of granite. Moreover, by employing a non-metallic ultrasonic testing analyzer, we scanned the fracture surface morphology of granite and investigated the variations in fracture surface morphology features and surface roughness parameters caused by cooling treatment. The results indicate that liquid nitrogen cooling treatment can more effectively reduce the mechanical properties of rocks, and this effect is further enhanced at high temperatures. Under the condition of 300°C, after undergoing different cycles of liquid nitrogen cooling, granite will exhibit a more diverse macroscopic and microscopic structural failure characteristics, consistent with the expected formation of fluid flow channels in high-temperature rock formations

    Interaction between the flagellum of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and the vitellogenin-like protein of Diaphorina citri significantly influences CLas titer

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    Huanglongbing (HLB) is a global devastating citrus disease that is mainly caused by “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (CLas). It is mostly transmitted by the insect Asian citrus psyllid (ACP, Diaphorina citri) in a persistent and proliferative manner. CLas traverses multiple barriers to complete an infection cycle and is likely involved in multiple interactions with D. citri. However, the protein–protein interactions between CLas and D. citri are largely unknown. Here, we report on a vitellogenin-like protein (Vg_VWD) in D. citri that interacts with a CLas flagellum (flaA) protein. We found that Vg_VWD was upregulated in CLas-infected D. citri. Silencing of Vg_VWD in D. citri via RNAi silencing significantly increased the CLas titer, suggesting that Vg_VWD plays an important role in the CLas–D. citri interaction. Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression assays indicated that Vg_VWD inhibits BAX- and INF1-triggered necrosis and suppresses the callose deposition induced by flaA in Nicotiana benthamiana. These findings provide new insights into the molecular interaction between CLas and D. citri

    Polylactic Acid Improves the Rheological Properties, and Promotes the Degradation of Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose-Modified Alkali-Activated Cement

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    In consideration of the insolubility in water, sensitivity to heat and wide application in the oil and gas industry as a degradable additive, this paper introduces polylactic acid (PLA) to a self-degradable temporary sealing material (SDTSM) to investigate its effect on the SDTSM performance and evaluate its potential to improve the rheological properties and further promote the self-degradation of the material. The thermal degradation of PLA, the rheological properties, compressive strength, hydrated products and water absorption of SDTSMs with different PLA dosages were tested. The analysis showed that the addition of 2% PLA increased the fluidity by 13.18% and reduced the plastic viscosity by 38.04%, when compared to those of the SDTSM without PLA. PLA increased the water absorption of 200 °C-heated SDTSM and had small effect on the types but decreased the hydrate products of 85 °C-cured SDTSM, and created plenty of pores in 200 °C-heated SDTSM. PLA enhanced the self-degradation level of SDTSM by generating a large amount of pores in cement. These pores worked in two ways: one was such a large amount of pores led to a looser microstructure; the other was these pores made the water impregnate the cement more easily, and then made the dissolution of substances in the 200 °C-heated SDTSM progress faster to generate heat and to destruct the microstructure

    Deterioration of the Internal Structure of Loess under Dry-Wet Cycles

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    To understand the structural damage evolution process of loess under the action of dry-wet cycles, a triaxial test of a dry-wet cycle was performed by considering three influencing factors: initial moisture content, amplitude of the dry-wet cycle, and number of dry-wet cycles. The stress-strain curves of undisturbed loess samples at different cycling times vary under different compacted loess cycles. Under the same axial strain, the stress value of the undisturbed loess is higher than that of the loess sample after a dry-wet cycle, indicating that such cycle can reduce the strength of loess. As the number and amplitude of dry-wet cycles increase, the shear strength of the loess sample and the value of cohesion (c) of the strength index gradually decrease, and the amplitude gradually decreases. With an increase in the number and amplitude of dry-wet cycles, the change in the internal friction angle of the strength index is inevident, indicating that the effect of dry-wet cycles on the internal friction angle of loess is insignificant. Computed tomography (CT) scan experiments were also conducted to obtain the evolution of loess cracks before and after a dry-wet cycle. Studies have shown that as the number and amplitude of dry-wet cycles increase, the mean (ME) value of CT decreases, the standard deviation (SD) value increases, and the ME value is obtained during the initial stage of a dry-wet cycle. Meanwhile, the decreasing trend of ME and the increasing trend of SD values are most evident during the period of a dry-wet cycle. In conclusion, dry-wet cycles promote the development of cracks

    EFECL: Feature encoding enhancement with contrastive learning for indoor 3D object detection

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    Abstract Good proposal initials are critical for 3D object detection applications. However, due to the significant geometry variation of indoor scenes, incomplete and noisy proposals are inevitable in most cases. Mining feature information among these “bad” proposals may mislead the detection. Contrastive learning provides a feasible way for representing proposals, which can align complete and incomplete/noisy proposals in feature space. The aligned feature space can help us build robust 3D representation even if bad proposals are given. Therefore, we devise a new contrast learning framework for indoor 3D object detection, called EFECL, that learns robust 3D representations by contrastive learning of proposals on two different levels. Specifically, we optimize both instance-level and category-level contrasts to align features by capturing instance-specific characteristics and semantic-aware common patterns. Furthermore, we propose an enhanced feature aggregation module to extract more general and informative features for contrastive learning. Evaluations on ScanNet V2 and SUN RGB-D benchmarks demonstrate the generalizability and effectiveness of our method, and our method can achieve 12.3% and 7.3% improvements on both datasets over the benchmark alternatives. The code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/YaraDuan/EFECL
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