64,343 research outputs found

    Collective Quartics and Dangerous Singlets in Little Higgs

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    Any extension of the standard model that aims to describe TeV-scale physics without fine-tuning must have a radiatively-stable Higgs potential. In little Higgs theories, radiative stability is achieved through so-called collective symmetry breaking. In this letter, we focus on the necessary conditions for a little Higgs to have a collective Higgs quartic coupling. In one-Higgs doublet models, a collective quartic requires an electroweak triplet scalar. In two-Higgs doublet models, a collective quartic requires a triplet or singlet scalar. As a corollary of this study, we show that some little Higgs theories have dangerous singlets, a pathology where collective symmetry breaking does not suppress quadratically-divergent corrections to the Higgs mass.Comment: 4 pages; v2: clarified the existing literature; v3: version to appear in JHE

    Estimation Of Formation Parameters Using Full Waveform Acoustic and Shear Wave Logs

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    A combination of borehole Stoneley waves from full waveform acoustic logs and direct shear wave logs was used to estimate formation permeability and shear wave velocity. Data sets used here were collected by Area's array full waveform acoustic logging tool and shear wave logging tool. The P- and S-wave velocities of the formation are determined by threshold detection with cross-correlation correction from the full waveform and the shear wave log, respectively. The full waveform acoustic logging data are also processed using the Extended Prony's method to estimate the borehole Stoneley wave phase velocity and attenuation as a function of frequency. Two different borehole models are considered for the inversion of Stoneley wave velocity and attenuation data. They are the isotropic elastic and the porous isotropic borehole models. Inversion parameters include shear wave velocity and formation permeability. Inverted shear wave velocities and permeabilities are compared with the shear wave log and the core permeability measurements, respectively, for an integrated interpretation and possible identification of shear wave anisotropy.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Borehole Acoustics and Logging ConsortiumUnited States. Dept. of Energy (Grant DE-FG02-86ER13636

    Inversion For Permeability From Stoneley Wave Velocity And Attenuation

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    The in situ permeability of a formation is obtained by the inversion of Stoneley wave phase velocity and attenuation, which are evaluated by applying the Extended Prony's method to the array sonic logging data. The Maximum Likelihood inversion is used together with logarithmic parameterization of the permeabilities. Formation shear wave velocity is also inverted for. This process is tested on both synthetic and field data. Logarithmic parameterization contributes to rapid convergence of the algorithm. Permeabilities estimated from field data are in good agreement with core measurements.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Full Waveform Acoustic Logging Consortiu

    Phenomenology of the Littlest Higgs with T-Parity

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    Little Higgs models offer an interesting approach to weakly coupled electroweak symmetry breaking without fine tuning. The original little Higgs models were plagued by strong constraints from electroweak precision data which required a fine tuning to be reintroduced. An economical solution to this problem is to introduce a discrete symmetry (analogous to R-parity of SUSY) called T-parity. T-parity not only eliminates most constraints from electroweak precision data, but it also leads to a promising dark matter candidate. In this paper we investigate the dark matter candidate in the littlest Higgs model with T-parity. We find bounds on the symmetry breaking scale f as a function of the Higgs mass by calculating the relic density. We begin the study of the LHC phenomenology of the littlest Higgs model with T-parity. We find that the model offers an interesting collider signature that has a generic missing energy signal which could "fake" SUSY at the LHC. We also investigate the properties of the heavy partner of the top quark which is common to all littlest Higgs models, and how its properties are modified with the introduction of T-parity. We include an appendix with a list of Feynman rules specific to the littlest Higgs with T-parity to facilitate further study.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures; dark matter bounds revised; comphep model files made publicly available at http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/theory/tparity

    Fourth-Order Finite Difference Acoustic Logs In A Transversely Isotropic Formation

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    In this paper we present a finite difference scheme for seismic wave propagation in a fluid-filled borehole in a transversely isotropic formation. The first-order hyperbolic differential equations are approximated explicitly on a staggered grid using an algorithm that is fourth-order accurate in space and second-order accurate in time. The grid dispersion and grid anisotropy are analyzed. Grid dispersion and anisotropy are well suppressed by a grid size of 10 points per wavelength. The stability condition is also obtained from the dispersion analysis. This finite difference scheme is implemented on the nCUBE2 parallel computer with a grid decomposition algorithm. The finite difference synthetic waveforms are compared with those generated using the discrete wavenumber method. They are in good agreement. The damping layers effectively absorbed the boundary reflections. Four vertically heterogeneous borehole models: a horizontal layered formation, a borehole with a radius change, a semi-infinite borehole, and a semi-infinite borehole with a layer, are studied using the finite difference method. Snapshots from the finite difference results provide pictures of the radiating wavefields.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Borehole Acoustics and Logging Consortiu

