14,845 research outputs found

    Flash-point prediction for binary partially miscible mixtures of flammable solvents

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    Flash point is the most important variable used to characterize fire and explosion hazard of liquids. Herein, partially miscible mixtures are presented within the context of liquid-liquid extraction processes. This paper describes development of a model for predicting the flash point of binary partially miscible mixtures of flammable solvents. To confirm the predictive efficacy of the derived flash points, the model was verified by comparing the predicted values with the experimental data for the studied mixtures: methanol + octane; methanol + decane; acetone + decane; methanol + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane; and, ethanol + tetradecane. Our results reveal that immiscibility in the two liquid phases should not be ignored in the prediction of flash point. Overall, the predictive results of this proposed model describe the experimental data well. Based on this evidence, therefore, it appears reasonable to suggest potential application for our model in assessment of fire and explosion hazards, and development of inherently safer designs for chemical processes containing binary partially miscible mixtures of flammable solvents

    Effect of stirring on the safety of flammable liquid mixtures

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    Flash point is the most important variable employed to characterize fire and explosion hazard of liquids. The models developed for predicting the flash point of partially miscible mixtures in the literature to date are all based on the assumption of liquid-liquid equilibrium. In real-world environments, however, the liquid-liquid equilibrium assumption does not always hold, such as the collection or accumulation of waste solvents without stirring, where complete stirring for a period of time is usually used to ensure the liquid phases being in equilibrium. This study investigated the effect of stirring on the flash point behavior of binary partially miscible mixtures. Two series of partially miscible binary mixtures were employed to elucidate the effect of stirring. The first series was aqueous-organic mixtures, including water + 1-butanol, water + 2-butanol, water + isobutanol, water + 1-pentanol, and water + octane ; the second series was the mixtures of two flammable solvents, which included methanol + decane, methanol + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane, and methanol + octane. Results reveal that for binary aqueous-organic solutions the flash-point values of unstirred mixtures were located between those of the completely stirred mixtures and those of the flammable component. Therefore, risk assessment could be done based on the flammable component flash point value. However, for the assurance of safety, it is suggested to completely stir those mixtures before handling to reduce the risk


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    Developed from traditional Chinese martial arts, Tai Chi (TC) exercise includes different forms and Push Hands which are more advanced movements. No biomechanical analyses of interactive Push Hands have been found. To analyze the kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic characteristics of Tai Chi Push Hands, an experienced master was asked to defend pushing by another person for three trials. The movements were videotaped and digitized using a motion analysis system combining electromyography and force plate data. The results indicated that a certain postural adjustment was adopted by the master. A clear shift of body weight from the front to the rear foot and larger mediolateral displacement of the center of gravity (COG) was observed. Low activities were in the upper body muscle groups, while higher electromyographic values were in the right rectus femoris and substantially higher activity in the left rectus femoris during the defense. It is concluded that the TC defensive technique includes postural adjustment which slightly changes the pushing force direction, and allows the rear leg to resist the incoming force

    Hashing Neural Video Decomposition with Multiplicative Residuals in Space-Time

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    We present a video decomposition method that facilitates layer-based editing of videos with spatiotemporally varying lighting and motion effects. Our neural model decomposes an input video into multiple layered representations, each comprising a 2D texture map, a mask for the original video, and a multiplicative residual characterizing the spatiotemporal variations in lighting conditions. A single edit on the texture maps can be propagated to the corresponding locations in the entire video frames while preserving other contents' consistencies. Our method efficiently learns the layer-based neural representations of a 1080p video in 25s per frame via coordinate hashing and allows real-time rendering of the edited result at 71 fps on a single GPU. Qualitatively, we run our method on various videos to show its effectiveness in generating high-quality editing effects. Quantitatively, we propose to adopt feature-tracking evaluation metrics for objectively assessing the consistency of video editing. Project page: https://lightbulb12294.github.io/hashing-nvd

    Visualizing the impact of Covid-19 vaccine passports on pedestrian access to metro stations in Hong Kong

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    Pedestrian infrastructures in Hong Kong enable multilevel city life in a vertical metropolis plagued by land scarcity. Public spaces integrated into pedestrian networks play an indispensable role in neighbourhood accessibility. We visualize the impact of the Covid-19 vaccine passport (VP) restrictions on the use of public space on pedestrian accessibility to all 97 metro stations in Hong Kong. Pedestrians without a vaccine passport (PwoVP) need to walk significantly longer alternative routes. Specifically, VP-related access restrictions to indoor walkways have doubled the shortest travel time for PwoVP and a 50% reduction in accessibility of two-thirds of stations


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    The mechanisms enabling the arms to increase standing vertical jump height are investigated by computer simulation. The human models actuated by joint torque generators consist of four/five segments connected by frictionless joints. Simulation initiates from a balanced static posture and ends at jump takeoff. Joint activation timings are optimized to produce maximum Jump height. Jumping performance is enhanced by arm motion in increased mass centre height and takeoff vertical velocity, which contributes about 1/3 and 2/3 to the increased height, respectively. Arm swing also elongates the durations of hip torque generation and ground contact period. Theories explaining the performance enhancement caused by arms are examined. Because shoulder joint force due to arm motion does not precisely reflect in the changes of vertical ground reaction force, the force transmission theory is doubtful. The joint torque/work augmentation theory is accepted at the hip but not knee and ankle because only the hip joint work is considerably increased. Since shoulder joint work is responsible for around half of the additional energy created by arm motion, the pull/impart energy theory is also granted

    Exploring the magnetic properties of the largest single molecule magnets

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    The giant {Mn₇₀} and {Mn₈₄} wheels are the largest nuclearity single-molecule magnets synthesized to date, and understanding their magnetic properties poses a challenge to theory. Starting from first-principles calculations, we explore the magnetic properties and excitations in these wheels using effective spin Hamiltonians. We find that the unusual geometry of the superexchange pathways leads to weakly coupled {Mn₇} subunits carrying an effective S = 2 spin. The spectrum exhibits a hierarchy of energy scales and massive degeneracies, with the lowest-energy excitations arising from Heisenberg-ring-like excitations of the {Mn₇} subunits around the wheel. We further describe how weak longer-range couplings can select the precise spin ground-state of the Mn wheels out of the nearly degenerate ground-state band

    Theoretical prediction of magnetic exchange coupling constants from broken-symmetry coupled cluster calculations

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    Exchange coupling constants (J) are fundamental to the understanding of spin spectra of magnetic systems. Here, we investigate the broken-symmetry (BS) approaches of Noodleman and Yamaguchi in conjunction with coupled cluster (CC) methods to obtain exchange couplings. J values calculated from CC in this fashion converge smoothly toward the full configuration interaction result with increasing level of CC excitation. We compare this BS-CC scheme to the complementary equation-of-motion CC approach on a selection of bridged molecular cases and give results from a few other methodologies for context
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