69,335 research outputs found

    Presymmetry beyond the Standard Model

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    We go beyond the Standard Model guided by presymmetry, the discrete electroweak quark-lepton symmetry hidden by topological effects which explain quark fractional charges as in condense matter physics. Partners of the particles of the Standard Model and the discrete symmetry associated with this partnership appear as manifestations of a residual presymmetry and its extension from matter to forces. This duplication of the spectrum of the Standard Model keeps spin and comes nondegenerated about the TeV scale.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figures. To be published in the proceedings of DPF-2009, Detroit, MI, July 2009, eConf C09072

    Perfluoro (Imidoylamidine) diamidines

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    Perfluoroether triazine elastomers having improved properties are prepared from oligomeric imidoylamidines that were in turn, prepared by the process of: (1) reacting a perfluorodinitrile with liquid ammonia to yield a perfluorodiamidine, (2) isolating the perfluorodiamidine, (3) reacting the isolated diamidine with a perfluorodinitrile to yield a perfluoro(imidoylamidine) dinitrile, and then repeating the steps to sequentially grow an oligomer of desired molecular size. The isolated amidine and nitrile intermediates are also disclosed. The elastomers can be fashioned into seals, gaskets, and sealing components and the like

    Process for preparing perfluorotriazine elastomers and precursors thereof

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    Perfluoroether triazine elastomers having improved properties and utility in seals, gaskets, sealing components and the like are prepared from oligomeric imidoylamidines that have, in turn, been prepared by the process of (1) reacting a perfluorodinitrile with liquid ammonia to yield a perfluorodiamidine, (2) isolating the perfluorodiamidine, (3) reacting the isolated diamidine with a perfluorodinitrile to yield a perfluoror(imidoylamidine) dinitrile, and then repeating step (1), (2), and (3) to sequentially grow an oligomer of desired molecular size. The isolated amidine and nitrile intermediates are also described

    Learning Points and Routes to Recommend Trajectories

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    The problem of recommending tours to travellers is an important and broadly studied area. Suggested solutions include various approaches of points-of-interest (POI) recommendation and route planning. We consider the task of recommending a sequence of POIs, that simultaneously uses information about POIs and routes. Our approach unifies the treatment of various sources of information by representing them as features in machine learning algorithms, enabling us to learn from past behaviour. Information about POIs are used to learn a POI ranking model that accounts for the start and end points of tours. Data about previous trajectories are used for learning transition patterns between POIs that enable us to recommend probable routes. In addition, a probabilistic model is proposed to combine the results of POI ranking and the POI to POI transitions. We propose a new F1_1 score on pairs of POIs that capture the order of visits. Empirical results show that our approach improves on recent methods, and demonstrate that combining points and routes enables better trajectory recommendations

    The Universal Real Projective Plane: LHC phenomenology at one Loop

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    The Real Projective Plane is the lowest dimensional orbifold which, when combined with the usual Minkowski space-time, gives rise to a unique model in six flat dimensions possessing an exact Kaluza Klein (KK) parity as a relic symmetry of the broken six dimensional Lorentz group. As a consequence of this property, any model formulated on this background will include a stable Dark Matter candidate. Loop corrections play a crucial role because they remove mass degeneracy in the tiers of KK modes and induce new couplings which mediate decays. We study the full one loop structure of the corrections by means of counter-terms localised on the two singular points. As an application, the phenomenology of the (2,0) and (0,2) tiers is discussed at the LHC. We identify promising signatures with single and di-lepton, top antitop and 4 tops: in the dilepton channel, present data from CMS and ATLAS may already exclude KK masses up to 250 GeV, while by next year they may cover the whole mass range preferred by WMAP data.Comment: 45 pages, 3 figure

    Sandstone Pore Aspect Ratio Spectra from Direct Observations and Velocity Inversion

