225 research outputs found

    Optimal 1->M universal quantum cloning via spin networks

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    We present a scheme that transform 1 qubit to M identical copies with optimal fidedelity via free dynamical evolution of spin star networks. We show that the Heisenberg XXZ coupling can fulfill the challenge. The initial state of the copying machine and the parameters of the spin Hamiltonian are discussed in detail. Furthermore we have proposed a feasible method to prepare the initial state of the copying machine.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Critical surface band gap of repulsive Casimir interaction between three dimensional topological insulators at finite temperature

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    We generalize the calculation of Casimir interaction between topological insulators with opposite topological magnetoelectric polarizabilities and finite surface band gaps to finite Temperature cases. We find that finite temperature quantitatively depress the repulsive peak and enlarge the critical surface gap mcm_c for repulsive Casimir force. However the universal property mca∼1/2m_c a \sim 1/2 is still valid for various oscillation strength, temperature region and topological magnetoelectric polarizabilities.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Surface Spectral Function of Momentum-dependent Pairing Potentials in a Topological Insulator: Application to Cux_xBi2_2Se3_3

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    We propose three possible momentum-dependent pairing potentials for candidate of topological superconductor (for example Cux_xBi2_2Se3_3), and calculate the surface spectral function and surface density of state with these pairing potentials. We find that the first two can give the same spectral functions as the fully-gapped and node-contacted pairing potentials given in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 097001], and that the third one can obtain topological non-trivial case which exists flat Andreev bound state and preserves the C3C_3 rotation symmetry. We hope our proposals and results be judged by future experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Features and flaws of a contact interaction treatment of the kaon

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    Elastic and semileptonic transition form factors for the kaon and pion are calculated using the leading-order in a global-symmetry-preserving truncation of the Dyson-Schwinger equations and a momentum-independent form for the associated kernels in the gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations. The computed form factors are compared both with those obtained using the same truncation but an interaction that preserves the one-loop renormalisation-group behaviour of QCD and with data. The comparisons show that: in connection with observables revealed by probes with |Q^2|<~ M^2, where M~0.4GeV is an infrared value of the dressed-quark mass, results obtained using a symmetry-preserving regularisation of the contact-interaction are not realistically distinguishable from those produced by more sophisticated kernels; and available data on kaon form factors do not extend into the domain whereupon one could distinguish between the interactions. The situation is different if one includes the domain Q^2>M^2. Thereupon, a fully consistent treatment of the contact interaction produces form factors that are typically harder than those obtained with QCD renormalisation-group-improved kernels. Amongst other things also described are a Ward identity for the inhomogeneous scalar vertex, similarity between the charge distribution of a dressed-u-quark in the K^+ and that of the dressed-u-quark in the pi^+, and reflections upon the point whereat one might begin to see perturbative behaviour in the pion form factor. Interpolations of the form factors are provided, which should assist in working to chart the interaction between light-quarks by explicating the impact on hadron properties of differing assumptions about the behaviour of the Bethe-Salpeter kernel.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 table
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