29,524 research outputs found

    Observation of valley Landau-Zener-Bloch oscillations and pseudospin imbalance in photonic graphene

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    We demonstrate inter-valley Bloch oscillation (BO) and Landau-Zener tunneling (LZT) in an optically-induced honeycomb lattice with a refractive index gradient. Unlike previously observed BO in a gapped square lattice, we show non-adiabatic beam dynamics that are highly sensitive to the direction of the index gradient and the choice of the Dirac cones. In particular, a symmetry-preserving potential leads to nearly perfect LZT and coherent BO between the inequivalent valleys, whereas a symmetry-breaking potential generates asymmetric scattering, imperfect LZT, and valley-sensitive generation of vortices mediated by a pseudospin imbalance. This clearly indicates that, near the Dirac points, the transverse gradient does not always act as a simple scalar force as commonly assumed, and the LZT probability is strongly affected by the sublattice symmetry as analyzed from an effective Landau-Zener Hamiltonian. Our results illustrate the anisotropic response of an otherwise isotropic Dirac platform to real-space potentials acting as strong driving fields, which may be useful for manipulation of pseudospin and valley degrees of freedom in graphene-like systems

    Kaon and pion parton distribution amplitudes to twist-three

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    We compute all kaon and pion parton distribution amplitudes (PDAs) to twist-three and find that only the pseudotensor PDA can reasonably be approximated by its conformal limit expression. At terrestrially accessible energy scales, the twist-two and pseudoscalar twist-three PDAs differ significantly from those functions commonly associated with their forms in QCD's conformal limit. In all amplitudes studied, SU(3) flavour-symmetry breaking is typically a 13% effect. This scale is determined by nonperturbative dynamics; namely, the current-quark-mass dependence of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. The heavier-quark is favoured by this distortion, for example, support is shifted to the s-quark in the negative kaon. It appears, therefore, that at energy scales accessible with existing and foreseeable facilities, one may obtain reliable expectations for experimental outcomes by using these "strongly dressed" PDAs in formulae for hard exclusive processes. Following this procedure, any discrepancies between experiment and theory will be significantly smaller than those produced by using the conformal-limit PDAs. Moreover, the magnitude of any disagreement will either be a better estimate of higher-order, higher-twist effects or provide more realistic constraints on the Standard Model.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1406.335

    Bond distortion effects and electric orders in spiral multiferroic magnets

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    We study in this paper bond distortion effect on electric polarization in spiral multiferroic magnets based on cluster and chain models. The bond distortion break inversion symmetry and modify the dd-pp hybridization. Consequently, it will affect electric polarization which can be divided into spin-current part and lattice-mediated part. The spin-current polarization can be written in terms of ei,j×(ei×ej)\vec{e}_{i,j}\times(\vec{e}_{i}\times\vec{e}_{j}) and the lattice-mediated polarization exists only when the M-O-M bond is distorted. The electric polarization for three-atom M-O-M and four-atom M-O2_{2}-M clusters is calculated. We also study possible electric ordering in three kinds of chains made of different clusters. We apply our theory to multiferroics cuprates and find that the results are in agreement with experimental observations.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Teleportation of an arbitrary multipartite state via photonic Faraday rotation

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    We propose a practical scheme for deterministically teleporting an arbitrary multipartite state, either product or entangled, using Faraday rotation of the photonic polarization. Our scheme, based on the input-output process of single-photon pulses regarding cavities, works in low-Q cavities and only involves virtual excitation of the atoms, which is insensitive to both cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission. Besides, the Bell-state measurement is accomplished by the Faraday rotation plus product-state measurements, which could much relax the experimental difficulty to realize the Bell-state measurement by the CNOT operation.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures

    Theory of the Three-Group Evolutionary Minority Game

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    Based on the adiabatic theory for the evolutionary minority game (EMG) that we proposed earlier[1], we perform a detail analysis of the EMG limited to three groups of agents. We derive a formula for the critical point of the transition from segregation (into opposing groups) to clustering (towards cautious behaviors). Particular to the three-group EMG, the strategy switching in the "extreme" group does not occur at every losing step and is strongly intermittent. This leads to an correction to the critical value of the number of agents at the transition, NcN_c. Our expression for NcN_c is in agreement with the results obtained from our numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages and 2 figure