35 research outputs found

    DISC: Deep Image Saliency Computing via Progressive Representation Learning

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    Salient object detection increasingly receives attention as an important component or step in several pattern recognition and image processing tasks. Although a variety of powerful saliency models have been intensively proposed, they usually involve heavy feature (or model) engineering based on priors (or assumptions) about the properties of objects and backgrounds. Inspired by the effectiveness of recently developed feature learning, we provide a novel Deep Image Saliency Computing (DISC) framework for fine-grained image saliency computing. In particular, we model the image saliency from both the coarse- and fine-level observations, and utilize the deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to learn the saliency representation in a progressive manner. Specifically, our saliency model is built upon two stacked CNNs. The first CNN generates a coarse-level saliency map by taking the overall image as the input, roughly identifying saliency regions in the global context. Furthermore, we integrate superpixel-based local context information in the first CNN to refine the coarse-level saliency map. Guided by the coarse saliency map, the second CNN focuses on the local context to produce fine-grained and accurate saliency map while preserving object details. For a testing image, the two CNNs collaboratively conduct the saliency computing in one shot. Our DISC framework is capable of uniformly highlighting the objects-of-interest from complex background while preserving well object details. Extensive experiments on several standard benchmarks suggest that DISC outperforms other state-of-the-art methods and it also generalizes well across datasets without additional training. The executable version of DISC is available online: http://vision.sysu.edu.cn/projects/DISC.Comment: This manuscript is the accepted version for IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (T-NNLS), 201

    Knowledge Graph Transfer Network for Few-Shot Recognition

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    Few-shot learning aims to learn novel categories from very few samples given some base categories with sufficient training samples. The main challenge of this task is the novel categories are prone to dominated by color, texture, shape of the object or background context (namely specificity), which are distinct for the given few training samples but not common for the corresponding categories (see Figure 1). Fortunately, we find that transferring information of the correlated based categories can help learn the novel concepts and thus avoid the novel concept being dominated by the specificity. Besides, incorporating semantic correlations among different categories can effectively regularize this information transfer. In this work, we represent the semantic correlations in the form of structured knowledge graph and integrate this graph into deep neural networks to promote few-shot learning by a novel Knowledge Graph Transfer Network (KGTN). Specifically, by initializing each node with the classifier weight of the corresponding category, a propagation mechanism is learned to adaptively propagate node message through the graph to explore node interaction and transfer classifier information of the base categories to those of the novel ones. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset show significant performance improvement compared with current leading competitors. Furthermore, we construct an ImageNet-6K dataset that covers larger scale categories, i.e, 6,000 categories, and experiments on this dataset further demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model.Comment: accepted by AAAI 2020 as oral pape

    Contrastive Transformer Learning with Proximity Data Generation for Text-Based Person Search

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    Given a descriptive text query, text-based person search (TBPS) aims to retrieve the best-matched target person from an image gallery. Such a cross-modal retrieval task is quite challenging due to significant modality gap, fine-grained differences and insufficiency of annotated data. To better align the two modalities, most existing works focus on introducing sophisticated network structures and auxiliary tasks, which are complex and hard to implement. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective dual Transformer model for text-based person search. By exploiting a hardness-aware contrastive learning strategy, our model achieves state-of-the-art performance without any special design for local feature alignment or side information. Moreover, we propose a proximity data generation (PDG) module to automatically produce more diverse data for cross-modal training. The PDG module first introduces an automatic generation algorithm based on a text-to-image diffusion model, which generates new text-image pair samples in the proximity space of original ones. Then it combines approximate text generation and feature-level mixup during training to further strengthen the data diversity. The PDG module can largely guarantee the reasonability of the generated samples that are directly used for training without any human inspection for noise rejection. It improves the performance of our model significantly, providing a feasible solution to the data insufficiency problem faced by such fine-grained visual-linguistic tasks. Extensive experiments on two popular datasets of the TBPS task (i.e., CUHK-PEDES and ICFG-PEDES) show that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art approaches evidently, e.g., improving by 3.88%, 4.02%, 2.92% in terms of Top1, Top5, Top10 on CUHK-PEDES. The codes will be available at https://github.com/HCPLab-SYSU/PersonSearch-CTLGComment: Accepted by IEEE T-CSV

    RestoreFormer++: Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration from Undegraded Key-Value Pairs

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    Blind face restoration aims at recovering high-quality face images from those with unknown degradations. Current algorithms mainly introduce priors to complement high-quality details and achieve impressive progress. However, most of these algorithms ignore abundant contextual information in the face and its interplay with the priors, leading to sub-optimal performance. Moreover, they pay less attention to the gap between the synthetic and real-world scenarios, limiting the robustness and generalization to real-world applications. In this work, we propose RestoreFormer++, which on the one hand introduces fully-spatial attention mechanisms to model the contextual information and the interplay with the priors, and on the other hand, explores an extending degrading model to help generate more realistic degraded face images to alleviate the synthetic-to-real-world gap. Compared with current algorithms, RestoreFormer++ has several crucial benefits. First, instead of using a multi-head self-attention mechanism like the traditional visual transformer, we introduce multi-head cross-attention over multi-scale features to fully explore spatial interactions between corrupted information and high-quality priors. In this way, it can facilitate RestoreFormer++ to restore face images with higher realness and fidelity. Second, in contrast to the recognition-oriented dictionary, we learn a reconstruction-oriented dictionary as priors, which contains more diverse high-quality facial details and better accords with the restoration target. Third, we introduce an extending degrading model that contains more realistic degraded scenarios for training data synthesizing, and thus helps to enhance the robustness and generalization of our RestoreFormer++ model. Extensive experiments show that RestoreFormer++ outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on both synthetic and real-world datasets.Comment: Submitted to TPAMI. An extension of RestoreForme