174 research outputs found

    Stochastic Modeling of Hybrid Cache Systems

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    In recent years, there is an increasing demand of big memory systems so to perform large scale data analytics. Since DRAM memories are expensive, some researchers are suggesting to use other memory systems such as non-volatile memory (NVM) technology to build large-memory computing systems. However, whether the NVM technology can be a viable alternative (either economically and technically) to DRAM remains an open question. To answer this question, it is important to consider how to design a memory system from a "system perspective", that is, incorporating different performance characteristics and price ratios from hybrid memory devices. This paper presents an analytical model of a "hybrid page cache system" so to understand the diverse design space and performance impact of a hybrid cache system. We consider (1) various architectural choices, (2) design strategies, and (3) configuration of different memory devices. Using this model, we provide guidelines on how to design hybrid page cache to reach a good trade-off between high system throughput (in I/O per sec or IOPS) and fast cache reactivity which is defined by the time to fill the cache. We also show how one can configure the DRAM capacity and NVM capacity under a fixed budget. We pick PCM as an example for NVM and conduct numerical analysis. Our analysis indicates that incorporating PCM in a page cache system significantly improves the system performance, and it also shows larger benefit to allocate more PCM in page cache in some cases. Besides, for the common setting of performance-price ratio of PCM, "flat architecture" offers as a better choice, but "layered architecture" outperforms if PCM write performance can be significantly improved in the future.Comment: 14 pages; mascots 201

    Receding Horizon Trajectory Optimization with Terminal Impact Specifications

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    The trajectory optimization problem subject to terminal impact time and angle specifications can be reformulated as a nonlinear programming problem using the Gauss pseudospectral method. The cost function of the trajectory optimization problem is modified to reduce the terminal control energy. A receding horizon optimization strategy is implemented to reject the errors caused by the motion of a surface target. Several simulations were performed to validate the proposed method via the C programming language. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and that the real-time requirement can be easily achieved if the C programming language is used to realize it

    Poultry to Human Passport: Cross-species Transmission of Zoonotic H7N9 Avian Influenza Virus to Humans

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    Human infections with H7N9 avian influenza virus were first reported in the early spring of 2013, in the Yangtze-delta region of China. This virus subsequently caused five successive epidemic waves from 2013 to 2018 with highest reported cases in the last wave making this strain the most successful zoonosis influenza virus in humans in recent decades. No H7N9 human infections have been reported since 2019, probably because of the extensive vaccination of poultry. Although zoonoses of H7N9 and other subtypes of avian influenza viral infections remain rare, the virus could acquire sufficient mammalian adaptive mutations to allow it to cause a future influenza pandemic. Here, we summarize the main findings on viral and host factors affecting the interspecies transmission of the H7N9 avian influenza virus

    Context Perception Parallel Decoder for Scene Text Recognition

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    Scene text recognition (STR) methods have struggled to attain high accuracy and fast inference speed. Autoregressive (AR)-based STR model uses the previously recognized characters to decode the next character iteratively. It shows superiority in terms of accuracy. However, the inference speed is slow also due to this iteration. Alternatively, parallel decoding (PD)-based STR model infers all the characters in a single decoding pass. It has advantages in terms of inference speed but worse accuracy, as it is difficult to build a robust recognition context in such a pass. In this paper, we first present an empirical study of AR decoding in STR. In addition to constructing a new AR model with the top accuracy, we find out that the success of AR decoder lies also in providing guidance on visual context perception rather than language modeling as claimed in existing studies. As a consequence, we propose Context Perception Parallel Decoder (CPPD) to decode the character sequence in a single PD pass. CPPD devises a character counting module and a character ordering module. Given a text instance, the former infers the occurrence count of each character, while the latter deduces the character reading order and placeholders. Together with the character prediction task, they construct a context that robustly tells what the character sequence is and where the characters appear, well mimicking the context conveyed by AR decoding. Experiments on both English and Chinese benchmarks demonstrate that CPPD models achieve highly competitive accuracy. Moreover, they run approximately 7x faster than their AR counterparts, and are also among the fastest recognizers. The code will be released soon

    Lensless complex amplitude demodulation based on deep learning in holographic data storage

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    To increase the storage capacity in holographic data storage (HDS), the information to be stored is encoded into a complex amplitude. Fast and accurate retrieval of amplitude and phase from the reconstructed beam is necessary during data readout in HDS. In this study, we proposed a complex amplitude demodulation method based on deep learning from a single-shot diffraction intensity image and verified it by a non-interferometric lensless experiment demodulating four-level amplitude and four-level phase. By analyzing the correlation between the diffraction intensity features and the amplitude and phase encoding data pages, the inverse problem was decomposed into two backward operators denoted by two convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to demodulate amplitude and phase respectively. The experimental system is simple, stable, and robust, and it only needs a single diffraction image to realize the direct demodulation of both amplitude and phase. To our investigation, this is the first time in HDS that multilevel complex amplitude demodulation is achieved experimentally from one diffraction intensity image without iterations
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