47 research outputs found

    Dynamic mechanisms of tight gas accumulation and numerical simulation methods: Narrowing the gap between theory and field application

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    Despite the significant progress made in tight gas exploration and development in recent years, the understanding of the dynamic mechanisms of tight gas accumulation is still limited, and numerical simulation methods are lacking. In fact, the gap between theory and field application has become an obstacle to the development of tight gas exploration and development. This work sheds light on the dynamic mechanisms of hydrocarbon accumulation in tight formations from the aspect of capillary self-sealing theory by embedding calculation of pressure- and temperature-dependent capillary force in a pore network model. The microscale dynamic mechanisms are scaled up to the reservoir level by geological simulation, and the quantitative evaluation of reserves based on real geological sections is realized. From the results, several considerations are made to assist with resource assessment and sweet spot prediction. Firstly, the self-sealing effect of capillary in the micro-nano pore-throat system is at the core of tight sandstone gas accumulation theory; the hydrocarbon-generated expansion force is the driving force, and capillary force comprises the resistance. Furthermore, microscopic capillary force studies can be embedded into a pore network model and scaled up to a geological model using relative permeability curve and capillary force curve. Field application can be achieved by geological numerical simulations at the reservoir scale. Finally, high temperature and high pressure can reduce capillary pressure, which increases gas saturation and reserves.Cited as: Zhao, W., Jia, C., Song, Y., Li, X., Hou, L., Jiang, L. Dynamic mechanisms of tight gas accumulation and numerical simulation methods: Narrowing the gap between theory and field application. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 8(3): 146-158. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.06.0

    Breakthrough and significance of unconventional oil and gas to classical petroleum geology theory

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    Great changes of the global energy industry have been caused by the rapid development of unconventional oil and gas. It is necessary to deeply consider the profound influence of the unconventional oil and gas revolution on the classical petroleum geology theory and to review geological conception of oil and gas accumulation elements and theoretic framework of petroleum system, giving the petroleum geology a new academic connotation. The author summarizes the significant progresses of global unconventional oil and gas exploration and development, and points out that the unconventional oil and gas revolution not only has a significant economic significance of oil and gas resource increment, but also brings great innovation to the theory of petroleum geology, thus having important scientific significances. This paper summarizes the core contents of four aspects of hydrocarbon generation, reservoir, distribution and development in classical petroleum geology, and comprehensively reviews the five important nodes in the developmental history of petroleum geology, which include anticline and trap theory, hydrocarbon generation from organic matter and petroleum system theory, continental petroleum geology, marine deepwater petroleum geology, continuous hydrocarbon accumulation and unconventional petroleum geology theory. Unconventional oil and gas has made a great breakthrough to classical petroleum geology on the basic theoretical concepts such as trap, reservoir, caprock, resource distribution, and enrichment, thereby promoting the basic research on petroleum geology to transform into the whole process of hydrocarbon generation, whole type of reservoir, and whole genetic mechanism, deepening unconventional petroleum geology theory, promoting the development and reconstruction of petroleum geology system, representing great significances to the strategic development from conventional to unconventional oil and gas in China or even in the world. Key words: petroleum geology, unconventional petroleum geology theory, continuous hydrocarbon accumulation, tight oil and tight gas, shale oil and shale gas, oil and gas productio

    The mechanism of unconventional hydrocarbon formation: Hydrocarbon self-sealing and intermolecular forces

