468 research outputs found

    Kinetics of coherent order-disorder transition in Al3ZrAl_3 Zr

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    Within a phase field approach which takes the strain-induced elasticity into account, the kinetics of the coherent order-disorder transition is investigated for the specific case of Al3ZrAl_3 Zr alloy. It is shown that a microstructure with cubic L12L1_2 precipitates appears as a transient state during the decomposition of a homogeneous disordered solid solution into a microstructure with tetragonal DO23DO_{23} precipitates embedded into a disordered matrix. At low enough temperature, favored by a weak internal stress, only L12L1_2 precipitates grow in the transient microstructure preceding nucleation of the DO23DO_{23} precipitates that occurs exclusively at the interface of the solid solution with the L12L1_2 precipitates. Analysis of microstructures at nanoscopic scale shows a characteristic rod shape for the DO23DO_{23} precipitates due to the combination of their tetragonal symmetry and their large internal stress.Comment: 2 postscript figures and 1 JPG pag

    Self-organization of (001) cubic crystal surfaces

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    Self-organization on crystal surface is studied as a two dimensional spinodal decomposition in presence of a surface stress. The elastic Green function is calculated for a (001)(001) cubic crystal surface taking into account the crystal anisotropy. Numerical calculations show that the phase separation is driven by the interplay between domain boundary energy and long range elastic interactions. At late stage of the phase separation process, a steady state appears with different nanometric patterns according to the surface coverage and the crystal elastic constants

    In silico cloning and chromosomal localization of EST sequences that are related to leaf senescence using nulli-tetrasomes in wheat

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    Leaf senescence is a notably important trait that limits the yield and biomass accumulation of agronomic crops. Therefore, determining the chromosomal position of the expression sequence tags (ESTs) that are associated with leaf senescence is notably interesting in the manipulation of leaf senescence for crop improvement. A total of 32 ESTs that were previously identified during the delaying leaf senescence stage in the stay-green wheat cultivar CN17 were mapped to 42 chromosomes, a chloroplast, a mitochondrion, and a ribosome using in silico mapping. Then, we developed 19 pairs of primers based on these sequences and used them to determine the polymorphisms between the stay-green cultivars (CN12, CN17, and CN18) and the control cultivar MY11. Among the 19 pairs of primers, 5 pairs produced polymorphisms between the stay-green cultivar and the non-stay-green control. Further studies of Chinese Spring nullisomic-tetrasomics show that JK738991 is mapped to 3B, JK738983 is mapped to 5D, and JK738989 is mapped to 2A, 4A, and 3D. The other two ESTs, JK738994 and JK739003, were not assigned to a chromosome using the Chinese Spring nullisomic-tetrasomics, which indicates that these ESTs may be derived from rye DNA in the wide cross. In particular, the ESTs that produce polymorphisms are notably useful in identifying the stay-green cultivar using molecular marker-assisted selection. The results also suggest that the in silico mapping data, even from a comparison genomic analysis based on the homogeneous comparison, are useful at some points, but the data were not always reliable, which requires further investigation using experimental methods

    Stability of periodic domain structures in a two-dimensional dipolar model

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    We investigate the energetic ground states of a model two-phase system with 1/r^3 dipolar interactions in two dimensions. The model exhibits spontaneous formation of two kinds of periodic domain structure. A striped domain structure is stable near half filling, but as the area fraction is changed, a transition to a hexagonal lattice of almost-circular droplets occurs. The stability of the equilibrium striped domain structure against distortions of the boundary is demonstrated, and the importance of hexagonal distortions of the droplets is quantified. The relevance of the theory for physical surface systems with elastic, electrostatic, or magnetostatic 1/r^3 interactions is discussed.Comment: Revtex (preprint style, 19 pages) + 4 postscript figures. A version in two-column article style with embedded figures is available at http://electron.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#ng_do

    Characterization of a selenium-resistance-enhancing homocysteine S-methyltransferase from Aegilops tauschii

