1,244 research outputs found

    Can Physical Fitness Performance be Used to Predict the BMI Status of First-Year Students? A Case Study from a University in Southern Taiwan

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between the physical fitness performance of college freshmen and the BMI body weight status (normal/ abnormal). We conducted case studies and obtained data on 7,160 participants aged 18 years from a university in southern Taiwan. All participants completed four physical fitness tests (seated forward bench, standing long jump, sit-ups, and cardiorespiratory endurance) and BMI assessments with the professional assistance of PE teachers. BMI is used to define the normal and abnormal state of body weight. Logistic regression analysis was used in this study. The results show that the four physical fitness tests currently implemented in college physical education can be used to predict whether the weight of the freshmen is normal. Cardiorespiratory endurance seems to be the most important feature for predicting the type of BMI (normal/abnormal), whether male or female. When the "cardiorespiratory endurance" of freshman students increases by a category, the probability of males belonging to the healthy weight category increases by 4.879 times, and the probability of females increases by 2.927 times. This study provides a new perspective for predicting whether the freshman's body weight is normal or not by using different types of college physical fitness test performance

    Examining the Antecedents of Repurchase Intention in Convenience Stores: A Perspective of Expectation-Disconfirmation Theory

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    The density of convenience stores in Taiwan is the highest in the world. In a convenience store context, this study attempts to examine the relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention, as well as the impact of customer familiarity with employees on customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. The result indicated that expectation had direct effect on service quality. The result also showed that service quality was positively related to disconfirmation. As expected, there were interrelationships among service quality, satisfaction, and repurchase intention. Moreover, customer familiarity with employees had positive, direct influence on both satisfaction and repurchase intentions

    Sources of Economic Growth and Changes in Energy Consumption: Empirical Evidence for Taiwan (2004-2016)

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    Since the 1990s, Taiwan has promoted the upgrading of industrial structure, and the financial crisis has brought about major economic shocks. After Taiwan became a WTO member in 2002, the total trade volume increased significantly under the trade liberalization economic system. The trade sector has become the main source of Taiwan's economic growth. As energy consumption expands with economic growth, the instability of international energy prices has become an important factor hindering Taiwan's future economic development. Taiwan's energy demand is over 99% dependent on imports, making Taiwan's economic growth and energy consumption really closely related. This study has found that the source of growth has transformed from domestic final demand effect and exports effect to technical coefficients effect and self-sufficiency Coefficients effect. The financial crisis has increased the “self-sufficiency” coefficient effect and the technical coefficient effect, and all other industries except the “agricultural sector” have shown significant growth. On the other hand, the source of energy consumption has changed after the financial crisis. This also confirms that Taiwan's economic growth is closely related to energy consumption, indicating that energy shortage has indeed had an important impact on Taiwan's economic development. Keywords: source of economic growth, energy consumption, technical coefficient JEL Classifications: Q43, C6, E2, E210 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.745

    DreaMo: Articulated 3D Reconstruction From A Single Casual Video

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    Articulated 3D reconstruction has valuable applications in various domains, yet it remains costly and demands intensive work from domain experts. Recent advancements in template-free learning methods show promising results with monocular videos. Nevertheless, these approaches necessitate a comprehensive coverage of all viewpoints of the subject in the input video, thus limiting their applicability to casually captured videos from online sources. In this work, we study articulated 3D shape reconstruction from a single and casually captured internet video, where the subject's view coverage is incomplete. We propose DreaMo that jointly performs shape reconstruction while solving the challenging low-coverage regions with view-conditioned diffusion prior and several tailored regularizations. In addition, we introduce a skeleton generation strategy to create human-interpretable skeletons from the learned neural bones and skinning weights. We conduct our study on a self-collected internet video collection characterized by incomplete view coverage. DreaMo shows promising quality in novel-view rendering, detailed articulated shape reconstruction, and skeleton generation. Extensive qualitative and quantitative studies validate the efficacy of each proposed component, and show existing methods are unable to solve correct geometry due to the incomplete view coverage.Comment: Project page: https://ttaoretw.github.io/DreaMo

