76 research outputs found

    Increasing utilization of Internet-based resources following efforts to promote evidence-based medicine: a national study in Taiwan

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    BACKGROUND: Since the beginning of 2007, the National Health Research Institutes has been promoting the dissemination of evidence-based medicine (EBM). The current study examined longitudinal trends of behaviors in how hospital-based physicians and nurses have searched for medical information during the spread of EBM. METHODS: Cross-sectional postal questionnaire surveys were conducted in nationally representative regional hospitals of Taiwan thrice in 2007, 2009, and 2011. Demographic data were gathered concerning gender, age, working experience, teaching appointment, academic degree, and administrative position. Linear and logistic regression models were used to examine predictors and changes over time. RESULTS: Data from physicians and nurses were collected in 2007 (n = 1156), 2009 (n = 2975), and 2011 (n = 3999). There were significant increases in the use of four Internet-based resources – Web portals, online databases, electronic journals, and electronic books – across the three survey years among physicians and nurses (p < 0.001). Access to textbooks and printed journals, however, did not change over the 4-year study period. In addition, there were significant relationships between the usage of Internet-based resources and users’ characteristics. Age and faculty position were important predictors in relation to the usage among physicians and nurses, while academic degree served as a critical factor among nurses only. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians and nurses used a variety of sources to look for medical information. There was a steady increase in use of Internet-based resources during the diffusion period of EBM. The findings highlight the importance of the Internet as a prominent source of medical information for main healthcare professionals

    A reporting tool for practice guidelines in healthcare: the RIGHT Statement

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    The quality of reporting of practice guidelines is often poor and there is no widely accepted guidance or standards for the reporting of practice guidelines in healthcare. An international working group (the RIGHT working group) was therefore established to address this gap. The group followed an existing framework for developing health research reporting guidelines and the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network approach. We developed a checklist and an explanation and elaboration document. The RIGHT checklist includes 22 items that we consider essential for good reporting of practice guidelines. These items encompass basic information (items 1-4), background (items 5-9), evidence (items 10-12), recommendations (items 13-15), review and quality assurance (items 16-17), funding and declaration and management of interests (items 18-19), and other information (items 20-22). The RIGHT checklist can assist developers when reporting their guidelines, support journal editors and peer reviewers when considering guideline reports, and help healthcare practitioners understand and implement a guideline


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    Kvaliteta objavljenih kliničkih smjernica često je niska te ne postoje široko prihvaćene upute ili standardi za takav oblik publikacije u zdravstvenoj skrbi. Međunarodna radna skupina RIGHT (Reporting Items for practice Guidelines in HealThcare) uspostavljena je radi rješavanja tog problema. Grupa je pratila postojeći radni okvir za razvoj smjernica ­namijenjenih prikazu rezultata zdravstvenih istraživanja i pristupu mreži EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research). Sastavljen je popis za provjeru i dokument s objašnjenjima i argumentima. Popis za provjeru RIGHT sastoji se od 22 elementa koje smatramo nužnima za dobro sastavljene kliničke smjernice: osnovni podaci (ele­menti 1 do 4), povjesnica (elementi 5 do 9), dokazi (elementi 10 do 12), preporuke (elementi 13 do 15), vrjednovanje i kontrola kvalitete (elementi 16 i 17), financiranje, izjava o upravljanju i upravljanje sukobom interesa (elementi 18 i 19) i ostale informacije (elementi 20 do 22). Popis za provjeru RIGHT može pomoći autorima u razvoju smjernica, urednicima časopisa i stručnim recenzentima pri njihovu razmatranju za objavu, a zdravstvenim djelatnicima u razumijevanju i primjeni smjernica

