33 research outputs found

    Multiscale Simulation of Yield Strength in Reduced-Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel

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    AbstractOne of the important requirements for the application of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steel is to retain proper mechanical properties under irradiation and high-temperature conditions. To simulate the yield strength and stress-strain curve of steels during high-temperature and irradiation conditions, a multiscale simulation method consisting of both microstructure and strengthening simulations was established. The simulation results of microstructure parameters were added to a superposition strengthening model, which consisted of constitutive models of different strengthening methods. Based on the simulation results, the strength contribution for different strengthening methods at both room temperature and high-temperature conditions was analyzed. The simulation results of the yield strength in irradiation and high-temperature conditions were mainly consistent with the experimental results. The optimal application field of this multiscale model was 9Cr series (7–9 wt.%Cr) RAFM steels in a condition characterized by 0.1–5 dpa (or 0 dpa) and a temperature range of 25–500°C

    Characterization of deformation-induced martensite with various AGSs upon Charpy impact loading and correlation with transformation mechanisms

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    Deformation-induced martensitic transformation (DIMT) during quasi-static loading has drawn much attention in recent years since it is considered as one of the key strengthening mechanisms in advanced high-strength steels (AHSS). However, systematic investigations on martensitic transformation at high strain-rates are scarce due to difficulties in experimental design

    Twin instability and its effect on the dislocation behavior of UFG austenitic steel under Charpy impact test

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    Twinning-induced plasticity (TWIP) steel offers high strength and ductility. However, in this study, deformation-induced detwinning was studied to prove that not all twins significantly benefit the mechanical properties. The quasi in situ observation results indicated that submicron-sized twins were unstable during Charpy impact loadin

    Influence of DIMT on impact toughness: relationship between crack propagation and the α′-martensite morphology in austenitic steel

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    The trade-off between transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) strengthening and the intrinsically brittle nature of deformation-induced α′ -martensite (DIM) has been a long-standing dilemma in optimizing the strength-toughness synergy of austenitic steels. This has limited their potential use, particularly in energy absorption application

    Investigation of Upgraded Technology for Plasma Spraying of Bronze Powder Using the Combined Process with Hydrocarbon Additions

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    The object of the research is thermal spray process for the formation of metal coating from bronze powder in plasma-fuel variant, using direct current (DC) electric arc plasma torch, on steel samples. The aim of the work was to investigate and develop the technology for plasma-fuel spraying of functional coatings (for wear-resistant and antimicrobial applications) on machine-building and medical purpose pieces with increased process capacity and moderate energy consumptions in a comparison with conventional thermal spray technologies with use of inert and oxygen-free gas media. During the study, using experimental and thermodynamic estimation methods, the thermal and chemical parameters of the process under the spraying conditions at ambient pressure were characterized, which made it possible to determine the area of preferred regimes of the developed technology. On the modernized testing unit for plasma spraying of metal powders with power of up to 40 kW, operating using a controlled combination of three types of gases – technical nitrogen and propane-butane (LPG) with compressed air, the measurement and optimization of the operating and constructive/assembling parameters of the system for aluminum bronze coating spraying were established. In this case, the experiments were carried out using the designed fuel intensifier, which is joined with the PP-25 arc plasma torch, as well as additional technological equipment (protective shroud). For samples of the resulting coatings with a thickness of 100 to 450 m from the bronze material, testing of phase composition and some parameters of the resulting coatings on steel products was carried out. Operating capacity of the proposed process reaches 7–15 kg/h for bronze powder when using a moderate power of the torch – up to 35–40 kW and a limited flow rate of hydrocarbon gas (for example, LPG of the SPBT grade) – 0.1–0.35 kg/h. Analysis of the energy efficiency parameters of the developed technology, as well as its calculated technical characteristics, in a comparison with plasma and combined equipment of a similar purpose, showed that it has an advantage in terms of target indicators, in particular, in terms of energy consumption and total energy efficiency of the spraying unit, not less than 20–30 %. This makes it to proceed later to the stage of application of this technology into production based on a new process for the metal coating formation, in particular with antimicrobial properties, with improved energy efficiency of the process

