688 research outputs found

    Study Progress on Tissue Culture of Maize Mature Embryo

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    AbstractIt has been paid more and more attention on maize tissue culture as it is a basic work in maize genetic transformation, especially huge breakthrough has been made in maize tissue culture utilizing mature embryos as explants in the recent years. This paper reviewed the study progress on maize tissue culture and plant regeneration utilizing mature embryos as explants from callus induction, subculture, plant regeneration and browning reduction and so on

    Development of a New Dual-Cylinder Rotary Compressor for VI System

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    On the vapor compression refrigeration system, Vapor injection (VI, the phase separator type injection or the internal heat exchanger type injection) compression cycle’s superiority over non-injection cycle has been well known. VI system produces the high heating/cooling capacity, and its power consumption is less than the non-injection system. But if a VI compression cycle uses a single rotary compressor, there is the problem that refrigerant injection increases the indicated power by mixture loss. If we use a two-stage rotary compressor, indicated power also increases because of its two times exhaust process. To solve these problems, we developed a new dual-cylinder rotary compressor for VI systems, one of the cylinders is used to compress the gas from the evaporator, and the other is used to compress the gas from the phase separator (flash-tank). Its design method is discussed and its performance under different conditions is analyzed

    Cascade solar thermal power system modeling and research of the key features.

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es investigar sistemas de generación eléctrica termosolar para proponer, desa-rrollar y optimizar un sistema de energía solar térmica en cascada para conseguir un mejor rendimiento de las tecnologías de generación eléctrica termosolar y explorar una nueva tecnología viable generación a gran escala. Los contenidos y conclusiones principales de la tesis son los siguientes.Se han propuesto múltiples y novedosas estructuras topológicas para diseños de cascada termosolar, combinando ciclo Stirling como ciclo de cabecera y ciclo rankine como ciclo de cola, incluso con chimenea solar. Como colectores se integran el colector cilindro parabólico, el disco parabólico y la torre central con campo de heliostatos. La topología seleccionada para el estudio consiste en un campo solar de alta tempera-tura de colectores de disco parabólico para calentar aire a alta temperatura que se utiliza como foco caliente de un motor sterling. El foco frío de dicho motor es, a su vez, y utilización en cascada de la energía termosolar un ciclo rankine que se alimenta de vapor generado con un campo solar de colectores cilindro parabólicos (media temperatura).Se establecen modelos mecanicistas para los componentes del sistema de generación solar, usando he-rramientas informáticas de cálculo matemático y desarrollo de sistemas. El proceso de modelado usa una aproximación orientada al objeto, para asegurar la independencia y relevancia de cada componente. El mo-delo del sistema tiene la ventaja de una organización pertinente, una estructura clara y fácil capacidad de mejora. Para el modelado del motor Stirling, se consideran varias irreversibilidades y pérdidas, lo que permite ve-rificar una predicción más precisa que la del modelo clásico. Se ha estudiado el efecto de diferentes disposi-ciones de motores Stirling sobre el rendimiento del sistema en cascada. De acuerdo a las características de funcionamiento del motor, se proponen 5 disposiciones básicas de una matriz de motores Stirling y se imple-mentan los correspondientes modelos de simulación. Se analizan las diferencias de funcionamiento entre los distintos conjuntos para diferentes temperaturas y capacidades térmicas de fluido de entrada y diferentes parámetros del motor Stirling. Se concluye que la conexión en serie es la mejor disposición en términos de robustez y rendimiento de la matriz de motores Stirling. Se propone un sistema de calentamiento multietapa que puede reducir efectivamente la pérdida de exer-gía del proceso de generación de vapor de agua. Durante el proceso completo de intercambio de calor en un generador de vapor de agua convencional, no hay cambio de fase en el fluido calefactor y sí en el fluido cale-factado. En los intercambiadores de calor, existen amplias diferencias de temperaturas entre ambos, lo que amplía la pérdida de exergía durante el proceso. En esta tesis, se propone un método de calentamiento por etapas, en el que los caudales másicos del fluido calefactor en diferentes intercambiadores se controlan para reducir la diferencia de temperatura y las pérdidas de exergía. Este método puede incrementar efectivamente el rendimiento térmico de campos solares.Se propone un método para evaluar el funcionamiento de sistemas de generación eléctrica termosolar en cascada. Se escogen para comparación los sistemas independientes que componen la cascada y se esta-blecen los modelos de evaluación de su funcionamiento. Los resultados de la simulación y su análisis revelan que el sistema en cascada tiene un rendimiento de conversión solar-eléctrico mayor para altas irradiaciones solares si se compara con los correspondientes sistemas independientes.Se ha construido una plataforma de ensayo de generación eléctrica termosolar y se han efectuado ensa-yos experimentales con los colectores. Los experimentos determinan la influencia de la irradiación solar nor-mal directa, caudal y temperatura de entrada del fluido de transferencia de calor. Los resultados experimen-tales validan lo establecido mediante los modelos de los colectores y de los discos<br /

    Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Improved MobileNetV3 and Transfer Learning

