531 research outputs found

    Comparing Brane Inflation to WMAP

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    We compare the simplest realistic brane inflationary model to recent cosmological data, including WMAP 3-year cosmic microwave background (CMB) results, Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxies (SDSS LRG) power spectrum data and Supernovae Legacy Survey (SNLS) Type 1a supernovae distance measures. Here, the inflaton is simply the position of a D3D3-brane which is moving towards a Dˉ3\bar{D}3-brane sitting at the bottom of a throat (a warped, deformed conifold) in the flux compactified bulk in Type IIB string theory. The analysis includes both the usual slow-roll scenario and the Dirac-Born-Infeld scenario of slow but relativistic rolling. Requiring that the throat is inside the bulk greatly restricts the allowed parameter space. We discuss possible scenarios in which large tensor mode and/or non-Gaussianity may emerge. Here, the properties of a large tensor mode deviate from that in the usual slow-roll scenario, providing a possible stringy signature. Overall, within the brane inflationary scenario, the cosmological data is providing information about the properties of the compactification of the extra dimensions.Comment: 45 pages 11 figure

    Duality Cascade in Brane Inflation

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    We show that brane inflation is very sensitive to tiny sharp features in extra dimensions, including those in the potential and in the warp factor. This can show up as observational signatures in the power spectrum and/or non-Gaussianities of the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR). One general example of such sharp features is a succession of small steps in a warped throat, caused by Seiberg duality cascade using gauge/gravity duality. We study the cosmological observational consequences of these steps in brane inflation. Since the steps come in a series, the prediction of other steps and their properties can be tested by future data and analysis. It is also possible that the steps are too close to be resolved in the power spectrum, in which case they may show up only in the non-Gaussianity of the CMB temperature fluctuations and/or EE polarization. We study two cases. In the slow-roll scenario where steps appear in the inflaton potential, the sensitivity of brane inflation to the height and width of the steps is increased by several orders of magnitude comparing to that in previously studied large field models. In the IR DBI scenario where steps appear in the warp factor, we find that the glitches in the power spectrum caused by these sharp features are generally small or even unobservable, but associated distinctive non-Gaussianity can be large. Together with its large negative running of the power spectrum index, this scenario clearly illustrates how rich and different a brane inflationary scenario can be when compared to generic slow-roll inflation. Such distinctive stringy features may provide a powerful probe of superstring theory.Comment: Corrections in Eq.(5.47), Eq (5.48), Eq(5.49) and Fig

    Observing Brane Inflation

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    Linking the slow-roll scenario and the Dirac-Born-Infeld scenario of ultra-relativistic roll (where, thanks to the warp factor, the inflaton moves slowly even with an ultra-relativistic Lorentz factor), we find that the KKLMMT D3/anti-D3 brane inflation is robust, that is, enough e-folds of inflation is quite generic in the parameter space of the model. We show that the intermediate regime of relativistic roll can be quite interesting observationally. Introducing appropriate inflationary parameters, we explore the parameter space and give the constraints and predictions for the cosmological observables in this scenario. Among other properties, this scenario allows the saturation of the present observational bound of either the tensor/scalar ratio r (in the intermediate regime) or the non-Gaussianity f_NL (in the ultra-relativistic regime), but not both.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures; typo correcte

    Cosmology of the Tachyon in Brane Inflation

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    In certain implementations of the brane inflationary paradigm, the exit from inflation occurs when the branes annihilate through tachyon condensation. We investigate various cosmological effects produced by this tachyonic era. We find that only a very small region of the parameter space (corresponding to slow-roll with tiny inflaton mass) allows for the tachyon to contribute some e-folds to inflation. In addition, non-adiabatic density perturbations are generated at the end of inflation. When the brane is moving relativistically this contribution can be of the same order as fluctuations produced 55 e-folds before the end of inflation. The additional contribution is very nearly scale-invariant and enhances the tensor/scalar ratio. Additional non-gaussianities will also be generated, sharpening current constraints on DBI-type models which already predict a significantly non-gaussian signal.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP versio

    Is Brane Inflation Eternal?