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    The successful development of unconventional hydrocarbons has significantly increased global hydrocarbon resources, promoted the growth of global hydrocarbon production and made a great breakthrough in classical oil and gas geology. The core mechanism of conventional hydrocarbon accumulation is the preservation of hydrocarbons by trap enrichment and buoyancy, while unconventional hydrocarbons are characterized by continuous accumulation and non-buoyancy accumulation. It is revealed that the key of formation mechanism of the unconventional reservoirs is the self-sealing of hydrocarbons driven by intermolecular forces. Based on the behavior of intermolecular forces and the corresponding self-sealing, the formation mechanisms of unconventional oil and gas can be classified into three categories: (1) thick oil and bitumen, which are dominated by large molecular viscous force and condensation force; (2) tight oil and gas, shale oil and gas and coal-bed methane, which are dominated by capillary forces and molecular adsorption; and (3) gas hydrate, which is dominated by intermolecular clathration. This study discusses in detail the characteristics, boundary conditions and geological examples of self-sealing of the five types of unconventional resources, and the basic principles and mathematical characterization of intermolecular forces. This research will deepen the understanding of formation mechanisms of unconventional hydrocarbons, improve the ability to predict and evaluate unconventional oil and gas resources, and promote the development and production techniques and potential production capacity of unconventional oil and gas

    Prospects of and challenges to natural gas industry development in China

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    An unprecedented breakthrough has been made over the past decades in natural gas industry, which helps improve energy mix and promote the low-carbon economy in China. With such abundant hydrocarbon resources, China owns two intensive oil and gas producing blocks in the Ordos Basin and Xinjiang province and two other concentrated gas producing blocks in Sichuan and Western South Sea. In addition, arterial gas lines have been connected as a gas grid all over China and natural gas market has become more and more mature and expanded. Thus, a natural gas industry system has come into being. However, with natural gas unevenly scattering all across China, the remnant resources mainly are distributed in the stratigraphic strata, deep strata in superimposed basins or in mature exploration zones, foreland basin thrust belts, marine gas fields, and so on. In reality, the future gas exploration should focus on such domains as the weathered crust karst reservoirs or carbonate and stratigraphic traps, deep clastic gas layers, and unconventional oil and gas plays. Achievements have been made in marine shale gas exploration, CBM gas steady development, and other unconventional natural gas resources. From the perspective of exploration potential, more giant oil and gas fields will be possibly discovered in deep strata or deep sea water, and stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoirs and tight oil and gas reservoirs will also be the exploration focus. With the increase of exploration depth and degree, the overall oil and gas exploration cost will be significantly rising in general. New discoveries or reserves increase in natural gas exploration will highly depend upon research theory and technology progress, and such development technologies as 3D seismic survey, horizontal drilling and fracturing treatment will be more highlighted. Through enhancing the cost in natural gas exploration and development and strengthening the research of core technologies, natural gas industry will keep the trend of rapid growth in near future in China

    Unconventional hydrocarbon resources in China and the prospect of exploration and development

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    Based on analysis of the characteristics of unconventional hydrocarbon resources, this paper assesses the potential for unconventional hydrocarbons in China, summarizes the key technical progress in exploration and development, and discusses the prospects and developing strategies of unconventional hydrocarbons. The resources of unconventional oil and gas in China are abundant. The recoverable tight gas ranges from 8.8×1012 m3 to 12.1×1012 m3, the recoverable shale gas is from 15×1012 m3 to 25×1012 m3, the recoverable coalbed methane 10.9×1012 m3, the recoverable tight oil from 13×108 t to 14×108 t, and the recoverable shale oil 160×108 t. There is also some resource potential for oil sand. Such key techniques as the full-digital seismic exploration, low permeability and low resistivity reservoirs identification have been developed and their applications in oil and gas fields have achieved good results. Tight gas and tight oil are the most realistic resources to develop in China and the development and utilization of coalbed methane and shale gas are at a pioneer stage. In the next ten or twenty years, the production of unconventional hydrocarbon in China will increase considerably and play a major role in national hydrocarbon resources. Key words: unconventional hydrocarbon, resource potential, exploration and development technology, tight gas, tight oil, shale gas, coalbed methan

    Identification of Tight-Oil Sweet Spots in Northern East Junggar Basin

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    Micro-Scale Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Two-Phase CO2–Brine Flow in a Tighter REV Extracted from a Permeable Sandstone Core: Implications for CO2 Storage Efficiency

