62 research outputs found

    Expression of Nek1 during kidney development and cyst formation in multiple nephron segments in the Nek1-deficient kat2J mouse model of polycystic kidney disease

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    BACKGROUND: Neks, mammalian orthologs of the fungal protein kinase never-in-mitosis A, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of polycystic kidney disease. Among them, Nek1 is the primary protein inactivated in kat2J mouse models of PKD. RESULT: We report the expression pattern of Nek1 and characterize the renal cysts that develop in kat2J mice. Nek1 is detectable in all murine tissues but its expression in wild type and kat2J heterozygous kidneys decrease as the kidneys mature, especially in tubular epithelial cells. In the embryonic kidney, Nek1 expression is most prominent in cells that will become podocytes and proximal tubules. Kidney development in kat2J homozygous mice is aberrant early, before the appearance of gross cysts: developing cortical zones are thin, populated by immature glomeruli, and characterized by excessive apoptosis of several cell types. Cysts in kat2J homozygous mice form postnatally in Bowman’s space as well as different tubular subtypes. Late in life, kat2J heterozygous mice form renal cysts and the cells lining these cysts lack staining for Nek1. The primary cilia of cells lining cysts in kat2J homozygous mice are morphologically diverse: in some cells they are unusually long and in others there are multiple cilia of varying lengths. CONCLUSION: Our studies indicate that Nek1 deficiency leads to disordered kidney maturation, and cysts throughout the nephron

    Mutation of NIMA-related kinase 1 (NEK1) leads to chromosome instability

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>NEK1, the first mammalian ortholog of the fungal protein kinase never-in-mitosis A (NIMA), is involved early in the DNA damage sensing/repair pathway. A defect in DNA repair in NEK1-deficient cells is suggested by persistence of DNA double strand breaks after low dose ionizing radiation (IR). NEK1-deficient cells also fail to activate the checkpoint kinases CHK1 and CHK2, and fail to arrest properly at G1/S or G2/M-phase checkpoints after DNA damage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show here that NEK1-deficient cells suffer major errors in mitotic chromosome segregation and cytokinesis, and become aneuploid. These NEK1-deficient cells transform, acquire the ability to grow in anchorage-independent conditions, and form tumors when injected into syngeneic mice. Genomic instability is also manifest in <it>NEK1 </it>+/- mice, which late in life develop lymphomas with a much higher incidence than wild type littermates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>NEK1 is required for the maintenance of genome stability by acting at multiple junctures, including control of chromosome stability.</p

    The role of EGFR double minutes in modulating the response of malignant gliomas to radiotherapy.

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    EGFR amplification in cells having double minute chromosomes (DM) is commonly found in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM); however, how much it contributes to the current failure to treat GBM successfully is unknown. We studied two syngeneic primary cultures derived from a GBM with and without cells carrying DM, for their differential molecular and metabolic profiles, in vivo growth patterns, and responses to irradiation (IR). Each cell line has a distinct molecular profile consistent with an invasive "go" (with DM) or angiogenic "grow" phenotype (without DM) demonstrated in vitro and in intracranial xenograft models. Cells with DM were relatively radio-resistant and used higher glycolytic respiration and lower oxidative phosphorylation in comparison to cells without them. The DM-containing cell was able to restore tumor heterogeneity by mis-segregation of the DM-chromosomes, giving rise to cell subpopulations without them. As a response to IR, DM-containing cells switched their respiration from glycolic metabolism to oxidative phosphorylation and shifted molecular profiles towards that of cells without DM. Irradiated cells with DM showed the capacity to alter their extracellular microenvironment to not only promote invasiveness of the surrounding cells, regardless of DM status, but also to create a pro-angiogenic tumor microenvironment. IR of cells without DM was found primarily to increase extracellular MMP2 activity. Overall, our data suggest that the DM-containing cells of GBM are responsible for tumor recurrence due to their high invasiveness and radio-resistance and the mis-segregation of their DM chromosomes, to give rise to fast-growing cells lacking DM chromosomes

    Association between the risk of heart failure hospitalization and end-stage renal disease with digoxin usage in patients with cardiorenal syndrome: A population-based study

