258 research outputs found

    Quasi parton distribution functions at NNLO: flavor non-diagonal quark contributions

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    We present a next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculation of the quasi parton distribution functions (Quasi-PDFs) in the large momentum effective theory (LaMET). We focus on the flavor non-diagonal quark-quark channel and demonstrate the LaMET factorization at the NNLO accuracy in the modified minimal subtraction scheme. The matching coefficient between the quasi-PDF and the light-cone PDF is derived. This provides a first step towards a complete NNLO analysis of quasi-PDFs and to better understand the nucleon structures from the first principle of QCD.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; v2: accepted for publication in Physical Review D as a rapid communicatio

    Supervision and Governance of Accounting Information Leakage in Listed Companies-A Case Study of Luckin

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    After many years of development of securities market, our securities market standard system is increasingly sound. But there are also many problems, such as the disclosure of accounting information of listed companies. It has not formed an accurate and fast system to systematize the disclosure of accounting information in the securities market, which leads to the low efficiency of the securities market. On the other hand, it is of great significance to construct the long-term mechanism of accounting supervision to perfect the national supervision system, strengthen the ability of risk management and control, optimize the quality of accounting information and standardize the market economic order. In a series of important meetings, China proposed that accounting supervision, auditing supervision and statistical supervision should be included as an important part of the national supervision system. Therefore, it can be seen that the construction of longterm mechanism of financial and accounting supervision is the most urgent and top priority to consolidate the foundation of China’s supervision system. In this paper, through the analysis of Luckin coffee incident, put forward the optimization strategy to build a long-term mechanism of accounting supervision in the new era

    Next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to quark Quasi parton distribution functions

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    We present the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) calculation of quark quasi parton distribution functions (PDFs) in the large momentum effective theory. The nontrivial factorization at this order is established explicitly and the full analytic matching coefficients between the quasi distribution and the lightcone distribution are derived. We demonstrate that the NNLO numerical contributions can improve the behavior of the extracted PDFs sizably. With the unprecedented precision study of nucleon tomography at the planned electron-ion collider, high precision Lattice QCD simulations with our NNLO results implemented will enable to test the QCD theory and more precise results on the PDFs of nucleons will be obtained.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; comments and discussions are warmly welcome; v2: 10 pages, 2 figures, an error corrected, and numerical results adde


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    The Income Effect of Minimum Wage for the Underclass: Is It Positive in China?

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    The ongoing debates on the impact of minimum wage have largely focused on the policy's employment effect for its theoretical implications, but the real question at stake here is its income effect, that is, whether or not it can increase the income of the underclass. Previous efforts have mostly relied on various forms of market imperfection to verify the theoretical integrity of this policy, whereas in this article we have raised another Marxian perspective, emphasizing the positive check of minimum wage on overtime work. Classical economists have long recognized the vulnerability of the working class when faced against capitalists, but only Marx has paid special attention to the complicated interaction between hourly/unit wage rates and the length of the working day, proposing that low wage rates would not only hurt workers by forcing them to work overtime, but that it would also hurt the capitalists as a class once large-scale labor degradation kicks in, endangering the very existence of a well-functioning working class for them to employ. Both the inherent conflict of interests between individual capitalists and capitalists as a class and workers' systematic disadvantage against capital serve to call for the intervention of a “visible hand” which is the establishment of a minimum wage. A theoretical model has been proposed to formalize this wage-hour mechanism for the underclass, emphasizing the special constraints they face when making labor supply decisions. We have discussed three different types of income effect, explaining how workers' income might increase with minimum wage and how firms might also benefit from such a process

    Towards CausalGPT: A Multi-Agent Approach for Faithful Knowledge Reasoning via Promoting Causal Consistency in LLMs