    Association between Egg Consumption and Cholesterol Concentration: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    The association of egg consumption and serum cholesterol concentrations in healthy people has been discussed for a long time. In this study, we aimed to explore association of egg consumption with on low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) concentrations and the LDL-c/HDL-c ratio through meta-analysis. This systematic review only included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating egg consumption in healthy populations without combination therapy. We extracted mean and standard deviation for LDL-c/HDL-c ratio, LDL-c/HDL-c. The extracted data were pooled in a random-effects model and were presented as mean difference (MD) with 95% confidence interval (CI). Moreover, subgroup analyses were conducted for understanding effects of more egg consumption (MEC) on different intervention periods, egg-consumption levels, classification of responders. Overall, 17 RCTs met the eligibility criteria and pooled results showed MEC group had a higher LDL-c/HDL-c ratio than the control group (MD = 0.14, p = 0.001, I2 = 25%). The MEC group also had higher LDL-c than the control group (MD = 8.14, p &lt; 0.0001, I2 = 18%). Moreover, for the subset of intervention over two months, the MEC group seemed to have a larger effect size than the subset of intervention within two months. This synthesis, the largest meta-analysis on this topic, shows the impact of egg consumption on lipid profiles among healthy subjects. Notably, longer time with MEC may lead to higher LDL-c/HDL-c ratio and LDL-c. However, RCTs with long tern follow-up are needed to guarantee the association between egg consumption and human health

    Asymmetry in sensory-motor function between the lower limbs in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: An observational study

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    The objective of this study was to examine the difference in sensory-motor impairments (i.e., balance, contracture, coordination, strength, spasticity, and sensation) between legs in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. An observational study measured both lower limbs of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy over one session. Six sensory-motor impairments (balance, coordination, strength, spasticity, contracture, and proprioception) were measured. The between-leg differences were analyzed using the paired t-tests and presented as the mean differences (95% confidence interval (CI)). Twenty-four participants aged 10.3 years (standard deviation: 1.3) participated. The affected leg was less than the less-affected leg in terms of the strength of dorsiflexors (mean difference (MD) -2.8 Nm, 95% CI −4.2 to −1.4), plantarflexors (MD -2.6 Nm, 95% CI −4.1 to −1.0), knee extensors (MD -5.3 Nm, 95% CI −10.2 to −0.5) as well as range of ankle dorsiflexion (MD -8 deg, 95% CI −13 to −3), and balance (median difference -11.1, 95% CI −11.6 to −10.6). There was a trend toward a difference in terms of the strength of hip abductors (MD -2.6 Nm, 95% CI −5.3 to 0.1) and coordination (MD -0.20 taps/s, 95% CI −0.42 to 0.01). The legs were similar in terms of the strength of hip extensors (MD 0.3 Nm, 95% CI -4.7 to 5.3), proprioception (MD 1 deg, 95% CI 0 to 2), and spasticity (median difference 0, 95% CI 0 to 0). Examination of the difference in sensory-motor impairments between legs in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy has given us some insights into the deficits in both legs. Not only was balance, strength, and coordination decreased compared with the less-affected leg but also the less-affected leg was markedly decreased compared with typically developing children. Therefore, an intervention aimed at increasing muscle strength and coordination in both legs might have a positive effect, particularly on more challenging physical activities. This may, in turn, lead to successful participation in mainstream sport and recreation

    Developing guideline-based decision support systems using protégé and jess

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    [[abstract]]The Institute of Medicine has identified both computerized physician order entry and electronic prescription as keys to reducing medication errors and improving safety. Many computerized clinical decision support systems can enhance practitioner performance. However, the development of such systems involves a long cycle time that makes it difficult to apply them on a wider scale. This paper presents a suite of guideline modeling and execution tools, built on Protégé, Jess and Java technologies, which are easy to use, and also capable of automatically synthesizing clinical decision support systems for clinical practice guidelines of moderate complexity