    Preparation, characterization, and application of titanium nano-tube array in dye-sensitized solar cells

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    The vertically orientated TiO2 nanotube array (TNA) decorated with TiO2 nano-particles was successfully fabricated by electrochemically anodizing titanium (Ti) foils followed by Ti-precursor post-treatment and annealing process. The TNA morphology characterized by SEM and TEM was found to be filled with TiO2 nano-particles interior and exterior of the TiO2 nano-tubes after titanium (IV) n-butoxide (TnB) treatment, whereas TiO2 nano-particles were only found inside of TiO2 nano-tubes upon titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) treatment. The efficiency in TNA-based DSSCs was improved by both TnB and TiCl4 treatment presumably due to the increase of dye adsorption

    Distributed Training Large-Scale Deep Architectures

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    Scale of data and scale of computation infrastructures together enable the current deep learning renaissance. However, training large-scale deep architectures demands both algorithmic improvement and careful system configuration. In this paper, we focus on employing the system approach to speed up large-scale training. Via lessons learned from our routine benchmarking effort, we first identify bottlenecks and overheads that hinter data parallelism. We then devise guidelines that help practitioners to configure an effective system and fine-tune parameters to achieve desired speedup. Specifically, we develop a procedure for setting minibatch size and choosing computation algorithms. We also derive lemmas for determining the quantity of key components such as the number of GPUs and parameter servers. Experiments and examples show that these guidelines help effectively speed up large-scale deep learning training

    Effectiveness and minimum effective dose of app-based mobile health interventions for anxiety and depression symptom reduction: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Mobile health (mHealth) apps offer new opportunities to deliver psychological treatments for mental illness in an accessible, private format. The results of several previous systematic reviews support the use of app-based mHealth interventions for anxiety and depression symptom management. However, it remains unclear how much or how long the minimum treatment dose is for an mHealth intervention to be effective. Just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) has been introduced in the mHealth domain to facilitate behavior changes and is positioned to guide the design of mHealth interventions with enhanced adherence and effectiveness. OBJECTIVE: Inspired by the JITAI framework, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the dose effectiveness of app-based mHealth interventions for anxiety and depression symptom reduction. METHODS: We conducted a literature search on 7 databases (ie, Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, PsycInfo, Scopus, Cochrane Library (eg, CENTRAL), ScienceDirect, and ClinicalTrials, for publications from January 2012 to April 2020. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating app-based mHealth interventions for anxiety and depression. The study selection and data extraction process followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. We estimated the pooled effect size using Hedge g and appraised study quality using the revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for RCTs. RESULTS: We included 15 studies involving 2627 participants for 18 app-based mHealth interventions. Participants in the intervention groups showed a significant effect on anxiety (Hedge g=-.10, 95% CI -0.14 to -0.06, I2=0%) but not on depression (Hedge g=-.08, 95% CI -0.23 to 0.07, I2=4%). Interventions of at least 7 weeks\u27 duration had larger effect sizes on anxiety symptom reduction. CONCLUSIONS: There is inconclusive evidence for clinical use of app-based mHealth interventions for anxiety and depression at the current stage due to the small to nonsignificant effects of the interventions and study quality concerns. The recommended dose of mHealth interventions and the sustainability of intervention effectiveness remain unclear and require further investigation

    An Outbreak of Coxsackievirus A16 Infection: Comparison With Other Enteroviruses in a Preschool in Taipei

