121 research outputs found

    Low thermal sensitivity grating devices based on ex-45° tilting structure capable of forward-propagating cladding modes coupling

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    The authors describe a detailed investigation on tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) structures with tilted angles exceeding 45°. In contrast to the backward mode coupling mechanism of Bragg gratings with normal and small tilting structures, the ex-45° TFBGs facilitate the light coupling to the forward-propagating cladding modes. The authors have also theoretically and experimentally examined the mode coupling transition of TFBGs with small, medium, and large tilt angles. In particular, experiments are conducted to investigate the spectra and far-field distribution, as well as temperature, strain, and refractive-index sensitivities of ex-45° devices. It has been revealed that these ex-45° gratings exhibit ultralow thermal sensitivity. As in-fiber devices, they may be superior to conventional Bragg and long-period gratings when the low thermal cross sensitivity is required. © 2006 IEEE

    Teleportation of an arbitrary two-particle state via entanglement swapping

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    A scheme of teleportation of an arbitrary two-particle state is presented when two pairs of entangled particles are used as quantum channels. After the Bell state measurements are operated by the sender, the original state with deterministic probability can be reconstructed by the receiver when a corresponding unitary transformation is followed

    Temperature-referenced high-sensitivity point-probe optical fiber chem-sensors based on cladding etched fiber Bragg gratings

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    Point-probe optical fiber chem-sensors have been implemented using cladding etched fiber Bragg gratings. The sensors possess refractive index sensing capability that can be utilized to measure chemical concentrations. The Bragg wavelength shift reaches 8 nm when the index of surrounding medium changes from 1.33 to 1.44, giving maximum sensitivity more than 10 times higher than that of previously reported devices. More importantly, the dual-grating configuration of the point-probe sensors offers a temperature reference function, permitting accurate measurement of refractive index encoded chemical concentrations

    High sensitivity biosensor based on dual-peak LPG sensitised by light cladding etching

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    We demonstrate a high sensitivity biosensor by fine tailoring mode dispersion and sensitivity of dual-peak LPGs using light-cladding-etching method. The etched device has been used to detect concentration of Hemoglobin protein in sugar solution, showing a sensitivity as high as 20nm/1%

    Optical chemsensors based on etched fibre Bragg gratings in D-shape and multimode fibres

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    We present an implementation of high-sensitivity optical chemsensors based on FBGs UV-inscribed in D-shape and multimode fibres and sensitized by HF-etching treatment, demonstrating a capability of detecting chemical concentration changes as small as < 0.5%

    Optical sensor based on hybrid LPG/FBG in D-fiber for simultaneous refractive index and temperature measurement

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    A dual-parameter optical sensor has been realized by UV-writing a long-period and a Bragg grating structure in D-fiber. The hybrid configuration permits the detection of the temperature from the latter and measuring the external refractive index from the former responses, respectively. The employment of the D-fiber allows as effective modification and enhancement of the device sensitivity by cladding etching. The grating sensor has been used to measure the concentrations of aqueous sugar solutions, demonstrating the potential capability to detect concentration changes as small as 0.01%

    800 nm WDM interrogation system for strain, temperature, and refractive index sensing based on tilted fiber Bragg grating

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    A low-cost high-resolution wavelength-division-multiplexing (WDM) interrogation system operating around 800 nm region with operational bandwidth up to 60 nm and resolution of 12.7 pm utilizing a tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) and a CCDarray detector has been implemented. The system has been evaluated for interrogating fiber Bragg grating based strain, temperature sensors, giving sensitivities of 0.59 pm/µe and 5.6 pm/°C, which are in good agreement with previously reported values. Furthermore, the system has been utilized to detect the refractive index change of sample liquids, demonstrating a capability of measuring index change as small as 10¯5. In addition, the vectorial expression of phase match condition and fabrication of TFBG have been discussed

    Water detection in jet fuel using a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating

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    Water is a common impurity of jet fuel, and can exist in three forms: dissolved in the fuel, as a suspension and as a distinct layer at the bottom of the fuel tank. Water cannot practically be eliminated from fuel but must be kept to a minimum as large quantities can cause engine problems, particularly when frozen, and the interface between water and fuel acts as a breeding ground for biological contaminants. The quantities of dissolved or suspended water are quite small, ranging from about 10 ppm to 150 ppm. This makes the measurement task difficult and there is currently a lack of a convenient, electrically passive system for water-in-fuel monitoring; instead the airlines rely on colorimetric spot tests or simply draining liquid from the bottom of fuel tanks. For all these reason, people have explored different ways to detect water in fuel, however all these approaches have problems, e.g. they may not be electrically passive or they may be sensitive to the refractive index of the fuel. In this paper, we present a simple, direct and sensitive approach involving the use of a polymer optical fibre Bragg grating to detect water in fuel. The principle is that poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) can absorb moisture from its surroundings (up to 2% at 23 °C), leading to both a swelling of the material and an increase in refractive index with a consequent increase in the Bragg wavelength of a grating inscribed in the material

    Polarisation mode coupling of excessively tilted fibre Bragg gratings with directional transverse loading

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    We report a distinctive polarisation mode coupling behaviour of tilted fibre Bragg gratings (TFBGs) with tilted angle exceeding 45°. The ex-45° TFBGs exhibit pronounced polarisation mode splitting resulted from grating structure asymmetry induced birefringence. We have studied and analysed the property of ex-45° TFBGs under transverse load applied to their equivalent fast- and slow-axis. The results show that the coupling between the orthogonally polarised modes takes place only when the load is applied to its fast-axis, giving a prominent directional loading response. This transverse load related polarisation property may be exploitable for implementation of optical fibre vector sensors capable of measuring the magnitude and orientation of the applied transverse load

    Simultaneous temperature and strain measurement with enhanced resolution up to 20 times by using a compact hybrid optical waveguide Bragg grating

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    A hybrid waveguide Bragg grating in optical fiber was fabricated and characterized, showing thermal responsivity of 211pm/°C. Proposed being used in fiber sensor, it demonstrates enhanced resolution by 20x and 2x for temperature and strain
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