281,385 research outputs found

    Macroscale boundary conditions for a non-linear heat exchanger

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    Multiscale modelling methodologies build macroscale models of materials with complicated fine microscale structure. We propose a methodology to derive boundary conditions for the macroscale model of a prototypical non-linear heat exchanger. The derived macroscale boundary conditions improve the accuracy of macroscale model. We verify the new boundary conditions by numerical methods. The techniques developed here can be adapted to a wide range of multiscale reaction-diffusion-advection systems

    Radiative Bulk Viscosity

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    Viscous resistance to changes in the volume of a gas arises when different degrees of freedom have different relaxation times. Collisions tend to oppose the resulting departures from equilibrium and, in so doing, generate entropy. Even for a classical gas of hard spheres, when the mean free paths or mean flight times of constituent particles are long, we find a nonvanishing bulk viscosity. Here we apply a method recently used to uncover this result for a classical rarefied gas to radiative transfer theory and derive an expression for the radiative stress tensor for a gray medium with absorption and Thomson scattering. We determine the transport coefficients through the calculation of the comoving entropy generation. When scattering dominates absorption, the bulk viscosity becomes much larger than either the shear viscosity or the thermal conductivity.Comment: 17 pages. Latex with referee style file of MNRAS (mn.sty). MNRAS, in pres

    Ground resonance analysis using a substructure modeling approach

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    A convenient and versatile procedure for modeling and analyzing ground resonance phenomena is described and illustrated. A computer program is used which dynamically couples differential equations with nonlinear and time dependent coefficients. Each set of differential equations may represent a component such as a rotor, fuselage, landing gear, or a failed damper. Arbitrary combinations of such components may be formulated into a model of a system. When the coupled equations are formed, a procedure is executed which uses a Floquet analysis to determine the stability of the system. Illustrations of the use of the procedures along with the numerical examples are presented

    Retardation Terms in The One-Gluon Exchange Potential

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    It is pointed out that the retardation terms given in the original Fermi-Breit potential vanish in the center of mass frame. The retarded one-gluon exchange potential is rederived in this paper from the three-dimensional one-gluon exchange kernel which appears in the exact three-dimensional relativistic equation for quark-antiquark bound states. The retardation part of the potential given in the approximation of order p2/m2p^2/m^2 is shown to be different from those derived in the previous literature. This part is off-shell and does no longer vanish in the center of mass frame

    Observations of ozone production in a dissipating tropical convective cell during TC4

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    From 13 July–9 August 2007, 25 ozonesondes were launched from Las Tablas, Panama as part of the Tropical Composition, Cloud, and Climate Coupling (TC4) mission. On 5 August, a strong convective cell formed in the Gulf of Panama. World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) data indicated 563 flashes (09:00–17:00 UTC) in the Gulf. NO2 data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) show enhancements, suggesting lightning production of NOx. At 15:05 UTC, an ozonesonde ascended into the southern edge of the now dissipating convective cell as it moved west across the Azuero Peninsula. The balloon oscillated from 2.5–5.1 km five times (15:12–17:00 UTC), providing a unique examination of ozone (O3) photochemistry on the edge of a convective cell. Ozone increased at a rate of 1.6–4.6 ppbv/hr between the first and last ascent, resulting cell wide in an increase of (2.1–2.5)×106 moles of O3. This estimate agrees to within a factor of two of our estimates of photochemical lightning O3 production from the WWLLN flashes, from the radar-inferred lightning flash data, and from the OMI NO2 data (1.2, 1.0, and 1.7×106 moles, respectively), though all estimates have large uncertainties. Examination of DC-8 in situ and lidar O3 data gathered around the Gulf that day suggests 70–97% of the O3 change occurred in 2.5–5.1 km layer. A photochemical box model initialized with nearby TC4 aircraft trace gas data suggests these O3 production rates are possible with our present understanding of photochemistry

    Combined Modality Therapies for High-Risk Prostate Cancer: Narrative Review of Current Understanding and New Directions.

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    Despite the many prospective randomized trials that have been available in the past decade regarding the optimization of radiation, hormonal, and surgical therapies for high-risk prostate cancer (PCa), many questions remain. There is currently a lack of level I evidence regarding the relative efficacy of radical prostatectomy (RP) followed by adjuvant radiation compared to radiation therapy (RT) combined with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) for high-risk PCa. Current retrospective series have also described an improvement in biochemical outcomes and PCa-specific mortality through the use of augmented radiation strategies incorporating brachytherapy. The relative efficacy of modern augmented RT compared to RP is still incompletely understood. We present a narrative review regarding recent advances in understanding regarding comparisons of overall and PCa-specific mortality measures among patients with high-risk PCa treated with either an RP/adjuvant RT or an RT/ADT approach. We give special consideration to recent trends toward the assembly of multi-institutional series targeted at providing high-quality data to minimize the effects of residual confounding. We also provide a narrative review of recent studies examining brachytherapy boost and systemic therapies, as well as an overview of currently planned and ongoing studies that will further elucidate strategies for treatment optimization over the next decade
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