9,479 research outputs found

    Quantification of three-dimensional orthodontic force systems of T-loop archwires

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    Objective: To demonstrate the three-dimensional (3D) orthodontic force systems of three commercial closing T-loop archwires using a new method and to quantify the force systems of the T-loop archwires. Materials and Methods: An orthodontic force tester (OFT) and a custom-made dentoform were developed to measure force systems. The system simulated the clinical environment for an orthodontic patient requiring space closure, which included measurement of three force components along, and three moment components about, three clinically defined axes on two target teeth. The archwires were attached to the dentoform and were activated following a standard clinical procedure. The resulting force system was measured using the OFT. Results: The force systems of the T-loops on the teeth were 3D. Activation in one direction resulted in force and moment components in other directions (side effects). The six force and moment components as well as the moment-to-force ratios in the clinically defined coordinate system were quantified. Conclusions: The commercial archwires do not provide force systems for pure translation. Quantification of the force system is critical for the selection and design of optimal orthodontic appliances

    Scaling in directed dynamical small-world networks with random responses

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    A dynamical model of small-world network, with directed links which describe various correlations in social and natural phenomena, is presented. Random responses of every site to the imput message are introduced to simulate real systems. The interplay of these ingredients results in collective dynamical evolution of a spin-like variable S(t) of the whole network. In the present model, global average spreading length \langel L >_s and average spreading time _s are found to scale as p^-\alpha ln N with different exponents. Meanwhile, S behaves in a duple scaling form for N>>N^*: S ~ f(p^-\beta q^\gamma t'_sc), where p and q are rewiring and external parameters, \alpha, \beta, \gamma and f(t'_sc) are scaling exponents and universal functions, respectively. Possible applications of the model are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 Figure

    Electronic Structure in Gapped Graphene with Coulomb Potential

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    In this paper, we numerically study the bound electron states induced by long range Coulomb impurity in gapped graphene and the quasi-bound states in supercritical region based on the lattice model. We present a detailed comparison between our numerical simulations and the prediction of the continuum model which is described by the Dirac equation in (2+1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). We also use the Fano's formalism to investigate the quasi-bound state development and design an accessible experiments to test the decay of the supercritical vacuum in the gapped graphene.Comment: 5 page, 4 figure

    Thermodynamics of spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates

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    In this paper we develop a quantum field approach to reveal the thermodynamic properties of the trapped BEC with the equal Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings. In the experimentally-feasible regime, the phase transition from the separate phase to the single minimum phase can be well driven by the tunable temperature. Moreover, the critical temperature, which is independent of the trapped potential, can be derived exactly. At the critical point, the specific heat has a large jump and can be thus regarded as a promising candidate to detect this temperature-driven phase transition. In addition, we obtain the analytical expressions for the specific heat and the entropy in the different phases. In the single minimum phase, the specific heat as well as the entropy are governed only by the Rabi frequency. However, in the separate phase with lower temperature, we find that they are determined only by the strength of spin-orbit coupling. Finally, the effect of the effective atom interaction is also addressed. In the separate phase, this effective atom interaction affects dramatically on the critical temperature and the corresponding thermodynamic properties.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure
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