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    Background/PurposeThe transmission rate of enteroviruses in young children remains unclear. Therefore, we carried out active surveillance in preschool children to investigate the transmission rate and clinical manifestation of enteroviruses.MethodsFrom September 2006 to December 2008, we monitored infectious diseases in children 2(–3 years of age) in a preschool in Taipei. If any child had a febrile illness or symptoms/signs of enteroviral infection [e.g. herpangina or hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD)], we performed viral isolation and enterovirus polymerase chain reaction. VP1 sequencing was performed to define their serotypes. We also collected clinical data and analyzed transmission rates.ResultsThere were eight episodes of enterovirus infection during the study period. The serotypes included coxsackievirus A4 (CA4), CA2 and CA16. The transmission rates of CA4 and CA2 among children in same class were 26% and 35%, respectively. Between November 28 and December 12, 2008, 13/21 (61.9%) children contracted herpangina and/or HFMD. The average age was 2.82 (range, 2.43–3.39) years. CA16 was detected in 10/13 (76.9%) of the throat swabs by polymerase chain reaction VP1 genotyping. Compared with previous CA2 and CA4 outbreaks, CA16 had a significantly higher transmission rate (p = 0.035) and resulted in more cases of HFMD (p < 0.001). The transmission duration of coxsackie A viruses within the same class ranged from 12 to 40 days.ConclusionCompared with CA2 and CA4, CA16 infections resulted in more cases of HFMD and had significantly higher transmission rates in preschoolers

    Crystallization of Adenylylsulfate Reductase from Desulfovibrio gigas: A Strategy Based on Controlled Protein Oligomerization

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    Adenylylsulfate reductase (adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase, APS reductase or APSR, E.C. catalyzes the conversion of APS to sulfite in dissimilatory sulfate reduction. APSR was isolated and purified directly from massive anaerobically grown Desulfovibrio gigas, a strict anaerobe, for structure and function investigation. Oligomerization of APSR to form dimers–α_2β_2, tetramers–α_4β_4, hexamers–α_6β_6, and larger oligomers was observed during purification of the protein. Dynamic light scattering and ultracentrifugation revealed that the addition of adenosine monophosphate (AMP) or adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate (APS) disrupts the oligomerization, indicating that AMP or APS binding to the APSR dissociates the inactive hexamers into functional dimers. Treatment of APSR with β-mercaptoethanol decreased the enzyme size from a hexamer to a dimer, probably by disrupting the disulfide Cys156—Cys162 toward the C-terminus of the β-subunit. Alignment of the APSR sequences from D. gigas and A. fulgidus revealed the largest differences in this region of the β-subunit, with the D. gigas APSR containing 16 additional amino acids with the Cys156—Cys162 disulfide. Studies in a pH gradient showed that the diameter of the APSR decreased progressively with acidic pH. To crystallize the APSR for structure determination, we optimized conditions to generate a homogeneous and stable form of APSR by combining dynamic light scattering, ultracentrifugation, and electron paramagnetic resonance methods to analyze the various oligomeric states of the enzyme in varied environments

    Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia in Swine Associated with Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Infection

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    Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) is a chronic respiratory disease. Although the pathogenesis of BOOP is still incompletely understood, BOOP is responsive to steroids and has a good prognosis. In our five pigs with chronic postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), typical BOOP lesions were revealed. All five porcine lungs showed typical intraluminal plugs, and porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) was identified. They also exhibited similar pathologic findings such as proliferation of type II pneumocytes and myofibroblasts (MFBs), extracellular collagen matrix (ECM) deposition, and fragmentation of elastic fibers. MFBs migration correlative molecules, for instance, gelatinase A, B and osteopontin, appeared strongly in the progressing marginal area of polypoid intraluminal plugs of fibrotic lesion. These molecules colocalized with the active MFBs. Both gelatinase activity and intercellular level of active MFBs were significantly increased (P < .05). Porcine chronic bronchopneumonia leads to BOOP and it is associated with PCV2 persistent infection. Swine BOOP demonstrates similar cellular constituents with human BOOP. Perhaps their molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis operate in a similar way. Thus we infer that the swine BOOP can be considered as a potential animal model for human BOOP associated with natural viral infection. Moreover, it is more convenient to obtain samples