1,246 research outputs found

    Compensation of thermal nonlinearity effect in optical resonators

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    Thermal nonlinearity is known to cause bistability in Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) resonators and to destabilize the red slope of the Lorentzian resonant curve. We demonstrate an optical technique that allows compensation of the thermal effect and forces the resonances to appear linear with both red and blue slopes stable

    The optical gain lever: A novel gain mechanism in the direct modulation of quantum well semiconductor lasers

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    A new gain mechanism active in certain quantum well laser diode structures is demonstrated and explained theoretically. It enhances the modulation amplitude produced by either optical or electrical modulation of quantum well structures. In the devices tested, power gains of 6 dB were measured from low frequency to frequencies of several gigahertz. Higher gains may be possible in optimized structures

    Analysis of Potential Co-Benefits for Bicyclist Crash Imminent Braking Systems

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    In the US, the number of traffic fatalities has had a long term downward trend as a result of advances in the crash worthiness of vehicles. However, these improvements in crash worthiness do little to protect other vulnerable road users such as pedestrians or bicyclists. Several manufacturers have developed a new generation of crash avoidance systems that attempt to recognize and mitigate imminent crashes with non-motorists. While the focus of these systems has been on pedestrians where they can make meaningful contributions to improved safety [1], recent designs of these systems have recognized mitigating bicyclist crashes as a potential co-benefit. This paper evaluates the performance of one system that is currently available for consumer purchase. Because the vehicle manufacturer does not claim effectiveness for their system under all crash geometries, we focus our attention on the crash scenario that has the highest social cost in the US: the cyclist and vehicle on parallel paths being struck from behind. Our analysis of co benefits examines the ability to reduce three measures: number of crashes, fatalities, and a comprehensive measure for social cost that incorporates morbidity and mortality. Test track simulations under realistic circumstances with a realistic surrogate bicyclist target are conducted. Empirical models are developed for system performance and potential benefits for injury and fatality reduction. These models identify three key variables in the analysis: vehicle speed, cyclist speed and cyclist age as key determinants of potential co-benefits. We find that the evaluated system offers only limited benefits for any but the oldest bicycle riders for our tested scenario

    Millennial slip rate of the Longitudinal Valley fault from river terraces: Implications for convergence across the active suture of eastern Taiwan

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    The Longitudinal Valley fault is a key element in the active tectonics of Taiwan. It is the principal structure accommodating convergence across one of the two active sutures of the Taiwan orogeny. To understand more precisely its role in the suturing process, we analyzed fluvial terraces along the Hsiukuluan River, which cuts across the Coastal Range in eastern Taiwan in the fault's hanging wall block. This allowed us to determine both its subsurface geometry and its long-term slip rate. The uplift pattern of the terraces is consistent with a fault-bend fold model. Our analysis yields a listric geometry, with dips decreasing downdip from about 50° to about 30° in the shallowest 2.5 km. The Holocene rate of dip slip of the fault is about 22.7 mm/yr. This rate is less than the 40 mm/yr rate of shortening across the Longitudinal Valley derived from GPS measurements. The discrepancy may reflect an actual difference in millennial and decadal rates of convergence. An alternative explanation is that the discrepancy is accommodated by a combination of slip on the Central Range fault and subsidence of the Longitudinal Valley floor. The shallow, listric geometry of the Longitudinal Valley fault at the Hsiukuluan River valley differs markedly from the deep listric geometry illuminated by earthquake hypocenters near Chihshang, 45 km to the south. We hypothesize that this fundamental along-strike difference in geometry of the fault is a manifestation of the northward maturation of the suturing of the Luzon volcanic arc to the Central Range continental sliver

    Compositional modulation in AlxGa1−xAs epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on the (111) facets of grooves in a nonplanar substrate

