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    Potential Vorticity Mixing in a Tangled Magnetic Field

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    A theory of potential vorticity (PV) mixing in a disordered (tangled) magnetic field is presented. The analysis is in the context of Ξ²\beta-plane MHD, with a special focus on the physics of momentum transport in the stably stratified, quasi-2D solar tachocline. A physical picture of mean PV evolution by vorticity advection and tilting of magnetic fields is proposed. In the case of weak-field perturbations, quasi-linear theory predicts that the Reynolds and magnetic stresses balance as turbulence Alfv\'enizes for a larger mean magnetic field. Jet formation is explored quantitatively in the mean field-resistivity parameter space. However, since even a modest mean magnetic field leads to large magnetic perturbations for large magnetic Reynolds number, the physically relevant case is that of a strong but disordered field. We show that numerical calculations indicate that the Reynolds stress is modified well before Alfv\'enization -- i.e. before fluid and magnetic energies balance. To understand these trends, a double-average model of PV mixing in a stochastic magnetic field is developed. Calculations indicate that mean-square fields strongly modify Reynolds stress phase coherence and also induce a magnetic drag on zonal flows. The physics of transport reduction by tangled fields is elucidated and linked to the related quench of turbulent resistivity. We propose a physical picture of the system as a resisto-elastic medium threaded by a tangled magnetic network. Applications of the theory to momentum transport in the tachocline and other systems are discussed in detail.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Edge Roman domination on graphs

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    An edge Roman dominating function of a graph GG is a function f ⁣:E(G)β†’{0,1,2}f\colon E(G) \rightarrow \{0,1,2\} satisfying the condition that every edge ee with f(e)=0f(e)=0 is adjacent to some edge eβ€²e' with f(eβ€²)=2f(e')=2. The edge Roman domination number of GG, denoted by Ξ³Rβ€²(G)\gamma'_R(G), is the minimum weight w(f)=βˆ‘e∈E(G)f(e)w(f) = \sum_{e\in E(G)} f(e) of an edge Roman dominating function ff of GG. This paper disproves a conjecture of Akbari, Ehsani, Ghajar, Jalaly Khalilabadi and Sadeghian Sadeghabad stating that if GG is a graph of maximum degree Ξ”\Delta on nn vertices, then Ξ³Rβ€²(G)β‰€βŒˆΞ”Ξ”+1nβŒ‰\gamma_R'(G) \le \lceil \frac{\Delta}{\Delta+1} n \rceil. While the counterexamples having the edge Roman domination numbers 2Ξ”βˆ’22Ξ”βˆ’1n\frac{2\Delta-2}{2\Delta-1} n, we prove that 2Ξ”βˆ’22Ξ”βˆ’1n+22Ξ”βˆ’1\frac{2\Delta-2}{2\Delta-1} n + \frac{2}{2\Delta-1} is an upper bound for connected graphs. Furthermore, we provide an upper bound for the edge Roman domination number of kk-degenerate graphs, which generalizes results of Akbari, Ehsani, Ghajar, Jalaly Khalilabadi and Sadeghian Sadeghabad. We also prove a sharp upper bound for subcubic graphs. In addition, we prove that the edge Roman domination numbers of planar graphs on nn vertices is at most 67n\frac{6}{7}n, which confirms a conjecture of Akbari and Qajar. We also show an upper bound for graphs of girth at least five that is 2-cell embeddable in surfaces of small genus. Finally, we prove an upper bound for graphs that do not contain K2,3K_{2,3} as a subdivision, which generalizes a result of Akbari and Qajar on outerplanar graphs
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