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    Under different working conditions of gearbox, the feature extraction of fault signals is difficult, and large difference in data distribution affects the fault diagnosis results. Based on the problems, the research proposes a method based on improved MobileNetV3 network and transfer learning (TL-Pro-MobilenetV3 network). Three time-frequency analysis methods are used to obtain time-frequency distribution. Among them, short time Fourier transform (STFT) combined with Pro-MobilenetV3 network takes the shortest time and has the highest accuracy. Furthermore, transfer learning is introduced into the model, and the optimal training parameters are selected training the network. Using the dataset from Southeast University, the TL-Pro-MobilenetV3 model is compared with four classical fault diagnosis models. The experimental results show the accuracy of the method proposed can reach 100% and the training time is the shortest in two working conditions, proving the proposed model has a good performance in generalization ability, recognition accuracy and training time

    Histone H3 Lysine 9 Methyltransferase DIM5 Is Required for the Development and Virulence of Botrytis cinerea

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    Histone methylation is widely present in animals, plants and fungi, and the methylation modification of histone H3 has important biological functions. Methylation of Lys9 of histone H3 (H3K9) has been proven to regulate chromatin structure, gene silencing, transcriptional activation, plant metabolism and other processes. In this work, we investigated the functions of a H3K9 methyltransferase gene BcDIM5 in Botrytis cinerea, which contains a PreSET domain, a SET domain and a PostSET domain. Characterization of BcDIM5 knockout transformants showed that the hyphal growth rate and production of conidiophores and sclerotia were significantly reduced, while complementary transformation of BcDIM5 could restore the phenotypes to the levels of wild type. Pathogenicity assays revealed that BcDIM5 was essential for full virulence of B. cinerea. BcDIM5 knockout transformants exhibited decreased virulence, down-regulated expression of some pathogenic genes and drastically decreased H3K9 trimethylation level. However, knockout transformants of other two genes heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) BcHP1 and DNA methyltransferase (DIM2) BcDIM2 did not exhibit significant change in the growth phenotype and virulence compared with the wild type. Our results indicate that H3K9 methyltransferase BcDIM5 is required for H3K9 trimethylation to regulate the development and virulence of B. cinerea

    Association of pro-inflammatory cytokines with QCT-measured bone mineral density and its gender difference in a Chinese population — a pilot study

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    Introduction: The primary objective of this study was to explore the association of pro-inflammatory cytokines with quantitative computed tomography (QCT)-measured bone mineral density (BMD) and its sexual difference in a Chinese population. Material and methods: In a cross-sectional study, a total of 85 participants aged 48–85 years were recruited and classified into three groups: normal bone mass with BMD &gt; 120 mg/cm3, osteopaenia with BMD 80–120 mg/cm3, and osteoporosis with BMD &lt; 80 mg/cm3. ANOVA analysis and multivariable ordinal logistic regression was used to estimate the associations of interest. Results: The proportions of osteoporosis, osteopaenia, and normal BMD were 29.41% (25), 37.65% (32), and 32.94% (28), respectively. Males had the highest proportion of osteopaenia while females had osteoporosis (p &lt; 0.01). In contrast with the null findings in males, significant statistical difference was observed in females. Compared to the normal BMD, the OR for increasing IL-6 level of decreasing BMD groups (osteoporosis and/or osteopaenia) was 9.50 (95% CI: 1.44–62.80). TNF-a and IL-17 tended to show an increased risk (OR &gt; 1) but did not reach significance. Current OR result cannot confirm these relationships of IL-1b, and ORs of PAI-1 and MCP-1 are too close to 1 to determine the practical meaning. Conclusions: IL-6 is an obviously independent risk factor of QCT-measured osteoporosis in Chinese females. Sex hormones and fat-related factors are important confounders in the research of osteoimmunology

    Discovery of novel dsRNA viral sequences by in silico cloning and implications for viral diversity, host range and evolution

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    Genome sequence of viruses can contribute greatly to the study of viral evolution, diversity and the interaction between viruses and hosts. Traditional molecular cloning methods for obtaining RNA viral genomes are time-consuming and often difficult because many viruses occur in extremely low titers. DsRNA viruses in the families, Partitiviridae, Totiviridae, Endornaviridae, Chrysoviridae, and other related unclassified dsRNA viruses are generally associated with symptomless or persistent infections of their hosts. These characteristics indicate that samples or materials derived from eukaryotic organisms used to construct cDNA libraries and EST sequencing might carry these viruses, which were not easily detected by the researchers. Therefore, the EST databases may include numerous unknown viral sequences. In this study, we performed in silico cloning, a procedure for obtaining full or partial cDNA sequence of a gene by bioinformatics analysis, using known dsRNA viral sequences as queries to search against NCBI Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) database. From this analysis, we obtained 119 novel virus-like sequences related to members of the families, Endornaviridae, Chrysoviridae, Partitiviridae, and Totiviridae. Many of them were identified in cDNA libraries of eukaryotic lineages, which were not known to be hosts for these viruses. Furthermore, comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of these newly discovered virus-like sequences with known dsRNA viruses revealed that these dsRNA viruses may have co-evolved with respective host supergroups over a long evolutionary time while potential horizontal transmissions of viruses between different host supergroups also is possible. We also found that some of the plant partitiviruses may have originated from fungal viruses by horizontal transmissions. These findings extend our knowledge of the diversity and possible host range of dsRNA viruses and offer insight into the origin and evolution of relevant viruses with their hosts