    Исследование модернизированной технологии плазменного напыления порошка бронзы с использованием комбинированного процесса с добавками углеводородов

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    The object of the research is thermal spray process for the formation of metal coating from bronze powder in plasma-fuel variant, using direct current (DC) electric arc plasma torch, on steel samples. The aim of the work was to investigate and develop the technology for plasma-fuel spraying of functional coatings (for wear-resistant and antimicrobial applications) on machine-building and medical purpose pieces with increased process capacity and moderate energy consumptions in a comparison with conventional thermal spray technologies with use of inert and oxygen-free gas media. During the study, using experimental and thermodynamic estimation methods, the thermal and chemical parameters of the process under the spraying conditions at ambient pressure were characterized, which made it possible to determine the area of preferred regimes of the developed technology. On the modernized testing unit for plasma spraying of metal powders with power of up to 40 kW, operating using a controlled combination of three types of gases – technical nitrogen and propane-butane (LPG) with compressed air, the measurement and optimization of the operating and constructive/assembling parameters of the system for aluminum bronze coating spraying were established. In this case, the experiments were carried out using the designed fuel intensifier, which is joined with the PP-25 arc plasma torch, as well as additional technological equipment (protective shroud). For samples of the resulting coatings with a thickness of 100 to 450 mm from the bronze material, testing of phase composition and some parameters of the resulting coatings on steel products was carried out. Operating capacity of the proposed process reaches 7–15 kg/h for bronze powder when using a moderate power of the torch – up to 35–40 kW and a limited flow rate of hydrocarbon gas (for example, LPG of the SPBT grade) – 0.1–0.35 kg/h. Analysis of the energy efficiency parameters of the developed technology, as well as its calculated technical characteristics, in a comparison with plasma and combined equipment of a similar purpose, showed that it has an advantage in terms of target indicators, in particular, in terms of energy consumption and total energy efficiency of the spraying unit, not less than 20–30 %. This makes it to proceed later to the stage of application of this technology into production based on a new process for the metal coating formation, in particular with antimicrobial properties, with improved energy efficiency of the process.Исследование посвящено процессу газотермического формирования покрытия из бронзового порошка в плазменно-топливном варианте с использованием электродугового плазмотрона на стальных образцах. Цель работы – изучение технологии для плазменно-топливного напыления функциональных покрытий (износостойкого и антимикробного применения) на изделия машиностроительного и медицинского назначения с повышенной производительностью процесса и умеренными энергозатратами по сравнению с традиционными методами термического напыления в инертных и бескислородных газовых средах. С помощью экспериментального и термодинамического расчетного методов оценивались тепловые и химические параметры процесса в условиях напыления при атмосферном давлении, что позволило определить область предпочтительных режимов данной технологии. На модернизированной авторами установке плазменного напыления порошков электрической мощностью до 40 кВт, работающей с регулируемым сочетанием технических азота и пропан-бутана, а также воздуха, проведены измерение и оптимизация режимных и конструктивных параметров системы нанесения покрытия из алюминиевой бронзы. Эксперимент осуществлен с использованием разработанного топливного интенсификатора, стыкуемого с дуговым плазмотроном ПП-25, и дополнительной технологической оснастки (защитного кожуха). Для полученных покрытий толщиной от 100 до 450 мкм из промышленного порошка алюминиевой бронзы проведено тестирование фазового состава и некоторых параметров получаемых покрытий на стальных изделиях. Производительность предложенного процесса достигает 7–15 кг/ч по порошку при умеренной мощности плазмотрона до 35–40 кВт и умеренном расходе углеводородного газа (предпочтительно технического пропан-бутана марки СПБТ) 0,1–0,35 кг/ч. Оценка параметров энергоэффективности разработанной технологии и ее расчетных технико-экономических характеристик в сравнении с плазменным и комбинированным оборудованием аналогичного назначения показала, что она имеет преимущество, в частности, по удельным энергозатратам и общему энергетическому КПД аппарата не менее чем на 20–30 %. Это позволяет перейти к стадии последующего внедрения данной технологии в производство на основе нового процесса получения металлопокрытий различного назначения, в том числе с антимикробными свойствами.