    Autologous Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Lower Extremity Wounds: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Lower extremity chronic wounds (LECWs) commonly occur in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Autologous stem cell therapy (ASCT) has emerged as a promising alternative treatment for those who suffered from LECWs. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of ASCT on LECWs. Two authors searched three core databases, and independently identified evidence according to predefined criteria. They also individually assessed the quality of the included randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and extracted data on complete healing rate, amputation rate, and outcomes regarding peripheral circulation. The extracted data were pooled using a random-effects model due to clinical heterogeneity among the included RCTs. A subgroup analysis was further performed according to etiology, source of stem cells, follow-up time, and cell markers. A total of 28 RCTs (n = 1096) were eligible for this study. The pooled results showed that patients receiving ASCT had significantly higher complete healing rates (risk ratio (RR) = 1.67, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.28&ndash;2.19) as compared with those without ASCT. In the CD34+ subgroup, ASCT significantly led to a higher complete healing rate (RR = 2.70, 95% CI 1.50&ndash;4.86), but there was no significant difference in the CD34&minus; subgroup. ASCT through intramuscular injection can significantly improve wound healing in patients with LECWs caused by either DM or critical limb ischemia. Lastly, CD34+ is an important cell marker for potential wound healing. However, more extensive scale and well-designed studies are necessary to explore the details of ASCT and chronic wound healing

    A guideline-based decision support for pharmacological treatment can improve the quality of hyperlipidemia management

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    [[abstract]]Introduction The Institute of Medicine has identified both Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) and Electronic Prescription (EP) as key in reducing medication errors and improving safety. Many computerized clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) improve practitioner performance. However, the development of CDSSs involves a long cycle time that makes it difficult to apply in a wider scope. Methods In this study, we integrated the hyperlipidemia treatment guideline ATP III (Adult Treatment Panel III) in a CPOE of a medical center. The first 200 consecutive patients followed up more than 1 year were recorded for analysis. Results Our study revealed that 130 (65%) patients reached the LDL-C (low density lipoprotein-cholesterol) goal in 1 year. For those who with CDSS finished, 74% reached the LDL-C goal. For those who with CDSS exited, 57% reached the LDL-C goal. The odds ratio is 2.1 (1.2, 3.8) (p = 0.022), which means for those who with CDSS finished can have 2 times of chance to reach the LDL-C goal. The mean of days to attain the LDL-C goal level after initiation of antihyperlipidemia therapy was 175 ± 98 days. 11,806 prescribing records from 8023 patients were collected for analyzing the reasons of prematurely exiting the CDSS. The most frequent reason for exiting the system is “too busy to use”. Conclusion We conclude that a CPOE with CDSS integrated may let more hyperlipidemia patients reach the LDL-C goal. However, data also showed the total prescribing time may increase. The results of a preliminary evaluation are presented to illustrate that the CDSSs can improve the quality of hyperlipidemia management

    Extracting Production Rules for Cerebrovascular Examination Dataset through Mining of Non-Anomalous Association Rules

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    Today, patients generate a massive amount of health records through electronic health records (EHRs). Extracting usable knowledge of patients&rsquo; pathological conditions or diagnoses is essential for the reasoning process in rule-based systems to support the process of clinical decision making. Association rule mining is capable of discovering hidden interesting knowledge and relations among attributes in datasets, including medical datasets, yet is more likely to produce many anomalous rules (i.e., subsumption and circular redundancy) depends on the predefined threshold, which lead to logical errors and affects the reasoning process of rule-based systems. Therefore, the challenge is to develop a method to extract concise rule bases and improve the coverage of non-anomalous rule bases, i.e., one that not only reduces anomalous rules but also finds the most comprehensive rules from the dataset. In this study, we generated non-anomalous association rules (NAARs) from a cerebrovascular examination dataset through several steps: obtaining a frequent closed itemset, generating association rule bases, subsumption checking, and circularity checking, to fit production rules (PRs) in rule-based systems. Toward the end, the rule inferencing part was performed by PROLOG to obtain possible conclusions toward a specific query given by a user. The experiment shows that compared with the traditional method, the proposed method eliminated a significant number of anomalous rules while improving computational time