26,911 research outputs found
iTrace: An Implicit Trust Inference Method for Trust-aware Collaborative Filtering
The growth of Internet commerce has stimulated the use of collaborative
filtering (CF) algorithms as recommender systems. A collaborative filtering
(CF) algorithm recommends items of interest to the target user by leveraging
the votes given by other similar users. In a standard CF framework, it is
assumed that the credibility of every voting user is exactly the same with
respect to the target user. This assumption is not satisfied and thus may lead
to misleading recommendations in many practical applications. A natural
countermeasure is to design a trust-aware CF (TaCF) algorithm, which can take
account of the difference in the credibilities of the voting users when
performing CF. To this end, this paper presents a trust inference approach,
which can predict the implicit trust of the target user on every voting user
from a sparse explicit trust matrix. Then an improved CF algorithm termed
iTrace is proposed, which takes advantage of both the explicit and the
predicted implicit trust to provide recommendations with the CF framework. An
empirical evaluation on a public dataset demonstrates that the proposed
algorithm provides a significant improvement in recommendation quality in terms
of mean absolute error (MAE).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl
Distinct neural substrates of visuospatial and verbal-analytic reasoning as assessed by Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices
Recent studies revealed spontaneous neural activity to be associated with fluid intelligence (gF) which is commonly assessed by Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices, and embeds two types of reasoning: visuospatial and verbal-analytic reasoning. With resting-state fMRI data, using global brain connectivity (GBC) analysis which averages functional connectivity of a voxel in relation to all other voxels in the brain, distinct neural correlates of these two reasoning types were found. For visuospatial reasoning, negative correlations were observed in both the primary visual cortex (PVC) and the precuneus, and positive correlations were observed in the temporal lobe. For verbal-analytic reasoning, negative correlations were observed in the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG), dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and temporoparietal junction, and positive correlations were observed in the angular gyrus. Furthermore, an interaction between GBC value and type of reasoning was found in the PVC, rIFG and the temporal lobe. These findings suggest that visuospatial reasoning benefits more from elaborate perception to stimulus features, whereas verbal-analytic reasoning benefits more from feature integration and hypothesis testing. In sum, the present study offers, for different types of reasoning in gF, first empirical evidence of separate neural substrates in the resting brain
A Program Logic for Verifying Secure Routing Protocols
The Internet, as it stands today, is highly vulnerable to attacks. However,
little has been done to understand and verify the formal security guarantees of
proposed secure inter-domain routing protocols, such as Secure BGP (S-BGP). In
this paper, we develop a sound program logic for SANDLog-a declarative
specification language for secure routing protocols for verifying properties of
these protocols. We prove invariant properties of SANDLog programs that run in
an adversarial environment. As a step towards automated verification, we
implement a verification condition generator (VCGen) to automatically extract
proof obligations. VCGen is integrated into a compiler for SANDLog that can
generate executable protocol implementations; and thus, both verification and
empirical evaluation of secure routing protocols can be carried out in this
unified framework. To validate our framework, we encoded several proposed
secure routing mechanisms in SANDLog, verified variants of path authenticity
properties by manually discharging the generated verification conditions in
Coq, and generated executable code based on SANDLog specification and ran the
code in simulation
Probing QCD critical fluctuations from light nuclei production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Based on the coalescence model for light nuclei production, we show that the
yield ratio of
, d, and H in heavy-ion collisions is sensitive to the neutron relative
density fluctuation
at kinetic freeze-out. From recent experimental data in central Pb+Pb
collisions at ~GeV, ~GeV, ~GeV, ~GeV and
~GeV measured by the NA49 Collaboration at the CERN Super Proton
Synchrotron (SPS), we find a possible non-monotonic behavior of as a
function of the collision energy with a peak at ~GeV,
indicating that the density fluctuations become the largest in collisions at
this energy. With the known chemical freeze-out conditions determined from the
statistical model fit to experimental data, we obtain a chemical freeze-out
temperature of MeV and baryon chemical potential of MeV
at this collision energy, which are close to the critical endpoint in the QCD
phase diagram predicted by various theoretical studies. Our results thus
suggest the potential usefulness of the yield ratio of light nuclei in
relativistic heavy-ion collisions as a direct probe of the large density
fluctuations associated with the QCD critical phenomena.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables. Correlations between neutron and proton
density fluctuations considered and presentation improved. Accepted version
to appear in PL
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