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    We report the first observation of a lateral junction formed in an alloy due to an abrupt transition from segregated to random AlGaAs alloy compositions. Al0.25Ga0.75As epilayers were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on [011-bar] oriented grooves in a nonplanar (100) GaAs substrate. A quasi-periodic modulation of the aluminum concentration occurs spontaneously in material grown on the (111) facets of the groove, with a period of 50–70 Å along the [111] direction. The compositional modulation is associated with a reduction of the band gap by 130 meV, with respect to the random alloy. While segregation of the AlGaAs alloy has been seen previously, this is the first observation of segregation of AlGaAs grown on a (111) surface. The compositional modulation terminates abruptly at the boundaries of the (111) facet, forming abrupt lateral junctions in the AlGaAs layers grown on a groove

    Cathodoluminescence measurement of an orientation dependent aluminum concentration in AlxGa1−xAs epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy on a nonplanar substrate

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    Cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscopy is used to study AlxGa1−x As epilayers grown on a nonplanar substrate by molecular beam epitaxy. Grooves parallel to the [011-bar] direction were etched in an undoped GaAs substrate. Growth on such grooves proceeds on particular facet planes. We find that the aluminum concentration in the epilayers is dependent on the facet orientation, changing by as much as 35% from the value in the unpatterned areas. The transition in the aluminum concentration at a boundary between two facets is observed to be very abrupt

    Re-evaluation of the surface ruptures of the November 1951 earthquake series in eastern Taiwan, and its neotectonic implications

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    The earthquakes of November 1951 constitute the most destructive seismic episode in the recorded history of the Longitudinal Valley, eastern Taiwan. However, information about their source parameters is sparse. To understand the relationship between the 1951 ruptures and new interpretations of the regional neotectonic architecture of the Longitudinal Valley, we re-evaluated the November 1951 ruptures by analyzing old documents, reports and photographs, and by interviewing local residents who experienced the earthquake. As a result, we have revised significantly the rupture map previously published. We divide the surface ruptures from south to north into the Chihshang, Yuli, and Rueisuei sections. The first shock of the 1951 series probably resulted from the Chihshang rupture, and the second shock probably resulted from the Yuli and Rueisuei ruptures. The lengths of these ruptures indicate that the two shocks had similar magnitudes. The Chihshang and Rueisuei ruptures are along segments of the Longitudinal Valley fault, a left-lateral oblique fault along which the Coastal Range thrusts westward over the Longitudinal Valley. The Yuli rupture, on the other hand, appears to be part of a separate, left-lateral strike-slip Yuli fault, which traverses the middle of the Longitudinal Valley. The complex behavior of these structures and interaction between them are important in understanding the future seismic hazard of the area

    Chemically etched ultrahigh-Q wedge-resonator on a silicon chip

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    Ultrahigh-Q optical resonators are being studied across a wide range of fields, including quantum information, nonlinear optics, cavity optomechanics and telecommunications. Here, we demonstrate a new resonator with a record Q-factor of 875 million for on-chip devices. The fabrication of our device avoids the requirement for a specialized processing step, which in microtoroid resonators8 has made it difficult to control their size and achieve millimetre- and centimetre-scale diameters. Attaining these sizes is important in applications such as microcombs and potentially also in rotation sensing. As an application of size control, stimulated Brillouin lasers incorporating our device are demonstrated. The resonators not only set a new benchmark for the Q-factor on a chip, but also provide, for the first time, full compatibility of this important device class with conventional semiconductor processing. This feature will greatly expand the range of possible ‘system on a chip’ functions enabled by ultrahigh-Q devices

    Design and characterization of whispering-gallery spiral waveguides

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    Whispering gallery delay lines have demonstrated record propagation length on a silicon chip and can provide a way to transfer certain applications of optical fiber to wafer-based systems. Their design and fabrication requires careful control of waveguide curvature and etching conditions to minimize connection losses between elements of the delay line. Moreover, loss characterization based on optical backscatter requires normalization to account for the impact of curvature on backscatter rate. In this paper we provide details on design of Archimedean whispering-gallery spiral waveguides, their coupling into cascaded structures, as well as optical loss characterization by optical backscatter reflectometry