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    In this study, the cDNA of homocysteine S-methyltransferase was isolated from Aegilops tauschii Coss., with the gene accordingly designated as AetHMT1. Similar to other methyltransferases, AetHMT1 contains a GGCCR consensus sequence for a possible zinc-binding motif near the C-terminal and a conserved cysteine residue upstream of the zinc-binding motif. Analysis of AetHMT1 uncovered no obvious chloroplast or mitochondrial targeting sequences. We functionally expressed AetHMT1 in Escherichia coli and confirmed its biological activity, as evidenced by a positive HMT enzyme activity of 164.516 ± 17.378 nmol min−1 mg−1 protein when catalyzing the transformation of L-homocysteine. Compared with the bacterium containing the empty vector, E. coli harboring the recombinant AetHMT1 plasmid showed much higher tolerance to selenate and selenite. AetHMT1 transcript amounts in different organs were increased by Na2SeO4 treatment, with roots accumulating higher amounts than stems, old leaves and new leaves. We have therefore successfully isolated HMT1 from Ae. tauschii and characterized the biochemical and physiological functions of the corresponding protein

    Molecular characterization of seven novel Glu-A1<sup>m</sup>x alleles from Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum

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    Seven Glu-A1m allelic variants of the Glu-A1mx genes in Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum, designated as 1Ax2.1a, 1Ax2.1b, 1Ax2.1c, 1Ax2.1d, 1Ax2.1e, 1Ax2.1f, and 1Ax2.1g were characterized. Their authenticity was confirmed by successful expression of the coding regions in E. coli, and except for the 1Ax2.1a with the presence of internal stop codons at position of 313 aa, all correspond to the subunit in seeds. However, all the active six genes had a same DNA size although their encoding subunits showed different molecular weight. Our study indicated that amino acid residue substitutions rather than previously frequently reported insertions/deletions played an important role on the subunit evolution of these Glu-A1mx alleles. Since variation in the Glu-A1x locus in common wheat is rare, these novel genes at the Glu-A1mx can be used as candidate genes for further wheat quality improvement

    A phase-field model for phase transformations in glass-forming alloys

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    A phase-field model is proposed for phase transformations in glass-forming alloys. The glass transition is introduced as a structural relaxation, and the competition between the glass and crystalline phases is investigated. The simulations are performed for Cu-Zr alloys, employing thermodynamic and kinetic parameters derived from reported thermodynamic modeling and molecular dynamics simulation results,[1–3] respectively. Four distinct phase fields are treated with a multi-phase-field approach, representing the liquid/glass, Cu10Zr7, CuZr, and CuZr2 phases. In addition, a continuum-field method is applied to the liquid to accommodate the liquid–glass transformation. The combined phase-field approach is used to investigate the glass formation tendency, and critical cooling rates are estimated and compared with the reported experimental values

    Patterned nanostructure in AgCo/Pt/MgO(001) thin film

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    The formation of patterned nanostructure in AgCo/Pt/MgO(001) thin film is simulated by a technique of combining molecular dynamics and phase-field theory. The dislocation (strain) network existing in Pt/MgO is used as a template whose pattern is transferred to AgCo phase in spinodal decomposition, resulting in regular arrays of Co islands that are attracted by the dislocations. The influence of various factors, such as component concentration and film thickness, is studied. It is found that the spinodal decomposition of AgCo in this system is mainly characterized by a competition between a surface-directed layer structure and the strain-induced patterned structure, where the patterned Ag-Co structure only dominates in a small range near the interface (less than 10 atomic layers). However, if the interlayer diffusion can be minimized by controlling film growth conditions, it is shown that the patterned structure can be formed throughout the entire film.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure

    Molecular characterization of different Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum Glu-A1<sup>m</sup>x alleles

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    High-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs) are important seed storage proteins associated with bread-making quality in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n = 6x = 42, AABBDD). Variation in the Glu-A1x locus in common wheat is scare. Diploid Triticum monococcum ssp. monococcum (2n = 2x = 14, AmAm) is the first cultivated wheat. In the present study, allelic variations at the Glu-A1mx locus were systematically investigated in 197 T. monococcum ssp. monococcum accessions. Out of the 8 detected Glu-A1mx alleles, 5 were novel, including Glu-A1m-b, Glu-A1m-c, Glu-A1m-d, Glu-A1m-g, and Glu-A1m-h. This diversity is higher than that of common wheat. Compared with 1Ax1 and 1Ax2*, which are present in common wheat, these alleles contained three deletions/insertions as well as some single nucleotide polymorphism variations that might affect the elastic properties of wheat flour. New variations in T. monococcum probably occurred after the divergence between A and Am and are excluded in common wheat populations. These allelic variations could be used as novel resources to further improve wheat quality
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