791 research outputs found

    Adaptive Domain Generalization via Online Disagreement Minimization

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    Deep neural networks suffer from significant performance deterioration when there exists distribution shift between deployment and training. Domain Generalization (DG) aims to safely transfer a model to unseen target domains by only relying on a set of source domains. Although various DG approaches have been proposed, a recent study named DomainBed, reveals that most of them do not beat the simple Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM). To this end, we propose a general framework that is orthogonal to existing DG algorithms and could improve their performance consistently. Unlike previous DG works that stake on a static source model to be hopefully a universal one, our proposed AdaODM adaptively modifies the source model at test time for different target domains. Specifically, we create multiple domain-specific classifiers upon a shared domain-generic feature extractor. The feature extractor and classifiers are trained in an adversarial way, where the feature extractor embeds the input samples into a domain-invariant space, and the multiple classifiers capture the distinct decision boundaries that each of them relates to a specific source domain. During testing, distribution differences between target and source domains could be effectively measured by leveraging prediction disagreement among source classifiers. By fine-tuning source models to minimize the disagreement at test time, target domain features are well aligned to the invariant feature space. We verify AdaODM on two popular DG methods, namely ERM and CORAL, and four DG benchmarks, namely VLCS, PACS, OfficeHome, and TerraIncognita. The results show AdaODM stably improves the generalization capacity on unseen domains and achieves state-of-the-art performance.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Adv3D: Generating 3D Adversarial Examples in Driving Scenarios with NeRF

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been proven extremely susceptible to adversarial examples, which raises special safety-critical concerns for DNN-based autonomous driving stacks (i.e., 3D object detection). Although there are extensive works on image-level attacks, most are restricted to 2D pixel spaces, and such attacks are not always physically realistic in our 3D world. Here we present Adv3D, the first exploration of modeling adversarial examples as Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). Advances in NeRF provide photorealistic appearances and 3D accurate generation, yielding a more realistic and realizable adversarial example. We train our adversarial NeRF by minimizing the surrounding objects' confidence predicted by 3D detectors on the training set. Then we evaluate Adv3D on the unseen validation set and show that it can cause a large performance reduction when rendering NeRF in any sampled pose. To generate physically realizable adversarial examples, we propose primitive-aware sampling and semantic-guided regularization that enable 3D patch attacks with camouflage adversarial texture. Experimental results demonstrate that the trained adversarial NeRF generalizes well to different poses, scenes, and 3D detectors. Finally, we provide a defense method to our attacks that involves adversarial training through data augmentation. Project page: https://len-li.github.io/adv3d-we

    Rethinking Rendering in Generalizable Neural Surface Reconstruction: A Learning-based Solution

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    Generalizable neural surface reconstruction techniques have attracted great attention in recent years. However, they encounter limitations of low confidence depth distribution and inaccurate surface reasoning due to the oversimplified volume rendering process employed. In this paper, we present Reconstruction TRansformer (ReTR), a novel framework that leverages the transformer architecture to redesign the rendering process, enabling complex photon-particle interaction modeling. It introduces a learnable meta-ray token and utilizes the cross-attention mechanism to simulate the interaction of photons with sampled points and render the observed color. Meanwhile, by operating within a high-dimensional feature space rather than the color space, ReTR mitigates sensitivity to projected colors in source views. Such improvements result in accurate surface assessment with high confidence. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on various datasets, showcasing how our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art approaches in terms of reconstruction quality and generalization ability.Comment: 18 pages, 11 Figures, Our code will be released at https://github.com/YixunLiang/ReT

    A WOA-based optimization approach for task scheduling in cloud Computing systems

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    Task scheduling in cloud computing can directly affect the resource usage and operational cost of a system. To improve the efficiency of task executions in a cloud, various metaheuristic algorithms, as well as their variations, have been proposed to optimize the scheduling. In this work, for the first time, we apply the latest metaheuristics WOA (the whale optimization algorithm) for cloud task scheduling with a multiobjective optimization model, aiming at improving the performance of a cloud system with given computing resources. On that basis, we propose an advanced approach called IWC (Improved WOA for Cloud task scheduling) to further improve the optimal solution search capability of the WOA-based method. We present the detailed implementation of IWC and our simulation-based experiments show that the proposed IWC has better convergence speed and accuracy in searching for the optimal task scheduling plans, compared to the current metaheuristic algorithms. Moreover, it can also achieve better performance on system resource utilization, in the presence of both small and large-scale tasks

    High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction via Deep Explicit Polynomial Curve Estimation

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    Due to limited camera capacities, digital images usually have a narrower dynamic illumination range than real-world scene radiance. To resolve this problem, High Dynamic Range (HDR) reconstruction is proposed to recover the dynamic range to better represent real-world scenes. However, due to different physical imaging parameters, the tone-mapping functions between images and real radiance are highly diverse, which makes HDR reconstruction extremely challenging. Existing solutions can not explicitly clarify a corresponding relationship between the tone-mapping function and the generated HDR image, but this relationship is vital when guiding the reconstruction of HDR images. To address this problem, we propose a method to explicitly estimate the tone mapping function and its corresponding HDR image in one network. Firstly, based on the characteristics of the tone mapping function, we construct a model by a polynomial to describe the trend of the tone curve. To fit this curve, we use a learnable network to estimate the coefficients of the polynomial. This curve will be automatically adjusted according to the tone space of the Low Dynamic Range (LDR) image, and reconstruct the real HDR image. Besides, since all current datasets do not provide the corresponding relationship between the tone mapping function and the LDR image, we construct a new dataset with both synthetic and real images. Extensive experiments show that our method generalizes well under different tone-mapping functions and achieves SOTA performance