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    BackgroundThe management of the coexistence of heart disease and kidney disease is increasingly challenging for clinicians. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is not only a prevalent comorbidity of patients with heart failure but has also been identified as a noteworthy risk factor for all-cause mortality and poor clinical outcomes. Digoxin is one of the commonest treatments for heart disease. There are few trials investigating the role of digoxin in patients with cardiorenal syndrome (CRS). This study aims to examine the association between digoxin usage and clinical outcomes in patients with CRS in a nationwide cohort.MethodWe conducted a population-based study that included 705 digoxin users with CRS; each patient was age, sex, comorbidities, and medications matched with three non-users who were randomly selected from the CRS population. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was conducted to estimate the effects of digoxin on the incidence of all-cause mortality, congestive heart failure (CHF) hospitalization, coronary artery disease (CAD) hospitalization, and end-stage renal disease (ESRD).ResultsThe all-cause mortality rate was significantly higher in digoxin users than in non-users (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 1.26; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.09–1.46, p = 0.002). In a subgroup analysis, there was significantly high mortality in the 0.26–0.75 defined daily dose (DDD) subgroup of digoxin users (aHR = 1.49; 95% CI = 1.23–1.82, p&lt;0.001). Thus, the p for trend was 0.013. With digoxin prescription, the CHF hospitalization was significantly higher [subdistribution HR (sHR) = 1.17; 95% CI = 1.05–1.30, p = 0.004], especially in the &gt;0.75 DDD subgroup (sHR = 1.19; 95% CI = 1.01–1.41, p = 0.046; p for trend = 0.006). The digoxin usage lowered the coronary artery disease (CAD) hospitalization in the &gt; 0.75 DDD subgroup (sHR = 0.79; 95% CI = 0.63–0.99, p = 0.048). In renal function progression, more patients with CRS entered ESRD with digoxin usage (sHR = 1.34; 95% CI = 1.16–1.54, p&lt;0.001). There was a significantly greater incidence of ESRD in the &lt; 0.26 DDD and 0.26–0.75 DDD subgroups of digoxin users (sHR = 1.32; 95% CI = 1.06–1.66, p = 0.015; sHR = 1.44; 95% CI = 1.18–1.75; p for trend&lt;0.001).ConclusionDigoxin should be prescribed with caution to patients with CRS

    BRCA1 the Versatile Defender: Molecular to Environmental Perspectives

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    The evolving history of BRCA1 research demonstrates the profound interconnectedness of a single protein within the web of crucial functions in human cells. Mutations in BRCA1, a tumor suppressor gene, have been linked to heightened breast and ovarian cancer risks. However, despite decades of extensive research, the mechanisms underlying BRCA1’s contribution to tissue-specific tumor development remain elusive. Nevertheless, much of the BRCA1 protein’s structure, function, and interactions has been elucidated. Individual regions of BRCA1 interact with numerous proteins to play roles in ubiquitination, transcription, cell checkpoints, and DNA damage repair. At a cellular scale, these BRCA1 functions coordinate tumor suppression, R-loop prevention, and cellular differentiation, all of which may contribute to BRCA1’s role in cancer tissue specificity. As research on BRCA1 and breast cancer continues to evolve, it will become increasingly evident that modern materials such as Bisphenol A should be examined for their relationship with DNA stability, cancer incidence, and chemotherapy. Overall, this review offers a comprehensive understanding of BRCA1’s many roles at a molecular, cellular, organismal, and environmental scale. We hope that the knowledge gathered here highlights both the necessity of BRCA1 research and the potential for novel strategies to prevent and treat cancer in individuals carrying BRCA1 mutations

    The Link between Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease and Chromosomal Instability: Exploring the Relationship.

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    In autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) with germline mutations in a PKD1 or PKD2 gene, innumerable cysts develop from tubules, and renal function deteriorates. Second-hit somatic mutations and renal tubular epithelial (RTE) cell death are crucial features of cyst initiation and disease progression. Here, we use established RTE lines and primary ADPKD cells with disease-associated PKD1 mutations to investigate genomic instability and DNA damage responses. We found that ADPKD cells suffer severe chromosome breakage, aneuploidy, heightened susceptibility to DNA damage, and delayed checkpoint activation. Immunohistochemical analyses of human kidneys corroborated observations in cultured cells. DNA damage sensors (ATM/ATR) were activated but did not localize at nuclear sites of damaged DNA and did not properly activate downstream transducers (CHK1/CHK2). ADPKD cells also had the ability to transform, as they achieved high saturation density and formed colonies in soft agar. Our studies indicate that defective DNA damage repair pathways and the somatic mutagenesis they cause contribute fundamentally to the pathogenesis of ADPKD. Acquired mutations may alternatively confer proliferative advantages to the clonally expanded cell populations or lead to apoptosis. Further understanding of the molecular details of aberrant DNA damage responses in ADPKD is ongoing and holds promise for targeted therapies