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    Despite advancements in LLMs, knowledge-based reasoning remains a longstanding issue due to the fragility of knowledge recall and inference. Existing methods primarily encourage LLMs to autonomously plan and solve problems or to extensively sample reasoning chains without addressing the conceptual and inferential fallacies. Attempting to alleviate inferential fallacies and drawing inspiration from multi-agent collaboration, we present a framework to increase faithfulness and causality for knowledge-based reasoning. Specifically, we propose to employ multiple intelligent agents (i.e., reasoners and an evaluator) to work collaboratively in a reasoning-and-consensus paradigm for elevated reasoning faithfulness. The reasoners focus on providing solutions with human-like causality to solve open-domain problems. On the other hand, the \textit{evaluator} agent scrutinizes if a solution is deducible from a non-causal perspective and if it still holds when challenged by a counterfactual candidate. According to the extensive and comprehensive evaluations on a variety of knowledge reasoning tasks (e.g., science question answering and commonsense reasoning), our framework outperforms all compared state-of-the-art approaches by large margins.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. 4 table

    Antioksidacijski kapacitet jetrenih proteina odojka i njihovih hidrolizata, te njihov učinak in vitro na inhibiciju steatoze

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    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis is a potentially progressive hepatic disorder that can lead to end-stage liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma. The inhibitory effects of proteins and hydrolysates from the liver of newborn piglets on hepatic steatosis in oleic acid-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells were investigated in vitro. The extracted proteins from the liver of newborn piglets were hydrolysed with papain, pepsin, trypsin and Alcalase. Based on the comparison of different enzyme digestion conditions, a protein hydrolysis protocol was established to obtain hydrolysates with lipid-lowering effect. Trypsin-digested liver protein hydrolysate from newborn piglets exhibited strong antioxidant activity and good inhibitory effects against lipogenesis and cholesterol accumulation in HepG2 cells at the concentration of 150 μg/mL, with a triglyceride decrease of (43±3) % and cholesterol decrease of (31±5) %, compared with model group induced with 0.75 mM oleic acid. The addition of trypsin-digested liver protein hydrolysate from newborn piglets (300 μg/mL) decreased alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activities and increased superoxide dismutase activity. This study demonstrated that the trypsin-digested liver protein hydrolysate from newborn piglets has a potential preventive effect against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in its early stage, and a potential use as the modulator of lipid overaccumulation in form of food supplements.Pozadina istraživanja. Nealkoholni steatohepatitis je progresivna bolest jetre koja može dovesti do terminalnog stadija bolesti i pojave hepatocelularnog karcinoma. Provedeno je ispitivanje in vitro učinka jetrenih proteina odojka i njihovih hidrolizata na inhibiciju steatoze u stanicama hepatocelularnog karcinoma induciranog oleinskom kiselinom (HepG2). Eksperimentalni pristup. Proteini su izdvojeni iz jetre odojaka i hidrolizirani pomoću papaina, pepsina, tripsina i alkalaze. Usporedbom različitih uvjeta enzimske razgradnje stvoren je protokol hidrolize proteina za dobivanje hidrolizata koji smanjuju količinu masnoća u krvi. Rezultati i zaključci. Hidrolizati jetrenih proteina odojka dobiveni pomoću 150 μg/mL tripsina imali su izražen antioksidacijski učinak i dobro svojstvo inhibicije lipogeneze i nakupljanja kolesterola u HepG2 stanicama, te su smanjili udjel triglicerida za (43±3) % i kolesterola za (31±5) %, u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom stanica karcinoma induciranog pomoću 0,75 mM oleinske kiseline. Dodatkom 300 μg/mL hidrolizata proteina dobivenog pomoću tripsina smanjila se aktivnost alanin aminotransferaze i aspartat aminotransferaze, a povećala aktivnost superoksid dismutaze. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. U radu je dokazano da hidrolizat jetrenih proteina odojka dobiven pomoću tripsina može u ranoj fazi prevenirati nealkoholnu bolest masne jetre, te se primijeniti kao dodatak hrani za regulaciju prekomjernog nakupljanja lipida