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    Measurements of pore shapes from Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images for three sandstone samples (the Navajo Sandstone, the Weber Sandstone, and the Kayenta Sandstone) are compared to the aspect ratio spectra obtained from inverting laboratory velocity versus pressure data using the method of Cheng and Toksoz (1979). The results indicate that the inversion method is in very good agreement with the observations at high aspect ratios ( ex > 0.0 1). At low aspect ratios the agreement is very good for the clean Navajo Sandstone sample, but poor for the Weber and Kayenta samples which contain clay. The Navajo sample is composed chiefly of quartz with significant pressure dissolution apparent along grain contacts resulting in smooth, flat cracks between grains. The Weber and Kayenta samples have rougher crack surfaces as well as tapered pore edges, indicating that asperities ,and non-elliptical pore shapes may result in an over estimation of low aspect ratio cracks by velocity inversion. The presence of degraded feldspars may also play a role.Phillips Petroleum Fellowshi

    Missing Momentum Reconstruction and Spin Measurements at Hadron Colliders

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    We study methods for reconstructing the momenta of invisible particles in cascade decay chains at hadron colliders. We focus on scenarios, such as SUSY and UED, in which new physics particles are pair produced. Their subsequent decays lead to two decay chains ending with neutral stable particles escaping detection. Assuming that the masses of the decaying particles are already measured, we obtain the momenta by imposing the mass-shell constraints. Using this information, we develop techniques of determining spins of particles in theories beyond the standard model. Unlike the methods relying on Lorentz invariant variables, this method can be used to determine the spin of the particle which initiates the decay chain. We present two complementary ways of applying our method by using more inclusive variables relying on kinematic information from one decay chain, as well as constructing correlation variables based on the kinematics of both decay chains in the same event.Comment: Version to appear in JHE

    Elastic Scattering and Direct Detection of Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter

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    Recently a new dark matter candidate has been proposed as a consequence of universal compact extra dimensions. It was found that to account for cosmological observations, the masses of the first Kaluza-Klein modes (and thus the approximate size of the extra dimension) should be in the range 600-1200 GeV when the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle (LKP) corresponds to the hypercharge boson and in the range 1 - 1.8 TeV when it corresponds to a neutrino. In this article, we compute the elastic scattering cross sections between Kaluza-Klein dark matter and nuclei both when the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle is a KK mode of a weak gauge boson, and when it is a neutrino. We include nuclear form factor effects which are important to take into account due to the large LKP masses favored by estimates of the relic density. We present both differential and integrated rates for present and proposed Germanium, NaI and Xenon detectors. Observable rates at current detectors are typically less than one event per year, but the next generation of detectors can probe a significant fraction of the relevant parameter space.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures; v2,v3: Ref. added, discussion improved, conclusions unchanged. v4: Introduction was expanded to be more appropriate for non experts. Various clarifications added in the text. Version to be published in New Journal of Physic

    Enhancement of perfluorooctanoate and perfluorooctanesulfonate activity at acoustic cavitation bubble interfaces

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    Acoustic cavitation driven by ultrasonic irradiation decomposes and mineralizes the recalcitrant perfluorinated surfactants perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoate (PFOA). Pyrolytic cleavage of the ionic headgroup is the rate-determining step. In this study, we examine the sonochemical adsorption of PFOX, where X = S for PFOS and A for PFOA, by determining kinetic order and absolute rates over an initial PFOX concentration range of 20 nM to 200 μM. Sonochemical PFOX kinetics transition from pseudo-first-order at low initial concentrations, [PFOX]_i 40 μM, as the bubble interface sites are saturated. At PFOX concentrations below 100 μM, concentration-dependent rates were modeled with Langmuir−Hinshelwood (LH) kinetics. Empirically determined rate maximums, V_(Max)^(−PFOA) = 2230 ± 560 nM min^−1 and V_(Max)^(−PFOS) = 230 ± 60 nM min^−1, were used in the LH model, and sonochemical surface activities were estimated to be K_(Sono)^(PFOS) = 120000 M^−1 and K_(Sono)^(PFOA) = 28500 M^−1, 60 and 80 times greater than equilibrium surface activities, K_(Eq)^(PFOS) and K_(Eq)^(PFOA). These results suggest enhanced sonochemical degradation rates for PFOX when the bubble interface is undersaturated. The present results are compared to previously reported sonochemical kinetics of nonvolatile surfactants
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