351,607 research outputs found

    Impact of mechanical deformation on space charge in XLPE

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    In this paper we report the effect of mechanical deformation on space charge dynamics in crosslinked polyethylene. Thin films were peeled from a 66 kV commercial XLPE cable. Space charge measurements under dc electric fields have been monitored using the pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) technique. It has been found that charge dynamics in deformed XLPE are different from that from undeformed XLPE at lower voltages. At low applied electric field, space charge is dominated by heterocharge in the deformed XLPE while homocharge governs charge formation in undeformed XLPE. However, at high electric field, there is no significant difference between them. Space charge is dominated by homocharge in both deformed and undeformed XLPE. The results indicated that through deformation, molecular chains rearrange so small molecules such as crosslinking by-products, initially being trapped, can be released. Under the influence of the applied electric field they can be ionised to form heterocharge in the sample

    Monomial Testing and Applications

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    In this paper, we devise two algorithms for the problem of testing qq-monomials of degree kk in any multivariate polynomial represented by a circuit, regardless of the primality of qq. One is an O(2k)O^*(2^k) time randomized algorithm. The other is an O(12.8k)O^*(12.8^k) time deterministic algorithm for the same qq-monomial testing problem but requiring the polynomials to be represented by tree-like circuits. Several applications of qq-monomial testing are also given, including a deterministic O(12.8mk)O^*(12.8^{mk}) upper bound for the mm-set kk-packing problem.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted FAW-AAIM 2013. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1302.5898; and text overlap with arXiv:1007.2675, arXiv:1007.2678, arXiv:1007.2673 by other author

    An Alternative to Spinning Dust for the Microwave Emission of LPH 201.663+1.643: an Ultracompact HII Region

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    The microwave spectral energy distribution of the dusty, diffuse H II region LPH 201.663+1.643 has been interpreted by others as tentative evidence for microwave emission from spinning dust grains. We present an alternative interpretation for that particular object; specifically, that an ultracompact H II region embedded within the dust cloud would explain the available observations as well or better than spinning dust. Parameters for the size, surface brightness, and flux density of the putative ultracompact HII region, derived from the microwave observations, are within known ranges. A possible candidate for such an ultracompact H II region is IRAS 06337+1051, based upon its infrared colors. However, IRAS 06337+1051's infrared flux appears to be too small to be consistent with the microwave flux required for this alternative model to explain the observations.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted to ApJ Letter

    Scalable Similarity Search for Molecular Descriptors

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    Similarity search over chemical compound databases is a fundamental task in the discovery and design of novel drug-like molecules. Such databases often encode molecules as non-negative integer vectors, called molecular descriptors, which represent rich information on various molecular properties. While there exist efficient indexing structures for searching databases of binary vectors, solutions for more general integer vectors are in their infancy. In this paper we present a time- and space- efficient index for the problem that we call the succinct intervals-splitting tree algorithm for molecular descriptors (SITAd). Our approach extends efficient methods for binary-vector databases, and uses ideas from succinct data structures. Our experiments, on a large database of over 40 million compounds, show SITAd significantly outperforms alternative approaches in practice.Comment: To be appeared in the Proceedings of SISAP'1

    Eternally accelerating spacelike braneworld cosmologies

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    We construct an eternally inflating spacelike brane world model. If the space dimension of the brane is three (SM2) or six (SM5) for M theory or four (SD3) for superstring theory, a time-dependent nn-form field would supply a constant energy density and cause exponentially expansion of the spacelike brane. In these cases, the hyperbolic space perpendicular to the brane would not vary in size. In the other cases, however, the extra space would vary in size.Comment: 8 pages, Mod. Phys. Lett. A Vol.21, No.40(2006) 2989-299

    Improving fertiliser management: redefining the relationship between soil tests and crop responses for wheat in WA

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    Most soils in Western Australia (WA) are highly weathered with very low levels of phosphorus. WA soils initially contained adequate indigenous soil potassium for cropping but removal of potassium over time in harvested grain has gradually resulted in the some soils becoming potassium-deficient for grain production. Fertiliser costs represent a significant part of the variable costs of growing crops in WA. Chen et al. (2009) identified the need for updated soil test interpretations due to substantial changes in farming systems, fertiliser practices and crop yield potential. The aims of this study were (1) to compile experimental data containing the standard soil test measurements and observed wheat crop yield responses for both nil and fertilised treatments across different soil types and seasons from published or unpublished sources, and (2) to critically analyse soil test-crop response relationships to derive better critical soil test values in soils and environments suitable for wheat grain production in WA

    Accelerating Atomic Orbital-based Electronic Structure Calculation via Pole Expansion and Selected Inversion

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    We describe how to apply the recently developed pole expansion and selected inversion (PEXSI) technique to Kohn-Sham density function theory (DFT) electronic structure calculations that are based on atomic orbital discretization. We give analytic expressions for evaluating the charge density, the total energy, the Helmholtz free energy and the atomic forces (including both the Hellman-Feynman force and the Pulay force) without using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian. We also show how to update the chemical potential without using Kohn-Sham eigenvalues. The advantage of using PEXSI is that it has a much lower computational complexity than that associated with the matrix diagonalization procedure. We demonstrate the performance gain by comparing the timing of PEXSI with that of diagonalization on insulating and metallic nanotubes. For these quasi-1D systems, the complexity of PEXSI is linear with respect to the number of atoms. This linear scaling can be observed in our computational experiments when the number of atoms in a nanotube is larger than a few hundreds. Both the wall clock time and the memory requirement of PEXSI is modest. This makes it even possible to perform Kohn-Sham DFT calculations for 10,000-atom nanotubes with a sequential implementation of the selected inversion algorithm. We also perform an accurate geometry optimization calculation on a truncated (8,0) boron-nitride nanotube system containing 1024 atoms. Numerical results indicate that the use of PEXSI does not lead to loss of accuracy required in a practical DFT calculation