    Computational Simulation by Phase Field: Martensite Transformation Kinetics and Variant Selection under External Fields

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    Tailoring martensite transformation is critical for improving the mechanical properties of advanced steels. To provide preliminary guidance for the control of martensite transformation behaviour using external fields by computational simulation method, the phase-field method was used to calculate the morphology evolution, kinetics, and variant selection of the martensite transformation under different loading modes and magnetic field intensities. The incubation, transformation, and stable stages of the three variants based on the Bain strain group were investigated using different kinetic curves. These results clearly indicate that both uniaxial tension and compression can greatly promote the formation of martensite during the transformation stage and cause an obvious preferred variant selection. In contrast, the different variants have relatively balanced forms under shearing conditions. In addition, the magnetic field is a gentler way to form a state with balanced variants than other techniques such as shearing. Additionally, all these simulation results are consistent with classical martensitic transformation theory and thermodynamic mechanism, which proves the rationality of this research. The aim of the present study was to provide qualitative guidance for the selection of external fields for microstructural improvement in advanced steels

    Computational Simulation by Phase Field: Martensite Transformation Kinetics and Variant Selection under External Fields

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    Tailoring martensite transformation is critical for improving the mechanical properties of advanced steels. To provide preliminary guidance for the control of martensite transformation behaviour using external fields by computational simulation method, the phase-field method was used to calculate the morphology evolution, kinetics, and variant selection of the martensite transformation under different loading modes and magnetic field intensities. The incubation, transformation, and stable stages of the three variants based on the Bain strain group were investigated using different kinetic curves. These results clearly indicate that both uniaxial tension and compression can greatly promote the formation of martensite during the transformation stage and cause an obvious preferred variant selection. In contrast, the different variants have relatively balanced forms under shearing conditions. In addition, the magnetic field is a gentler way to form a state with balanced variants than other techniques such as shearing. Additionally, all these simulation results are consistent with classical martensitic transformation theory and thermodynamic mechanism, which proves the rationality of this research. The aim of the present study was to provide qualitative guidance for the selection of external fields for microstructural improvement in advanced steels

    Effect of solutes on the performance of Zn-coating and Zn-inducing transgranular cracking in steel based on DFT calculations

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    The effect of solutes, Co, Cu, Cr, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Ta, Ti, V and Zr, in steel on the penetration properties of Zn and stability of surface or matrix were explored theoretically using density functional theory method, and the role of solutes in the Zn-coated surface and Zn-induced transgranular fracture performance was considered. The effect of solution on α-Fe are more obvious than that on γ-Fe, they significantly change surface energy value and the order of stability of low-index surface in α-Fe. The segregation energies of solutes were calculated and concluded that most of selected elements possibly segregate to the surface from the matrix. The study about Zn adsorption properties found that Zn atoms is energetically favorable to absorb at the (001) surface layer in α-Fe, and the segregation of Zr, V, Nb and Ta are helpful to the process of Zn-coating and increase the stability of Zn-coated surface. In addition, the solutes in the matrix increase the difficulty of transgranular fracture. Although the surrounding of solutes is the preference site for cracking occurring and propagation, alloying is found to lead to a general increase in the cleavage energy of α-Fe during Zn penetration, suggesting a reduction in the tendency for transgranular fracture. Therefore, it is feasible that the addition of Zr, V, Nb and Ta as alloy element in steel to improve the properties of Zn-coating and inhibit the occurrence of Zn-inducing transgranular cracking. Our results are helpful to understand and design AHSSs inhibiting LME susceptibility