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    In this paper, we show that eternal inflation of the random walk type is generically absent in the brane inflationary scenario. Depending on how the brane inflationary universe originated, eternal inflation of the false vacuum type is still quite possible. Since the inflaton is the position of the D3-brane relative to the anti-D3-brane inside the compactified bulk with finite size, its value is bounded. In DBI inflation, the warped space also restricts the amplitude of the scalar fluctuation. These upper bounds impose strong constraints on the possibility of eternal inflation. We find that eternal inflation due to the random walk of the inflaton field is absent in both the KKLMMT slow roll scenario and the DBI scenario. A more careful analysis for the slow-roll case is also presented using the Langevin equation, which gives very similar results. We discuss possible ways to obtain eternal inflation of the random walk type in brane inflation. In the multi-throat brane inflationary scenario, the branes may be generated by quantum tunneling and roll out the throat. Eternal inflation of the false vacuum type inevitably happens in this scenario due to the tunneling process. Since these scenarios have different cosmological predictions, more data from the cosmic microwave background radiation will hopefully select the specific scenario our universe has gone through.Comment: 32 pages; v2: references and comments adde

    DBI Inflation using a One-Parameter Family of Throat Geometries

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    We demonstrate the possibility of examining cosmological signatures in the DBI inflation setup using the BGMPZ solution, a one-parameter family of geometries for the warped throat which interpolate between the Maldacena-Nunez and Klebanov-Strassler solutions. The warp factor is determined numerically and subsequently used to calculate cosmological observables including the scalar and tensor spectral indices, for a sample point in the parameter space. As one moves away from the KS solution for the throat the warp factor is qualitatively different, which leads to a significant change for the observables, but also generically increases the non-Gaussianity of the models. We argue that the different models can potentially be differentiated by current and future experiments.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures; v2: section 4 expanded, references added; v3: typos fixe

    Non-gaussianity from the inflationary trispectrum

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    We present an estimate for the non-linear parameter \tau_NL, which measures the non-gaussianity imprinted in the trispectrum of the comoving curvature perturbation, \zeta. Our estimate is valid throughout the inflationary era, until the slow-roll approximation breaks down, and takes into account the evolution of perturbations on superhorizon scales. We find that the non-gaussianity is always small if the field values at the end of inflation are negligible when compared to their values at horizon crossing. Under the same assumption, we show that in Nflation-type scenarios, where the potential is a sum of monomials, the non-gaussianity measured by \tau_NL is independent of the couplings and initial conditions.Comment: 15 pages, uses iopart.sty. Replaced with version accepted by JCAP; journal reference adde

    Diagrammatic approach to non-Gaussianity from inflation

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    We present Feynman type diagrams for calculating the n-point function of the primordial curvature perturbation in terms of scalar field perturbations during inflation. The diagrams can be used to evaluate the corresponding terms in the n-point function at tree level or any required loop level. Rules are presented for drawing the diagrams and writing down the corresponding terms in real space and Fourier space. We show that vertices can be renormalised to automatically account for diagrams with dressed vertices. We apply these rules to calculate the primordial power spectrum up to two loops, the bispectrum including loop corrections, and the trispectrum.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures. v2: Comments and references added, v3: Introduction expanded, subsection on evaluating loop diagrams added, minor errors corrected, references adde

    Natural Inflation, Planck Scale Physics and Oscillating Primordial Spectrum

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    In the ``natural inflation'' model, the inflaton potential is periodic. We show that Planck scale physics may induce corrections to the inflaton potential, which is also periodic with a greater frequency. Such high frequency corrections produce oscillating features in the primordial fluctuation power spectrum, which are not entirely excluded by the current observations and may be detectable in high precision data of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy and large scale structure (LSS) observations.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Int J Mod. Phys.
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