897 research outputs found

    Resources and student achievement – evidence from a Swedish policy reform

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    This paper utilizes a policy change to estimate the effect of teacher density on student performance. We find that an increase in teacher density has a positive effect on student achievement. The baseline estimate – obtained by using the grade point average as the outcome variable – implies that resource increases corresponding to the class-size reduction in the STAR-experiment (i.e., a reduction of 7 students) improves performance by 2.6 percentile ranks (or 0.08 standard deviations). When we use test score data for men, potentially a more objective measure of student performance, the effect of resources appears to be twice the size of the baseline estimate.Student performance; teacher/student ratio; policy reform; differences-in-differences

    Light-Front Approach for Pentaquark Strong Decays

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    Assuming the two diquark structure for the pentaquark state as advocated in the Jaffe-Wilczek model, we study the strong decays of light and heavy parity-even pentaquark states using the light-front quark model in conjunction with the spectator approximation. The narrowness of the Theta width is ascribed to the p-wave configuration of the diquark pair. Taking the Theta width as a benchmark, we estimate the rates of the strong decays Xi_{3/2}-- to Xi- pi-, Sigma- K-, Sigma_{5c}0 to D_s- p, D_{s0}*- p and Xi_{5c}0 to D_s- Sigma+, D_{s0}^{*-} Sigma+ with Sigma_{5c} Xi_{5c} being antisextet charmed pentaquarks and D_{s0}* a scalar strange charmed meson. The ratio of Gamma(P_c to Baryon D_{s0}*)/Gamma(P_c to Baryon D_s) is very useful for verifying the parity of the antisextet charmed pentaquark P_c. It is expected to be of order unity for an even parity P_c and much less than one for an odd parity pentaquark.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Implications of Recent Measurements of Hadronic Charmless B Decays

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    Implications of recent CLEO measurements of hadronic charmless B decays are discussed. (i) Employing the Bauer-Stech-Wirbel (BSW) model for form factors as a benchmark, the Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^- data indicate that the form factor F0Bπ(0)F_0^{B\pi}(0) is smaller than that predicted by the BSW model, whereas the data of Bωπ,KηB\to\omega\pi, K^*\eta imply that the form factors A0Bω(0),A0BK(0)A_0^{B\omega}(0), A_0^{BK^*}(0) are greater than the BSW model's values. (ii) The tree-dominated modes Bπ+π,ρ0π±,ωπ±B\to\pi^+\pi^-, \rho^0\pi^\pm, \omega\pi^\pm imply that the effective number of colors N_c(LL) for (V-A)(V-A) operators is preferred to be smaller, while the current limit on BϕKB\to\phi K shows that N_c(LR)>3. The data of BKηB\to K\eta' and KηK^*\eta clearly indicate that Nc(LR)Nc(LL)N_c(LR)\gg N_c(LL). (iii) In order to understand the observed suppression of π+π\pi^+\pi^- and non-suppression of KπK\pi modes, both being governed by the form factor F0BπF_0^{B\pi}, the unitarity angle γ\gamma is preferred to be greater than 9090^\circ. By contrast, the new measurement of B±ρ0π±B^\pm\to\rho^0\pi^\pm no longer strongly favors cosγ<0\cos\gamma<0. (iv) The observed pattern K^-\pi^+\sim \ov K^0\pi^-\sim {2\over 3}K^-\pi^0 is consistent with the theoretical expectation: The constructive interference between electroweak and QCD penguin diagrams in the Kπ0K^-\pi^0 mode explains why {\cal B}(B^-\to K^-\pi^0)>{1\over 2}{\cal B}(\ov B^0\to K^-\pi^+). (v) The observation \nc(LL)<3<\nc(LR) and our preference for \nc(LL)\sim 2 and \nc(LR)\sim 6 are justified by a recent perturbative QCD calculation of hadronic rare B decays in the heavy quark limit.Comment: 21 pages; CLEO measurements of several charmless B decay modes are updated. Discussion of the unitarity angle gamma in the \rho\pi mode is revise