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    Deep saline permeable sandstones have the potential to serve as sites for CO2 storage. However, unstable CO2 storage in pores can be costly and harmful to the environment. In this study, we used lattice Boltzmann (LB) simulations to investigate the factors that affect steady-state CO2–brine imbibition flow in sandstone pores, with a focus on improving CO2 storage efficiency in deep saline permeable sandstone aquifers. We extracted three representative element volumes (REVs) from a digital rock image of a sandstone core and selected a tighter REV in the upper subdomain so that its permeability would apparently be lower than that of the other two based on single-phase LB simulation for further analysis. The results of our steady-state LB simulations of CO2–brine imbibition processes in the tighter REV under four differential pressures showed that a threshold pressure gradient of around 0.5 MPa/m exists at a differential pressure of 200 Pa, and that higher differential pressures result in a greater and more linear pressure drop and stronger channelization after the flow are initiated. Furthermore, we conducted simulations over a range of target brine saturations in the tighter REV at the optimal differential pressure of 400 Pa. Our findings showed that the relative permeability of CO2 is greatly reduced as the capillary number falls below a certain threshold, while the viscosity ratio has a smaller but still significant effect on relative permeability and storage efficiency through the lubrication effect. Wettability has a limited effect on the storage efficiency, but it does impact the relative permeability within the initial saturation range when the capillary number is low and the curves have not yet converged. Overall, these results provide micro-scale insights into the factors that affect CO2 storage efficiency in sandstones

    Ancient karsts and hydrocarbon accumulation in the middle and western parts of the North Tarim uplift, NW China

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    Ordovician karsts are well developed in the Yingmaili and Halahatang areas of the North Tarim Basin. The ancient karsts are an important factor for forming Ordovician hydrocarbon reservoirs in the central and western regions of the North Tarim Basin. They are distributed, like successive broad belts, along the south side of the North Tarim uplift and constitute a large complex ancient karst reservoir system together with the Lunnan bulge. The main controlling factors of the Ordovician karsts are uplift, interlamination parallel unconformity, fault systems, rock physical properties and high-energy sedimentary phases. The Ordovician karsts can be divided into uplift-controlled karst areas, the strata- and fault-controlled karst areas and limited karst areas while karsts of different origins can overlay each other. The ancient karsts are developed mainly in four periods: the Caledonian, Hercynian, Indo-China Yanshan, and Yanshan, and karsts of different periods overlay each other, too. The condition for developing large-scale ancient karst reservoirs exists in the area and the complex ancient karst systems can be rich in oil and gas. Along both sides of the Middle-Upper Ordovician clastic pinch-outs are the more favorable areas for large ancient karst reservoirs. 摘 要: 塔里木盆地北部哈拉哈塘和英买力地区的奥陶系古岩溶非常发育,随着勘探程度的提高和地质认识的深入开始引起重视。研究认为,古岩溶是塔北中西部地区奥陶系油气成藏的重要控制因素,沿塔北隆起南翼呈宽幅带状连片分布,与轮南凸起一起构成一套大型复合古岩溶储集体系。奥陶系岩溶发育的主要控制因素有隆升作用、层间平行不整合、断裂系统、岩石物理性质和高能相区等,平面上可以划分出隆控岩溶区、层控-断控岩溶区及局限岩溶区,多种成因的岩溶彼此之间可以复合叠置。此外,该区古岩溶具有分期多次发育的特点,主要期次有四个:加里东、海西、印支—燕山和燕山等,并存在多期叠置的特征。塔北隆起中西部地区具备形成大型古岩溶油气藏的条件,塔北复合古岩溶体系有望整体连片含油,沿中上奥陶统碎屑岩尖灭线两侧是寻找大规模古岩溶油气藏群的有利地区。 Key words: Tarim Basin, North Tarim uplift, Yingmaili, Halahatang, ancient karst, hydrocarbon reservoi