    Probabilistic computing with future deep sub-micrometer devices: a modelling approach

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    An approach is described that investigates the potential of probabilistic "neural" architectures for computation with deep sub-micrometer (DSM) MOSFETs. Initially, noisy MOSFET models are based upon those for a 0.35 /spl mu/m MOS technology with an exaggerated 1/f characteristic. We explore the manifestation of the 1/f characteristic at the output of a 2-quadrant multiplier when the key n-channel MOSFETs are replaced by "noisy" MOSFETs. The stochastic behavior of this noisy multiplier has been mapped on to a software (Matlab) model of a continuous restricted Boltzmann machine (CRBM) - an analogue-input stochastic computing structure. Simulation of this DSM CRBM implementation shows little degradation from that of a "perfect" CRBM. This paper thus introduces a methodology for a form of "technology-downstreaming" and highlights the potential of probabilistic architectures for DSM computation

    Long-Distance Contributions to D^0-D^0bar Mixing Parameters

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    Long-distance contributions to the D0D^0-Dˉ0\bar D^0 mixing parameters xx and yy are evaluated using latest data on hadronic D0D^0 decays. In particular, we take on two-body DPPD \to PP and VPVP decays to evaluate the contributions of two-body intermediate states because they account for 50\sim 50% of hadronic D0D^0 decays. Use of the diagrammatic approach has been made to estimate yet-observed decay modes. We find that yy is of order a few ×103\times 10^{-3} and xx of order 10310^{-3} from hadronic PPPP and VPVP modes. These are in good agreement with the latest direct measurement of D0D^0-Dˉ0\bar D^0 mixing parameters using the D0KSπ+πD^0 \to K_S \pi^+\pi^- and KSK+KK_S K^+ K^- decays by BaBar. We estimate the contribution to yy from the VVVV modes using the factorization model and comment on the single-particle resonance effects and contributions from other two-body modes involving even-parity states.Comment: 18 pages and 1 figure; footnotes and references added; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Borehole Wave Propagation In Isotropic And Anisotropic Media III: Anisotropic Formation

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    In this paper we extend the 3-D finite difference method to simulate wave propagations in an anisotropic medium. The scheme is tested in the homogeneous medium. The finite difference results agree excellently with the analytic solutions of a point force source in the transversely isotropic medium. The finite difference synthetics are compared with ultrasonic lab measurements in a scaled borehole drilled along the X axis in an orthorhombic phenolite solid. Both monopole and dipole logs agree well. The 3-D time domain finite difference method is applied to the fluid-filled borehole wave propagation problems in the anisotropic formation. The following results are obtained: 1. In a borehole drilled along the Z axis in a phenolite formation, the monopole log shows the P wave travelling with velocity v[subscript zz]. There are no shear-pseudo-Rayleigh wave arrivals. The dipole log is dominated by the single slow flexural mode. 2. In a borehole drilled along the Y axis in a phenolite formation, the monopole log shows the P wave travelling with velocity v[subscript yy]. There are shear-pseudo-Rayleigh wave arrivals shown on the monopole seismograms between the P and Stoneley waves due to the shear wave anisotropy. The anisotropy also causes the shear wave splitting in the dipole log. The two shear wave arrivals correspond to the fast and the slow flexural modes. 3. The disagreement between the shear wave velocity from the Stoneley wave inversion and the direct shear wave log velocity from field data is beyond the errors in the measurements. It is shown that the formation permeability is not the cause of the discrepancy. From the estimated "shear/pseudo-Rayleigh" phase velocities in the array full waveform log and the 3-D finite difference synthetics in the anisotropic formation, the discrepancy can be explained as shear wave anisotropy.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Borehole Acoustics and Logging ConsortiumERL/nCUBE Geophysical Center for Parallel Processin

    Borehole Wave Propagation In Isotropic And Anisotropic Media I: Finite Difference Method

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    In this paper we developed a 3-D finite difference method to simulate wave propagations in an isotropic medium. The wave equation is formulated into the first-order hyperbolic equations by using velocity and stress and then discretizing it on a staggered grid. The 3-D time domain finite difference scheme is second order accurate in time and fourth order accurate in space. The grid dispersion and anisotropy are analyzed and the stable condition of the scheme is obtained. Higdon's absorbing boundary condition is discussed and generalized to the anisotropic medium. The scheme can provide realistic 3-D wave propagation simulation by the use of a parallel computer. The scheme is tested in the homogeneous medium. The finite difference results agree excellently with the analytic solutions of a point explosion source in the acoustic medium and a point force source in the elastic medium. The finite difference method accurately models not only the far field P and S waves, but also the near field term. It demonstrates that the second-order Higdon's absorbing boundary condition works very well in an acoustic and elastic medium.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Borehole Acoustics and Logging ConsortiumERL/nCUBE Geophysical Center for Parallel Processin