    Updated Analysis of a_1 and a_2 in Hadronic Two-body Decays of B Mesons

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    Using the recent experimental data of BD()(π,ρ)B\to D^{(*)}(\pi,\rho), BD()Ds()B\to D^{(*)} D_s^{(*)}, BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} and various model calculations on form factors, we re-analyze the effective coefficients a_1 and a_2 and their ratio. QCD and electroweak penguin corrections to a_1 from BD()Ds()B\to D^{(*)}D_s^{(*)} and a_2 from BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} are estimated. In addition to the model-dependent determination, the effective coefficient a_1 is also extracted in a model-independent way as the decay modes BD()hB\to D^{(*)}h are related by factorization to the measured semileptonic distribution of BD()νˉB\to D^{(*)}\ell \bar\nu at q2=mh2q^2=m_h^2. Moreover, this enables us to extract model-independent heavy-to-heavy form factors, for example, F0BD(mπ2)=0.66±0.06±0.05F_0^{BD}(m_\pi^2)=0.66\pm0.06\pm0.05 and A0BD(mπ2)=0.56±0.03±0.04A_0^{BD^*}(m_\pi^2)=0.56\pm0.03\pm0.04. The determination of the magnitude of a_2 from BJ/ψK()B\to J/\psi K^{(*)} depends on the form factors F1BKF_1^{BK}, A1,2BKA_{1,2}^{BK^*} and VBKV^{BK^*} at q2=mJ/ψ2q^2=m^2_{J/\psi}. By requiring that a_2 be process insensitive (i.e., the value of a_2 extracted from J/ψKJ/\psi K and J/ψKJ/\psi K^* states should be similar), as implied by the factorization hypothesis, we find that BK()B\to K^{(*)} form factors are severely constrained; they respect the relation F1BK(mJ/ψ2)1.9A1BK(mJ/ψ2)F_1^{BK}(m^2_{J/\psi})\approx 1.9 A_1^{BK^*}(m^2_{J/\psi}). Form factors A2BKA_2^{BK^*} and VBKV^{BK^*} at q2=mJ/ψ2q^2=m^2_{J/\psi} inferred from the measurements of the longitudinal polarization fraction and the P-wave component in BJ/ψKB\to J/\psi K^* are obtained. A stringent upper limit on a_2 is derived from the current bound on \ov B^0\to D^0\pi^0 and it is sensitive to final-state interactions.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures. Typos in Tables I and IX are corrected. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Topologically Stable Electroweak Flux Tube

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    We show that for a large range of parameters in a SU(2)L×U(1)SU(2)_L\times U(1) electroweak theory with two Higgs doublets there may exist classically stable flux tubes of Z boson magnetic field. In a limit of an extra global U~(1)\tilde U(1) symmetry, these flux-tubes become topologically stable. These results are automatically valid even if U~(1)\tilde U(1) is gauged.Comment: 10 pages, LATE

    BJ/ψKB \to J/\psi K Decays in QCD Factorization

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    The hadronic decays BJ/ψK(K)B\to J/\psi K(K^*) are interesting because experimentally they are the only color-suppressed modes which have been measured, and theoretically they are calculable by QCD factorization even the emitted meson JψJ\psi is heavy. We analyze the decay BJψKB\to J\psi K within the framework of QCD factorization in the heavy quark limit. We show explicitly the scale and γ5\gamma_5-scheme independence of decay amplitudes and infrared safety of nonfactorizable corrections at twist-2 order. Leading-twist contributions from the light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) of the mesons are too small to accommodate the data; the nonfactorizable corrections to naive factorization are small and not significant. We study the twist-3 effects due to the kaon and find that the coefficient a2(JψK)a_2(J\psi K) is largely enhanced by the nonfactorizable spectator interactions arising from the twist-3 kaon LCDA ϕσK\phi^K_\sigma, which are formally power-suppressed but chirally, logarithmically and kinematically enhanced. Therefore, factorization breaks down at twist-3 order. Higher-twist effects of JψJ\psi are briefly discussed. Our result also resolves the long-standing sign ambiguity of a2(JψK)a_2(J\psi K), which turns out to be positive for its real part.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. Typos in Eqs.(3.4), (3.5), and (3.6) are correcte

    Applicability of perturbative QCD to ΛbΛc\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c decays

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    We develop perturbative QCD factorization theorem for the semileptonic heavy baryon decay ΛbΛclνˉ\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c l\bar{\nu}, whose form factors are expressed as the convolutions of hard bb quark decay amplitudes with universal Λb\Lambda_b and Λc\Lambda_c baryon wave functions. Large logarithmic corrections are organized to all orders by the Sudakov resummation, which renders perturbative expansions more reliable. It is observed that perturbative QCD is applicable to ΛbΛc\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c decays for velocity transfer greater than 1.2. Under requirement of heavy quark symmetry, we predict the branching ratio B(ΛbΛclνˉ)2B(\Lambda_b \to \Lambda_c l{\bar\nu})\sim 2%, and determine the Λb\Lambda_b and Λc\Lambda_c baryon wave functions.Comment: 12 pages in Latex file, 3 figures in postscript files, some results are changed, but the conclusion is the sam

    Helicity conservation in inclusive nonleptonic decay B to VX: Test of long-distance final state interaction

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    The polarization measurement in the inclusive B decay provides us with a simple test of how much the long-distance final-state interaction takes place as the energy of the observed meson varies in the final state. We give the expectation of the perturbative QCD for the energy dependence of the helicity fractions in a semiquantitative form. Experiment will tell us for which decay processes the perturbative calculation should be applicable.Comment: 15 pages in Revtex with 3 figures embedde

    Final-state interaction and s-quark helicity conservation in B -> J/psi K*

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    The Section of charm quark spin conservation is deleted since it involves more dynamical assumptions than previously stated. A few comments are added in view of new experimental results.Comment: To replace the earlier version of hep-ph/0106354. Minor additions and one deletion with no change in the main argument nor the conclusio